outrun是什么意思 outrun的中文翻译、读音、例句

outrun是什么意思 outrun的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 竞赛或比赛中超过对手。

例如:I was running so fast that I outran my competitors.(我跑得太快,超过了我的竞争对手。)

He outran his opponent in the marathon.(他在马拉松比赛中超过了对手。)

2. 逃离或避免某种情况或事件。

例如:I tried to outrun the storm, but I got caught in the rain.(我试着逃避风暴,但最终还是被雨淋了。)

He managed to outrun the attacker and escaped the danger.(他成功地逃脱了袭击者的追赶,避免了危险。)

3. 比较两个事物并表示其中一个超过另一个。

例如:The new iPhone outruns the old one in terms of processing speed.(新的iPhone在处理速度方面超过了旧的iPhone。)

The company's profit in the last quarter outran the same period last year.(公司上一季度的利润超过了去年同期。)


1. He tried to outrun the car, but it was too fast.(他试图跑过那辆车,但是它太快了。)


2. The newest model of the car is said to outrun all its competitors in speed.(据说这款汽车的最新型号在速度方面超过了所有竞争对手。)


3. She was able to outrun the police and escape from the scene.(她能够逃过警察的追捕,成功逃离了现场。)


4. The new restaurant in town is expected to outrun its competitors in popularity.(这个城镇的新餐厅预计会在受欢迎程度方面超过它的竞争对手。)


5. The company's sales outran its expectations this year.(公司的销售额超出了今年的预期。)




1. He tried to outrun the police, but they caught him. (他试图甩掉警察,但是被逮住了。)

2. She outran all her competitors and won the race. (她跑过了所有的对手,赢得了比赛。)

3. The company has been working hard to outrun its competitors in the market. (这家公司一直在努力超越市场上的竞争对手。)




例句:With a force like a locomotive, the wave sweeps dozens away instantly. Others try to outrun it, only to be overtaken . (潮水像火车头一样强劲,立刻卷走了几十人。其他人试图逃离,但还是被超越。)


例句:...No way do we outrun him, not in this old beater. (不,不,不,靠我们的破飞船 不可能甩掉他)


例句:And if you ask me, Tyler's just hiding at Whitmore, pretending everything's fine as if he can outrun his werewolf gene or something. (如果你要问的话 Tyler躲在Whitmore 假装一切都好 就像他能逃脱狼人基因之类一样)


例句:Also you can outrun him to the runes and chase better for a kill. (翻译:同时你能比他跑的快去拿符和追杀。)


outrun一般作为动词使用,如在outrun report(卸货报告)、outrun the constable(负债)等常见短语中出现较多。

outrun report卸货报告
outrun the constable负债


1. And if you ask me, Tyler's just hiding at Whitmore, pretending everything's fine as if he can outrun his werewolf gene or something. (翻译:如果你要问的话 Tyler躲在Whitmore 假装一切都好 就像他能逃脱狼人基因之类一样)

2. Also you can outrun him to the runes and chase better for a kill. (翻译:同时你能比他跑的快去拿符和追杀。)

3. Not only has she outrun this reptile, she's outwitted him. (翻译:这只红象鼩鼱不但跑赢了对手 也把它唬得一愣一愣)

4. - We simply cannot outrun her. (翻译:We simply cannot outrun her.)

5. It's as if we think if we just speed up enough, we can outrun our problems. (翻译:就好像是我们觉得 只要我们的速度够快, 我们的问题就可以迎刃而解。)

6. Look, I do think we have to recognize, my fellow campers, that when you are being chased by the bear, in the global context, you need not outrun the bear, you need to only outrun your fellow campers. (翻译:注意!我认为我们必须认清, 我们与和我们一同野营的国家伙伴们, 当一同被某头危机巨熊追逐着的时候, 我们不需要跑过那头巨熊, 只需要跑过那些伙伴, 让他们成为被吃掉的就好了。)

7. Spending could outrun the capacity of businesses to produce the goods. (翻译:支出可能超过行业生产这些货物的能力。)

8. And I decided I needed to suffer under the weight of my past, because for five years I had tried to outrun it. (翻译:我决定我需要背负过去的重量, 为它遭受痛苦, 因为xx年来我一直试图避开它。)

9. It is not the only time that an experiment's reputation has far outrun what was actually discovered. (翻译:实验的声誉远远超过实际发现的意义,这不是唯一的一次。)

10. He can't fly around tall buildings , or outrun a speeding train , the only talent he seems to have is to leave a nasty stain . (翻译:他不能绕着高楼飞,也不能从高速火车跳离,他唯一称得上是才干的,是创造一个个恶心的污迹。)

11. You think we can outrun him? (翻译:你觉得我们跑得过他吗 You think we can outrun him?)

12. A child on the ground can easily outrun Michael Phelps in water, but why is that? (翻译:一个在地上奔跑的小孩能够很容易超过 在水里游泳的菲尔普斯。但是,这是为什么呢? )

13. I agree. We cannot outmuscle 'em and we cannot outrun 'em. (翻译:我同意,我们的力气比不过 速度也没他们快)

14. And if he ever goes berserk, I know I can outrun him. (翻译:而且如果他发狂的话 我也能跑得过他 And if he ever goes berserk, I know I can outrun him.)

15. Drivers did not cut in front of one another trying to outrun each other. (翻译:司机们不会插到别人前面去显示比其他人跑得快。)



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