docking是什么意思 docking的中文翻译、读音、例句

docking是什么意思 docking的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:docking station(连接台),docking port(接口),docking procedure(连接程序),docking system(连接系统)

相关短语:dock in(连接),dock out(断开连接)


1. 'Docking'是英国的词语,意思是将两个物体连接在一起,通常用于描述船只靠近码头或飞行器对接等场景。

2. 例句:

- The ship is docking at the port.(船只正在码头靠岸。)

- The spacecraft is preparing to dock with the international space station.(宇宙飞船正在准备与国际空间站对接。)

- The pilot expertly docked the plane at the gate.(飞行员熟练地将飞机停靠在登机口。)

- The ferry was delayed due to a problem with docking equipment.(渡轮因停靠设备问题而延误。)

- The space agency successfully completed a docking maneuver in orbit.(太空机构在轨道上成功完成了对接机动。)

- The captain navigated the ship into the cramped docking area.(船长将船驶入狭小的停靠区域。)

- The astronauts practiced multiple docking procedures during their space mission.(宇航员在太空任务期间练习多种对接程序。)

- The tugboat helped to guide the tanker into the docking position.(拖船帮助指引油轮靠近停泊位置。)

- The cargo ship was too large for the docking facilities at the port.(货船太大,无法使用港口的停靠设施。)




1. The spacecraft successfully completed its docking with the space station. (宇宙飞船成功地与空间站对接。)

2. The boat will be docking at the pier in half an hour. (船只将在半小时后停靠在码头。)

3. Our company has developed a new docking system for ships. (我们公司已经研发出了一种新的船舶对接系统。)

4. The car was docking at the parking lot when the accident happened. (事故发生时,汽车正停靠在停车场。)




例句:What's to stop him from docking down the coast and telling the locals that Jaime Lannister's in Dorne? (他为什么不靠岸 告诉多恩人詹姆·兰尼斯特来了?)


例句:In this study, the chiral selectivity of arginase was investigated by means of molecular dynamics and molecular docking. (本文运用分子对接和分子动力学模拟的方法,对精氨酸酶进行手性选择性研究。)


例句:So this time, Chen's team injected the spinal cords of mice with a neurotoxin that seeks out the GRPR receptor, sort of a docking site. (所以,这次陈教授带领的小组向白鼠体脊髓内注射了一种神经毒素,这种毒素会寻找GRPR受体、归类停靠点。)


例句:After its undocking, the Zvezda service module will be waiting for the next docking of a European cargo on Feb. 23. (翻译:星辰“号服务舱现在正等待本月23号与欧洲的一艘货运飞船对接。” )


docking一般作为名词使用,如在dry docking(un. 坞修\n[网络] 进干船坞;干养;干船埠)、docking accommodation(入坞设备)、docking adapter(对接接合器)等常见短语中出现较多。

dry dockingun. 坞修\n[网络] 进干船坞;干养;干船埠
docking accommodation入坞设备
docking adapter对接接合器
docking area泊船区
docking assembly[网络] 对接装置
docking block(船坞)龙骨墩
docking bracketun. 坐坞肘板\n[网络] 旋转支架;中肘板;上坞支架
docking bridge【造船】 船尾平台;(大轮船的)尾桥
docking capacity船坞容量


1. So this time, Chen's team injected the spinal cords of mice with a neurotoxin that seeks out the GRPR receptor, sort of a docking site. (翻译:所以,这次陈教授带领的小组向白鼠体脊髓内注射了一种神经毒素,这种毒素会寻找GRPR受体、归类停靠点。)

2. After its undocking, the Zvezda service module will be waiting for the next docking of a European cargo on Feb. 23. (翻译:星辰“号服务舱现在正等待本月23号与欧洲的一艘货运飞船对接。” )

3. I repeat, do not attempt docking. (翻译:Do not attempt docking. I repeat, do not attempt docking.)

4. Docking clamps one, two, and three are released. (翻译:螣喂 伪蚁蟺伪纬苇蟼 蟺蚁蠈蟽未蔚蟽畏蟼 苇谓伪, 未蠉慰 魏伪喂 蟿蚁委伪 蔚位蔚?胃蔚蚁蠋胃畏魏伪谓.)

5. Both the camera and picture viewer docking station are made of up two components tethered to each other by reinforced multicore cabling. (翻译:通过增加多芯电缆,照相和图片浏览剪辑由两个相互限制的部件组成。)

6. Grodzinsky believes the technology will first arrive in laptops and docking stations. (翻译:Grodzinsky认为该技术将首先到达笔记本电脑和扩展坞。)

7. So this time, Chen's team injected the spinal cords of mice with a neurotoxin that seeks out the GRPR receptor, sort of a docking site. (翻译:所以,这次陈教授带领的小组向白鼠体脊髓内注射了一种神经毒素,这种毒素会寻找GRPR受体、归类停靠点。)

8. The most important bit about your structure -- whether you're a government, whether you're an army regiment, whether you're a business -- is your docking points, your interconnectors, your capacity to network with others. (翻译:不管你是一个政府,还是军团 或是一盘生意 架构的重点 便是你的接入点,你的内部连结 你和其他人连系的能力)

9. The good news is we've got enough left for our docking thrusters. (翻译:好消息是剩下的燃料 仍足够对接推进器之用)

10. The bigger ships could easily have one docking port of 30m, or a set of smaller docking ports, all located at the front. (翻译:更大的船可以轻易的拥有一个直径达30米的对接口,或者是更小一些的,所有对接口都应该位于前端。)

11. TARS, get ready to engage the docking mechanism. (翻译:TARS 准备好启动对接装置 TARS, get ready to engage the docking mechanism.)

12. Fault diagnosis and process of sensors in the rendezvous docking of aerocrafts based on filtering (翻译:飞行器交会对接中基于滤波方法的传感器故障诊断处理)

13. China launches the unmanned Tiangong 1 later this week, setting up opportunities for docking and long-duration stays. John Matson reports (翻译:中国将于本周发射无人驾驶的天宫1号,为太空对接和长时间停留做好准备。JohnMatson报道)

14. It only enables docking to a screen's region. (翻译:它只是支持停靠到某个屏幕区域。)

15. On April 4, coverage of the docking of Skvortsov, Caldwell Dyson and Kornienko will begin on NASA Television at 1 a. m. (翻译:NASA电视台将在xx月xx日凌晨1点开始对斯克沃尔佐夫、考德威尔.戴森和科尔尼杨科与空间站的对接进行直播。)



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