wandered是什么意思 wandered的中文翻译、读音、例句

wandered是什么意思 wandered的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 词性:动词

2. 意思:漫步、徘徊、闲逛

3. 同义词: roam, stroll, amble, meander, saunter

4. 反义词: stay, settle, focus, concentrate, stop

5. 用法:wandered + (地点),例如wandered down the street


1. She wandered along the river, enjoying the peace and quiet. 她沿着河流漫步,享受着宁静。

2. The tourists wandered around the old town, taking pictures of the buildings. 游客们在老城区闲逛,拍摄建筑物的照片。

3. He wandered aimlessly through the forest, trying to clear his mind. 他在森林里漫无目的地走着,试图让自己心情平静。

4. The child wandered away from her parents and got lost in the crowd. 孩子走远了离开了父母,迷失在人群中。

5. After finishing work, he often wandered through the city, enjoying the sights and sounds. 完成工作后,他经常在城市里闲逛,欣赏景象和声音。



1. He wandered aimlessly through the streets, lost in thought.(他漫无目的地在街上闲逛,陷入沉思之中。)

2. The children wandered around the park, looking for something to do.(孩子们在公园里游荡,寻找一些可以做的事情。)

3. The old man wandered down the lane, enjoying the sunshine.(老人漫步在小巷里,享受着阳光。)

4. She wandered off from the group and got lost in the forest.(她离开了团队,迷失在森林里。)

5. After dinner, they wandered along the beach, watching the sunset.(晚饭后,他们沿着海滩漫步,观赏日落。)




例句:She wandered aimlessly around the streets. (她在大街上漫无目的地到处游荡。)


例句:Inadvertently it's wandered into the fringehead's territory and that can't be tolerated. (一个不小心晃悠到了 勃氏新热鳚的地盘 是可忍,孰不可忍)


例句:I wandered the countryside for a few days, hiding, like an animal. (我在乡下晃荡了几天 东躲西藏 像老鼠一样)


例句:He wandered helplessly through the labyrinthine byways of modern literature. (翻译:他在现代文学错综复杂的冷僻领域无助地徘徊着。)


wandered一般作为名词使用,如在wandered off([网络] 胡乱溜达;闲逛时走失;迷路)等常见短语中出现较多。

wandered off[网络] 胡乱溜达;闲逛时走失;迷路


1. I wandered the countryside for a few days, hiding, like an animal. (翻译:我在乡下晃荡了几天 东躲西藏 像老鼠一样)

2. He wandered helplessly through the labyrinthine byways of modern literature. (翻译:他在现代文学错综复杂的冷僻领域无助地徘徊着。)

3. It's a mummified seal that's lost its way and wandered inland. (翻译:在内陆看到这些家伙。这是一只海狮木乃伊 它迷失了它的方向)

4. Maleficent often wandered alone and sometimes wondered where Stefan might be. (翻译:Maleficent常常独自闲晃 也常常幻想Stefan在哪)

5. Maybe one of these red lndians wandered into Whitechapel and indulged his natural inclinations. (翻译:也许是一个红印第安人... 逛到怀特伽坡区,发泄了他的野性.)

6. NINIB, Dark Wandered of the Forgotten Lands, Hearken and Remember! (翻译:尼尼伯,于黑暗遗落诸土间飘荡,聆听,并记住! )

7. In India, sacred cows wandered freely as reincarnated souls. (翻译:在印度,圣牛可以做为 转世的灵魂自由漫步)

8. At some point, Ryld had wandered up to observe the lesson. (翻译:不知何时,瑞厄德已经溜达过来聆听了他的授课。)

9. I wandered into this place the other day when I was picking fruit. (翻译:前几天我在采果子的时候 无意间找到这地方)

10. My old bull, wandered off, , and died in this here creek. (翻译:我的老牛... 走散了... 死在这河沟里)

11. a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. (翻译:在一次斗牛中,一个醉汉突然晃晃悠悠地进入围栏中间。)

12. Cain wandered until he found Lilith by the red Sea. (翻译:该隐一直流亡着,直到他在红海找到了莉莉丝。)

13. But one wandered too close to the sun and it cracked from the heat. (翻译:但其中一个太靠近太阳, 因为高热而炸开了. But one wandered too close to the sun and it cracked from the heat.)

14. We wandered down the block and sat down to rest on a windowsill. (翻译:我们漫步走过这片街区,然后在一排窗台前坐下休息。)

15. They wandered around miserably. (翻译:他们可怜兮兮地走来走去。)



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