ups是什么意思 ups的中文翻译、读音、例句

ups是什么意思 ups的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. (动词) 上升,增加;升高,增强

2. (名词) 升高,增强;上涨,增加



1. push-ups: 俯卧撑

2. get-ups: 站起来;起床

3. sit-ups: 仰卧起坐

4. pull-ups: 引体向上

5. ups and downs: 起伏不定,浮沉;跌宕起伏

短语:up, ups, UPs



1. The stock market is showing some ups and downs.


2. Jo could only manage three push-ups before collapsing on the floor.


3. Our team needs to step up our game if we want to win this tournament.


4. The UPS delivery arrived at my doorstep just in time for my daughter's birthday.


5. Since starting weight lifting, John has noticed an increase in his upper body strength.





1. You need to push the lever of the machine ups for it to start working.(你需要向上推一下机器的杠杆才能让它开始工作。)

2. The stock market is on the ups and I want to invest in some promising companies.(股市正在上升,我想投资一些有前途的公司。)




例句:UPS is ready to meet your domestic and international shipping needs with a wide range of full-service and self-service location types. (UPS以品种全的服务和自助营业网点类型,随时满足您的本地和国际托运需要。)


例句:Then it ups the ante with a shiny tricot fabric finish. (然后它上升在前以发光的手编织品织品结束。)


例句:UPS's charitable arm, the UPS Foundation, uses the company's logistics to help disaster-struck areas rebuild. (UPS 基金会的慈善机构利用公司的物流帮助受灾地区重建。)


例句:UPS SMS Tracking is a free service provided by UPS to let you stay up to speed with your shipments. (翻译:UPS短讯追踪由UPS免费提供,让您了解托运货件的最新动态。)


ups一般作为介词、副词、带刺、名词、形容词、动词使用,如在UPS(不间断电源\n[计] 不间断电源)、digging ups(挖出;掘起;开垦;发现)、drying ups(干涸;住口)等常见短语中出现较多。

UPS不间断电源\n[计] 不间断电源
digging ups挖出;掘起;开垦;发现
drying ups干涸;住口
giving ups放弃;淹没
had ups把某人请来作客;起诉
hang upsun. 挂料\n[网络] 困扰
have ups起诉,控告:
having ups把某人请来作客;起诉
heads ups小心
high upsn. 负责人


1. UPS's charitable arm, the UPS Foundation, uses the company's logistics to help disaster-struck areas rebuild. (翻译:UPS 基金会的慈善机构利用公司的物流帮助受灾地区重建。)

2. UPS SMS Tracking is a free service provided by UPS to let you stay up to speed with your shipments. (翻译:UPS短讯追踪由UPS免费提供,让您了解托运货件的最新动态。)

3. Drop-offs after dark and pick-ups before dawn. (翻译:晚上睡觉,早上起床 Drop -offs after dark and pick -ups before dawn.)

4. We have monthly check-ups at the local clinic and Sonny takes a roll-call every morning. (翻译:我们提供在当地诊所的月度体检服务... We have monthly check -ups at the local clinic...)

5. Grown-ups work for things. (翻译:成年人想要什么,就得自己奋斗。Grown -ups work for things.)

6. Richard, Brian's asleep ups...! (翻译:Richard Brian在楼上睡...)

7. For a cheque to be accepted by UPS, it must be drawn in EUR or in the relevant national currency. (翻译:对于支票必须接受美国UPS公司,它必须在欧元或制定有关的国家的货币。)

8. Actually, the grown-ups are having a meeting, Buffy. (翻译:大人说话 小孩别插嘴 巴菲 Actually, the grown -ups are having a meeting, Buffy.)

9. Grown-ups suffer consequences. (翻译:成年人要承受后果 Grown -ups suffer consequences.)

10. Grown ups talk like children when children act like grown ups. (翻译:小孩的行为酷似大人的时候, 大人反而幼稚起来.)

11. Today we're going to do a three-mile run, 50 push-ups, 80 sit-ups and 10 chin-ups. (翻译:今天我们要进行3英里越野跑 50个俯卧撑 80个仰卧起坐和10个引体向上)

12. Rescued our new mailman from Marley. Rescued a U.P.S. Guy from Marley. (翻译:救了被马利咬的新邮递员 还有UPS快递员)

13. We also describe the developmental tendency of UPSs and explore such new technological trends of UPSs as network intellectualization, digitalization, redundant parallel and so on. (翻译:文章阐述了UPS的发展趋势,并对UPS网络智能化、数字化、冗余并机等新技术的动向进行了探讨。)

14. Life has many ups and downs. (翻译:希望这次能留下 比最后一次见面时更好的记忆)

15. You know, the usual ups and downs. (翻译:the usual ups and downs.)



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