laboring是什么意思 laboring的中文翻译、读音、例句

laboring是什么意思 laboring的中文翻译、读音、例句

laboring 是动词 labor 的现在分词形式,表示辛苦工作、劳动或运用力气。其发音为 /ˈleɪbərɪŋ/,重读音节在第一个音节。




- laboring under a misconception:怀有误解

- laboring classes:劳动阶层

- laboring population:劳动人口

- laboring over a task:费尽心思地做某一任务

短语:laboring oar(摇橹)指的是在船上坐在最辛苦的一个摇橹的位置,也形容某人承担了最艰苦的工作。


1. We saw the workers laboring in the fields.(我们看到工人们在田地里辛苦地劳作。)

2. My mother was laboring in the kitchen all day.(我母亲整天在厨房里辛苦地工作。)

3. He was laboring under a heavy burden of debt.(他背负着沉重的债务负担。)

4. The laboring classes are the backbone of the nation.(劳动阶层是国家的脊梁。)

5. The laboring oar fell to him.(最艰苦的工作落在了他的肩上。)

6. He was laboring over a difficult problem.(他费尽心思地解决一个难题。)

7. The laboring population was heavily impacted by the economic downturn.(经济萎靡让劳动人口受到了严重的冲击。)





1. She was laboring under the burden of her responsibilities.


2. The workers were laboring hard at the construction site.


3. The horse was laboring up the steep hill.





例句:To a man laboring under calamity , the heat of his own fire hath sadness in it. (对于一个在不幸中操劳的人来说,他的热情中隐藏着某种悲伤。)


laboring一般作为名词使用,如在laboring class(劳动阶级;劳工阶级)、laboring people([网络] 劳动人民;真实的色彩来表现劳动人民)、laboring under(苦于)等常见短语中出现较多。

laboring class劳动阶级;劳工阶级
laboring people[网络] 劳动人民;真实的色彩来表现劳动人民
laboring under苦于
unemployed laboring populationun. 未就业的工人居民


1. And as she started laboring... a mangy dog walked up beside her. (翻译:他虽然是在工作 送货上门,一个癞皮狗狗走近他。)

2. Conclusion HBIG before laboring can decrease the HBV intrauterine infection rate. (翻译:结论产前应用hbig可降低HBV宫内感染率。)

3. Paul is clearly not laboring for a retirement package that will allow him to live out his old age in a cottage on the Aegean Sea. (翻译:保罗的劳苦,显然并非为了日后优厚的退休福利,让他可以在爱琴海的别墅安享晚年。)

4. Despite the cruel rule of the feudal serfdom , Tibetan laboring people never ceased their resistance struggles. (翻译:面对封建农奴制度的残酷统治,西藏劳动人民从未停止过反抗斗争。)

5. Polish workers and to all laboring people... to draw conclusions from these distressing occurrences. (翻译:波兰工人们和所有的劳动者们... 从这些令人痛苦的事件中得出结论.)

6. The young dwarf prince took work where he could find it, laboring in the villages of men. (翻译:年轻的矮人王子干自己能找到的活儿 在人类村落里劳作)

7. Like Solzhenitsyn laboring in Vermont, I shall beaver away in exile. (翻译:就像索尔仁尼琴在佛蒙特州辛勤劳作,我也将在放逐中努力耕耘)

8. And I would like to ask as well: Dear Chairman Mao, you are an emperor or laboring people! (翻译:顺便问一声:毛主席,您老人家是帝王将相还是劳动人民呢?不敬之处,敬请原谅!)

9. Actually, the laboring man has not leisure for a true integrity day by day; he cannot afford to sustain the manliest relations to men; (翻译:实际上,辛苦劳作的人们没有时间去成为一个完整的人,就这样日复xx日,所以他不能跟人们保持良好的关系;)

10. The woman was laboring with child. (翻译:那个女人在受临产之苦。)

11. And after a while, the lady left... laboring, it seemed to me, under great emotion. (翻译:过了一会儿女士离开了 看起来像是... 很痛苦, 情绪很激动)

12. My mother had never stopped laboring for me, from my birth to my son's birth. (翻译:母亲从未停止过为我付出, 从我出生到我儿子出生。)

13. Sharply falling property prices notwithstanding, welders can be seen laboring on high rise structures at midnight, like stars in the sky. (翻译:那时楼价急跌,但午夜还可见到镕焊工人在高高的钢架上操作,彷佛天上的星星。)

14. Every penny Geum-ja earned from laboring in prison... had to go to pay for her finger operation (翻译:金子在监狱里辛苦挣来的每一文钱 都用来接驳手指手术了)

15. Then she rounded the bend and saw a beautiful sight: a road grader, laboring uphill with its snowplow lowered. (翻译:她咕哝道,然后拐过弯去,只见一幕美丽的画面:一辆平路机正用雪犁一边铲雪,一边向山上驶去。)



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