renault是什么意思 renault的中文翻译、读音、例句

renault是什么意思 renault的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 发展历程:


2. 品牌影响力:


3. 产品特点:



1. Renault's new electric car is expected to be a game-changer in the industry. (Renault的新电动车预计将在行业中成为改变者。)

2. The Renault factory is located in the outskirts of Paris. (Renault工厂位于巴黎郊区。)

3. The Renault Kwid is a popular car model in India. (Renault Kwid是印度的一款受欢迎的汽车型号。)

4. The Renault Scenic is a family car with a spacious interior. (Renault Scenic是一款内部宽敞的家庭汽车。)

5. The Renault Captur has won multiple awards for its design and performance. (Renault Captur因其设计和性能获得了多个奖项。)



1. La Renault Clio est une voiture populaire en France.(雷诺Clio在法国很受欢迎。)

2. Les usines Renault sont réparties dans le monde entier.(雷诺工厂遍布全球。)

3. La nouvelle Renault Megane est très dynamique.(新款雷诺Megane非常动感。)

4. Renault a lancé une campagne publicitaire pour sa dernière voiture.(雷诺推出了一款新车的广告活动。)

5. La gamme de voitures Renault est très variée.(雷诺的汽车系列非常丰富。)

6. Le logo de Renault est un losange jaune.(雷诺的标志是一个黄色菱形。)

7. Renault est également engagé dans la Formule 1.(雷诺也参与了F1赛事。)

8. La Renault Twingo est une petite voiture agréable à conduire en ville.(雷诺Twingo是一款适合在城市驾驶的小型汽车。)

9. Renault et Nissan ont formé une alliance en 1999.(雷诺和日产在xx年组建了联盟。)




1. 我很喜欢雷诺的设计,简洁又时尚。

I really like the design of Renault cars, they are simple and stylish.

2. 雷诺的电动车越来越受欢迎了。

Renault's electric cars are becoming more and more popular.




例句:The following year, he moved to the Renault 2000 category and the Swiss Jenzer Motorsport Team, where he remained until 2009. (次年,他跳槽到雷诺xx年类别和瑞士Jenzer赛车队,他在那里,直到xx年仍然存在。)


例句:Renault has hardly budged. (雷诺作出了艰难的让步。)


例句:The Nissan Leaf or Renault Fluence are powered only by a battery. (尼桑公司的Leaf或雷诺公司的Fluence都是纯电池驱动。)


例句:In January Renault sacked three executives for allegedly selling company secrets, but it soon emerged that it had been duped by fraudsters. (翻译:xx月,雷诺公司因听信公司机密被倒卖的传言解雇了三名高管。但是很快真相查清,三位高管是受人蒙骗。)


1. The Nissan Leaf or Renault Fluence are powered only by a battery. (翻译:尼桑公司的Leaf或雷诺公司的Fluence都是纯电池驱动。)

2. In January Renault sacked three executives for allegedly selling company secrets, but it soon emerged that it had been duped by fraudsters. (翻译:xx月,雷诺公司因听信公司机密被倒卖的传言解雇了三名高管。但是很快真相查清,三位高管是受人蒙骗。)

3. Q. What do you think about the newcomers this year, and particularly Vitaly Petrov at Renault? (翻译:你觉得今年的新人怎样?尤其是雷诺的维塔利佩特罗夫。)

4. This is the customary roundup of refugees, liberals and, of course, a beautiful young girl for Renault, the prefect of police. (翻译:这是惯例的搜捕自由主义者 难民和给警察首长的漂亮女孩)

5. This matter was brought to our attention because Mountie King was involved in a sting operation to nail this Jean Renault. (翻译:这件事之所以 引起我们重视 是因为加拿大骑警王 也参与了这次 钉死雅克・雷诺的卧底行动)

6. All European Renault Race drivers and teams are invited to the festival, as well as drivers of Clio Cup China. (翻译:雷诺体育邀请了全部的欧洲车队和车手参加本次盛会,中国克里欧系列赛的车手们也受到邀请。)

7. The R-Space concept expresses Renault's new philosophy in the compact MPV segment. (翻译:该概念车传达了雷诺公司在紧凑型MPV领域中全新的设计哲学。)

8. Last week, Mr. Pelata said Renault was no longer certain that it had been the target of corporate espionage. (翻译:佩拉塔上个星期说,雷诺不再肯定它曾是商业间谍活动的目标。)

9. Giancarlo, a great Renault one-two. Did you also have to do a lot of changes? (翻译:吉安卡洛,雷诺包揽前二非常出色。你是否也必须做许多改变?)

10. The Renault Laguna Sport Tourer hits rock bottom with a score of 49. 4%. (翻译:其中雷诺拉古那运动版旅行车以49.4%的得分垫底。)

11. Q: Flavio, it’s the second year that Renault has had a midfield car. How are you coping? (翻译:问:弗拉维奥,这是雷诺第xx年用一辆“孬车”了,你如何应付? )

12. The Renault driver was tugging his tow-bar out of the radiator of the Jaguar. (翻译:雷诺车司机正把他的拖杆从捷豹的散热器里拖出来。)

13. Q. What do you think about the newcomers this year, and particularly Vitaly Petrov at Renault? (翻译:你觉得今年的新人怎样?尤其是雷诺的维塔利佩特罗夫。)

14. So will Renault's partner, Nissan. (翻译:雷诺的合作伙伴尼桑也是一样。)

15. Yann Vincent, the newly installed operations chief, says the priority is to bring new Ladas to market, based on Renault platforms, by 2010. (翻译:新近任命的运营主管YannVincent说,首要任务是要在xx年前借助雷诺的平台,将拉达新型车推向市场。)



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