describing是什么意思 describing的中文翻译、读音、例句

describing是什么意思 describing的中文翻译、读音、例句

描述某个事物或场景是 'describing' 这个单词常见的含义。下面从四个方面对这个单词进行说明。

1. 词性及词性变化

'describing' 是一个动词,它的词性变化为 'describe'(第三人称单数为 'describes',过去式为 'described',过去分词为 'described',现在分词为 'describing')。

2. 意义及使用范围

'describing' 的主要意义是描述某个事物或场景,它可以用于各种不同的文体和场合,如故事、描述画作、介绍人物等。

3. 同义词与反义词

'describing' 的同义词包括表述(express)、描绘(depict)、叙述(narrate)等。反义词包括保密(conceal)、隐瞒(withhold)等。

4. 拓展用法

'describing' 还可以用于其他含义,如表达对某个事物的评价、判断等,例如 'describe something as...'。


1. The author describes the main character in great detail.(作者对主角进行了详细的描述。)

2. Can you describe the landscape that you saw on your trip? (你能描述一下你旅行中看到的风景吗?)

3. The manager described the new product as revolutionary. (经理将新产品描述为革命性的。)

4. The witness was asked to describe the suspect's appearance. (证人被要求描述嫌疑人的外貌。)

5. The artist's paintings are often described as colorful and vibrant. (这位艺术家的画作常被描述为色彩丰富、充满活力。)




1. The witness was describing the events leading up to the robbery.


2. The book does an excellent job of describing the scenery of the countryside.


3. Can you describe what the suspect looked like?





例句:RDF data is self-describing. (RDF 数据是自描述的。)


例句:Is he so smart as they are describing him? (怎么样? 他真那么精明, 像说的那样吗 是的。)


例句:Are you describing me or my proposal? (你是在说我还是我的建议? Are you describing me or my proposal?)


例句:Some argue that the term is meant mostly in jest, comparing it to describing the rich as “toffs”. (翻译:一些人认为这只是一种诙谐的叫法,就像把富人称作“花花公子”。)


describing一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在discrete describing function(离散描述函数)、gaussian describing function([电] 高斯描述函数)、inverse describing function([电] 反描述函数)等常见短语中出现较多。

discrete describing function离散描述函数
gaussian describing function[电] 高斯描述函数
inverse describing function[电] 反描述函数
word describing data文字描述资料


1. Are you describing me or my proposal? (翻译:你是在说我还是我的建议? Are you describing me or my proposal?)

2. Some argue that the term is meant mostly in jest, comparing it to describing the rich as “toffs”. (翻译:一些人认为这只是一种诙谐的叫法,就像把富人称作“花花公子”。)

3. McKinney denied the ritual was an exorcism, describing it instead as a casting out of spirits. (翻译:McKinney否认该仪式是驱邪,而把它描述为驱逐幽灵。)

4. The Americans are describing this as a mere stocktaking exercise; the Europeans as "timely and important" . (翻译:美国描述这是演习一次库存盘点,欧洲认为这是“及时而重要”的谈判。)

5. "The fake explorers' club newsletter describing his balloon trek (翻译:探险俱乐部关于他乘热气球 只身前往北极的简报)

6. Have you ever used a racial slur in describing an African-American? (翻译:是否有过用歧视性的语言 Have you ever used a racial slur 形容过非裔美国人 in describing an African -American?)

7. Heknowsit 'smuchmorethan what they're describing, and this makes him mad. (翻译:他知道应用程序的,不是什么大很多 该人士说,他们被激怒了,这是她的)

8. But while other pyramids and temples contain walls filled with hieroglyphics describing their purpose, the Great (翻译:但是,尽管其他的金字塔和神殿 都在墙上刻了描述建造目的的象形文字)

9. I used them for describing some of the aspects of the complexity of nature. (翻译:我用它们来描述 自然复杂性的某些方面。)

10. Want observations describing the nocturnal behavior of the flying lemur? (翻译:想观看飞狐猴的夜间行为吗? )

11. Rob: So Jen, is Ugo describing someone like you? (翻译:詹尼,他描述的是像你这样的人吗? )

12. Here, Heymann, describing Gonzales, gives his view on the hacker mindset: (翻译:gives his view on the hacker mindset:)

13. describing the stylistic differences between Raphael and van Eyck. (翻译:描述一下拉菲尔和范爱克,在绘画风格上的不同处。)

14. A trader at the Karasu market is non-committal, describing the influx as "tolerable" . (翻译:卡拉苏集市的一位商人对此暧昧,只是说中国人的涌入是“可以容忍的”。)

15. by describing Mum in as much detail as possible. (翻译:可不可以 I guess if you could start 从尽可能细节地描述下妈妈开始 by describing Mom in as much detail as possible.)

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