1. 完整形式和简写意义
- NFS:Network File System(网络文件系统)
- NFS:Need for Speed(极品飞车)
- The company uses NFS to share files among its employees.
- My favorite video game is NFS Most Wanted.
2. 技术实现和应用场景
- NFS是一种分布式文件系统协议,允许一个计算机上的用户可以访问另一个计算机上的文件。它被广泛应用于网络存储设备、服务器集群、云计算等领域。
- The IT department installed NFS on the servers to improve file sharing performance.
- Many cloud storage providers use NFS to allow customers to manage and access their files remotely.
3. 极品飞车系列游戏
- NFS是一款赛车游戏系列,由EA公司开发和发行。自xx年首次推出以来,已经有多个版本推出,包含了各种赛车类型和游戏模式。
- I played NFS Payback all weekend and won several street races.
- My roommate and I compete against each other in NFS Heat every night.
4. 其他可能的含义和用法
- NFS可能还有其他的缩写意义,如:Not for Sale(非卖品);National Forest System(国家森林系统)。此外,NFS也可能用于个别的场合,比如某些公司或组织的缩写。
- This book is NFS because it is a limited edition.
- The NFS is responsible for managing and protecting the nation's forests.
- The employee handbook says that NFS Inc. prohibits discrimination of any kind.
NFS这个词语来源于英语,是“Need For Speed”的缩写,中文翻译为“极品飞车”。它是一款源自于xx年的赛车游戏,现在已经成为了一个游戏系列。除此之外,NFS也可以指网络文件系统(Network File System),是一种允许在不同操作系统之间分享文件和文件夹的协议。
1. NFS是一款十分流行的赛车游戏。-英语
2. 这个文件夹可以通过NFS在不同的操作系统之间共享。-英语
3. NFS最近发布了一款新游戏。-英语
4. NFS游戏的画面非常逼真。-英语
5. 我们需要一种快速、安全的方式来共享文件,NFS是个不错的选择。-英语
6. NFS是我最喜欢的游戏之一。-英语
7. NFS游戏需要很高的配置才能流畅运行。-英语
8. 这个文件夹可以通过NFS协议共享到其他设备。-英语
9. 我们的服务器使用NFS协议来分享文件。-英语
读音:nèt wǒrk wén jiàn xì tǒng
例句:NFS 是一种常用的网络文件系统协议,它被广泛应用于各种操作系统之间的文件共享。 (NFS is a commonly used network file system protocol, which is widely used for file sharing between various operating systems.)
例句:Next, let's look at some of the design decisions when implementing a generic NFS mounter. (接下来,我们看看在实现通用NFS装载工具的过程中的一些设计决策。)
例句:The resource samp-nfsserver represents the NFS server. (资源 samp-nfsserver 代表 NFS 服务器。)
例句:When you share a directory with NFS, you can then mount the directory from another machine just as if it was a local disk. (当使用NFS共享目录时,可以像本地磁盘一样从另一个计算机加载目录。)
例句:With a soft mount, if there is an error, it is reported immediately to the requested program, while with a hard mount, NFS keeps retrying. (翻译:使用软装入,如果出现了错误,那么将立即对请求的程序进行报告;而对于硬装入,NFS将不断地进行重试。)
nfs一般作为名词使用,如在NFS([计] 网络的文件系统)、NetWare NFS([计] NetWare网络文件系统)、NetWare NFS Gateway([计] NetWare网络文件系统网关)等常见短语中出现较多。
NFS | [计] 网络的文件系统 |
NetWare NFS | [计] NetWare网络文件系统 |
NetWare NFS Gateway | [计] NetWare网络文件系统网关 |
1. When you share a directory with NFS, you can then mount the directory from another machine just as if it was a local disk. (翻译:当使用NFS共享目录时,可以像本地磁盘一样从另一个计算机加载目录。)
2. With a soft mount, if there is an error, it is reported immediately to the requested program, while with a hard mount, NFS keeps retrying. (翻译:使用软装入,如果出现了错误,那么将立即对请求的程序进行报告;而对于硬装入,NFS将不断地进行重试。)
3. You do this by using the setfsoptions subcommand to tune NFS Version 4. (翻译:通过使用setfsoptions子命令优化NFS版本4,您可以完成这项操作。)
4. Similar output can be obtained using the automount utility, but it requires administrative overhead to configure the automount map files for the desired NFS mounts. (翻译:使用automount工具也能够获得类似的结果,但它需要管理员对automount进行许多配置才能获得所需的NFS装载。)
5. It then explores the NFS architecture and where NFS is going. (翻译:然后探索了NFS架构以及NFS的走向。)
6. In this manifestation, export a directory named "/storage/enduser" using the NFS protocol. (翻译:在这个演示场景中,使用 NFS 协议导出一个名为 “/storage/enduser” 的目录。)
7. If you use O_EXCL yourself, your program will be insecure if the shared directory is implemented using these old NFS versions. (翻译:如果您自己使用了O_EXCL,而且共享目录是使用这些旧版NFS实现的,那么您的程序将是不安全的。)
8. This task needs to be performed on icb-tivsam and icb-nfs. (翻译:这个任务需要在icb - tivsam和icb - nfs上执行。)
9. In this example, NFS server = axion, exported directory = /HA, and NFS client = hurlqc. (翻译:本例中,NFS 服务器为:axion,导出路径为:/HA,NFS 客户端为:hurlqc. )
10. The NFS server is now configured on netra. ibm. com. (翻译:现在已经在netra.ibm.com上配置好了NFS服务器。)
11. To use FAI for deployment you need DHCP, NFS:为了使用FAI进行部署,你需要DHCP,NFS,当然还需要FAI软件。)
12. "Looks like NFS and some Novell, " Jake mumbled as he crawled through the directory services trees. (翻译:“就像NFS和Novell公司那样。”Jake一边喃喃自语,一边缓缓地浏览着目录服务树。)
13. Next, let's look at some of the design decisions when implementing a generic NFS mounter. (翻译:接下来,我们看看在实现通用NFS装载工具的过程中的一些设计决策。)
14. Note that the NFS domain of NFS server and clients are different. (翻译:注意,NFS服务器和客户机的NF s域不一样。)
15. As I look at this little girl, damaged by whatever happened I didn't have the guts to ask but based on what the NFS people said it breaks my heart to even imagine. (翻译:我看着这个小女孩