bing是什么意思 bing的中文翻译、读音、例句

bing是什么意思 bing的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 名词,指疾病、病症

2. 动词,表示搜寻信息

3. 名词,指冰


1. 名词

2. 动词


1. bing! bang! boom!:表示突然的爆炸声或撞击声

2. bing on something:狂吃某物

3. go bing:瞬间跳跃

4. bing and bang:指各种声音同时出现

5. bing-watching:连续看某一电视节目


1. bing off:打开某个电器的开关

2. bing up:扭伤或折断某个部位




1. She has been suffering from a severe bing for weeks.(她已经受苦于严重的疾病数周。)

2. I always bing information on the internet.(我总是在互联网上搜寻信息。)

3. The pond is completely frozen over with bing.(池塘完全结冰了。)

4. I turned on the light switch and heard a loud bing.(我打开了灯开关,听到了一声响亮的声音。)

5. She spent the entire weekend bing-watching Game of Thrones.(她花了整个周末连续地看《权力的游戏》。)



1. I always use bing to search for information.(我总是使用必应搜索信息。)

2. Bing maps can help you find your way.(必应地图可以帮助你找到你的方向。)

3. You can use bing to translate this sentence into Chinese.(你可以使用必应将这个句子翻译成中文。)

4. Bing provides a lot of news on current events.(必应提供了很多关于当前事件的新闻。)

5. Bing is a great source of information for travelers.(必应是旅行者的绝佳信息来源。)

6. I prefer using bing over other search engines.(我更喜欢使用必应而不是其他搜索引擎。)

7. If you're looking for a good restaurant, try using bing.(如果你正在寻找一家好餐厅,尝试使用必应。)

8. Bing video has a lot of interesting content.(必应视频有很多有趣的内容。)

9. Bing is available in many different languages.(必应提供多种不同语言版本。)




1. 我们可以通过bing搜索找到我们需要的信息。

2. 必应是一款非常实用的搜索引擎。




例句:But we have never found Chungking 2 days ago Bing intercepted a message (可是一直找不到“重庆” 前两天阿兵截听到一段电文)


例句:Welcome to New York's Bing Arena and the Real Steel Championship Bout. (欢迎来到纽约的滨中心及观看钢铁擂台冠军大赛)


例句:In Detroit, Mr Bing is urging unions to take furloughs and reduce health costs for new hires, among other concessions. (在底特律,Bing先生正在敦促工会采用休假、为新进员工降低医疗保障支出和其他一些让步方案。)


例句:Here, I was doing some nepotistic searching, looking for Bing, over here for Live Labs Pivot. (翻译:这里,我做了一些相关搜索,搜寻Bing,在这里有关微软LiveLabs的Pivot。)


bing一般作为名词、感叹词使用,如在Nykφbing([地名] 尼克宾 ( 丹 ))、pit bing([网络] 坑坑)、Ringkφbing([地名] 灵克宾 ( 丹 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Nykφbing[地名] 尼克宾 ( 丹 )
pit bing[网络] 坑坑
Ringkφbing[地名] 灵克宾 ( 丹 )
Sakskφbing[地名] 萨克斯克宾 ( 丹 )
Stubbekφbing[地名] 斯图伯克宾 ( 丹 )
Nykφbing Falster[地名] 尼克宾法尔斯特 ( 丹 )
Ringkφbing Amt[地名] 灵克宾州 ( 丹 )
Ringkφbing Fd.[地名] 灵克宾潟湖 ( 丹 )


1. In Detroit, Mr Bing is urging unions to take furloughs and reduce health costs for new hires, among other concessions. (翻译:在底特律,Bing先生正在敦促工会采用休假、为新进员工降低医疗保障支出和其他一些让步方案。)

2. Here, I was doing some nepotistic searching, looking for Bing, over here for Live Labs Pivot. (翻译:这里,我做了一些相关搜索,搜寻Bing,在这里有关微软LiveLabs的Pivot。)

3. It also links to Bing search information and allows you to use Evernote, another Labs innovation, within the application. (翻译:该应用还可以连接到Bing搜索,并且允许用户在工具内部使用Evernote。)

4. Which allowed me to recover the serial number, run it through the Navy's database, and bing-bang-boom, your stolen Smith Wesson belongs to Chief Petty Officer Jacob Tarlow. (翻译:这样序列号就恢复了 我在海军数据库里搜索 然后 bing)

5. Rocky road and cookie dough and bing cherry vanilla. (翻译:有Rocky Road口味,Cookie Dough口味, 然后还有香草口味)

6. However after li Bing heaves pate, he still kept repealing this mind very wisely. (翻译:不过当李冰抬起头后,他还是很明智地打消了这个念头。)

7. WANG BING: Thanks. (翻译:王冰:谢谢。)

8. Gonna see my man Sandu Ajula, bing bong. Easy. (翻译:拿给我兄弟桑杜﹒阿祖拉看看之后 成交,小事)

9. The son of a bricklayer, Bing has overcome multiple setbacks to surge ahead in four different careers. (翻译,宾在试图追寻四种不同的职业生涯时遇到过难以计数的挫折。)

10. The messages intercepted by Bing are all encrypted advanced codes (翻译:阿兵所截获的电文 都用一套高级密码加了密)

11. I have already Googled and Bing-ed her and there's no record anywhere. (翻译:我已经有 Googled 而且单人牢房-ed 她的 而且没有记录任何地方。)

12. Bing Bong knows what he is doing. (翻译:冰棒知道怎样做 他有一部分是海豚 海豚很聪明 Bing Bong knows what he is doing.)

13. Because they're not just "bing" ideas; you have to really dig deep in these things. (翻译:因为他们不仅仅是灵光一闪的灵感; 你必须要真正在这些方面深入发掘。)

14. The image of him running backwards, and his ponytail bobbling as he went, bing-bong, bing-bong, any goalkeeper would look slightly ludicrous. (翻译:他的马尾还一跳一跳的乒砰乒砰 无论哪个门将 在这种情况下看起来都好笑)

15. "They're just trying to rapidly gain [market] share by doing awesome stuff, " Zuckerberg said of Microsoft at the Bing event. (翻译:“他们仅仅试图快速获得【市场】共享通过做一些很棒的东西,”扎克伯格评论微软的Bing事件。)

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