1. 意思与用法:'break my heart'是一个动词短语,意为“让我心痛”,通常用于表示某件事情或者某个人令人非常难过或伤心。常用于表达失去爱情、遭受背叛、被无情拒绝等情况。
- It breaks my heart to see you leave.(看到你离开,我心痛不已。)
- Hearing about the earthquake in Nepal really broke my heart.(听到尼泊尔地震的消息真的令我很伤心。)
- When he cheated on me, he really broke my heart.(当他出轨时,我真的很心痛。)
- Seeing my grandmother in the hospital with tubes all over her body broke my heart.(看到我的祖母在医院里被打了好几根管子,我感到很心痛。)
- It breaks my heart to see families torn apart by war.(看到家庭因战争而分崩离析,我感到很心痛。)
2. 同义词:'break my heart'的同义词包括'shatter my heart'(粉碎我的心)、'crush my heart'(压碎我的心)等,它们的意思都是“让我心痛”。
- The news of his death shattered my heart into a million pieces.(他去世的消息让我心痛不已。)
- When she told me she didn't love me anymore, it felt like she had crushed my heart.(当她告诉我她不再爱我时,我感到自己的心被压碎了。)
3. 情感色彩:'break my heart'是一个负面情感的表达,通常伴随着悲伤、失落、绝望等感觉。同时,它也是一种很强烈的情绪表达方式,能够深刻地传达出人的内心感受。
- She broke my heart when she said she was leaving me.(当她告诉我要离开我时,我感到很绝望。)
- It breaks my heart to think of all the things we could have done together if we had stayed together.(想到如果我们还在一起,我们本可以一起做的很多事情,我感到很失落。)
4. 用途:'break my heart'可用于各种语境,包括口语、书面语、歌词等。它是一种广泛运用的表达方式,能够有效地传达出人的内心感受。
- The song's lyrics really speak to me – they're all about heartbreak and longing.(这首歌的歌词真的很贴近我的心情,都是关于心碎和渴望的。)
- In my diary, I wrote down all the ways he broke my heart.(在我的日记里,我写下了他让我心痛的所有方式。)
5. 表达方式:'break my heart'的表达方式可以多种多样,可以是直接地说出这个短语,也可以是用隐喻或比喻的方式表达出来,例如“我的心像被一根针扎了一样痛”、“我的心好像碎成了一千片”等。
- When I found out he had been cheating on me, it felt like a knife had been plunged into my heart.(当我发现他对我不忠时,我的心感觉像是被一把刀子刺了一样。)
- My heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces when he left me.(当他离开我时,我的心感觉好像被粉碎成了一千片。)
break my heart意为“伤害我的心”,中文翻译为“伤害我的心”,读音为[breɪk maɪ hɑːt]。
1. I trusted him, but he broke my heart.
2. Don't break my heart again, please.
3. Seeing her with another man would break my heart.