copq是什么意思 copq的中文翻译、读音、例句

copq是什么意思 copq的中文翻译、读音、例句

'copq'不是单词,是一个缩写词,表示“成本中的质量成本”(Cost Of Poor Quality)。



词组搭配:cost of poor quality


发音拼写:/kɒst əv pʊər ˈkwɒlɪti/


1. Our company has been focusing on reducing COPQ by investing in advanced quality control technologies.(我们公司一直致力于通过投资先进的质量控制技术来减少 COPQ。)

2. The COPQ analysis revealed that poor quality control in the manufacturing process was resulting in significant costs.(COPQ 分析显示,制造过程中质量控制不佳导致了巨额成本。)

3. In order to reduce COPQ, we need to identify the root cause of quality problems and implement effective corrective actions.(为了降低 COPQ,我们需要找出质量问题的根本原因并实施有效的纠正措施。)

4. The COPQ includes not only the cost of repairing defective products, but also the cost of lost sales, rework, and customer complaints.(COPQ 不仅包括修理次品的成本,还包括丧失的销售额、返工成本和客户投诉的成本。)

5. A high COPQ indicates that there are significant quality problems that are impacting the bottom line of the business.(高 COPQ 表明存在重大质量问题,这影响着企业的底线。)

6. The COPQ measurement is a useful tool for identifying areas where quality improvement is needed.(COPQ 测量是识别需要进行质量改进的领域的有用工具。)

7. By reducing COPQ, companies can improve their overall profitability and competitiveness in the market.(通过降低 COPQ,企业可以提高其总体盈利能力和市场竞争力。)


读音:kǒu pí kè

例句:通过减少废品和返工的数量,公司成功地降低了质量成本(copq)并提高了利润。 (By reducing the number of scrap and rework, the company successfully reduced the cost of quality (copq) and increased profits.)

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