dirge是什么意思 dirge的中文翻译、读音、例句

dirge是什么意思 dirge的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词义解释:'dirge'是个名词,指一首唱哀歌或哀歌式的歌曲,通常用于葬礼上。它也可以用于表示悲痛、丧失和悲伤。


- The mourners sang a dirge as the coffin was lowered into the ground.(随着棺材被放下土里,吊唁者唱着哀歌。)

- The sound of the organ playing the dirge echoed through the empty church.(风琴演奏哀悼曲的声音在空荡荡的教堂里回响。)

2. 起源和历史:'dirge'一词最早出现在14世纪,起源于拉丁语的'directum',意为“直接向上”,指引人们向上帝的方向。随着时间的推移,这个词开始用于描述一种哀悼的声音或音乐。


- The tradition of singing dirges at funerals dates back to ancient times.(在葬礼上唱哀歌的传统可以追溯到古代。)

- The dirge has evolved over the centuries and has been influenced by different cultures and religions.(哀歌已经经过几个世纪的演变,并受到不同文化和宗教的影响。)

3. 用途和文化:'dirge'在一些文化中是很重要的,因为它被认为可以帮助那些遭受丧失的人减轻痛苦。在某些场合下,'dirge'也可以被用作抗议或反对的表达方式。


- The dirge was played at the memorial service to honor the fallen soldiers.(在纪念仪式上演奏哀歌,以纪念阵亡的士兵。)

- The protesters sang a dirge as they marched through the streets.(抗议者在街上唱着哀歌游行。)

4. 与其他词汇的联系:'dirge'可能会和其他悲伤或丧失相关的词汇联系起来,例如lament(悲叹)、elegy(挽歌)和funeral(葬礼)。


- The mourners wept and sang a lament for the deceased.(吊唁者为逝者哭泣,唱起悲叹曲。)

- The poet wrote an elegy for his lost love.(诗人为他失去的爱写了一首挽歌。)

5. 用法提示:'dirge'是一个比较正式的词汇,一般用于文学作品、宗教场合和正式场合。


- The solemn dirge filled the cathedral with a sense of mourning.(庄严的哀歌让大教堂充满了悲痛的氛围。)

- The speaker's voice was low and mournful as he recited the dirge for the departed.(演讲者的声音低沉哀怨,因为他朗诵逝者的哀悼曲。)





1. The mournful sound of a dirge filled the church as the coffin was carried down the aisle.(随着棺材沿着通道被抬走,一个悲伤的哀歌声充满了教堂。)

2. The old woman sang a dirge for her departed husband, her voice trembling with emotion.(老妇人为她逝去的丈夫唱哀歌,她的声音因情感而颤抖。)




例句:We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn. ' (我们向你们吹笛,你们不跳舞。我们向你们举哀,你们不捶胸。)


例句:And then the next planting season, when they sang the dirge, they would remove as many names of the dead that equaled as many people that were born. (到了下一次播种的时候,她们也会唱挽歌, 当然她们去掉了很多逝者的名字, 去掉名字的数量等于新生儿出生的数量。)


例句:And say, We have played the flute to you, and you did not dance; we have sung a dirge, and you did not mourn. (我们向你们吹笛,你们不跳舞;我们哀歌,你们不捶胸。)


例句:With a month to go, Americans may hear a dirge of glum economic news nearly every day between now and the election. (翻译:从现在起离大选还剩xx月之余,美国人也许每天都会听到阴森森、像哀乐一般的经济新闻。)


1. And say, We have played the flute to you, and you did not dance; we have sung a dirge, and you did not mourn. (翻译:我们向你们吹笛,你们不跳舞;我们哀歌,你们不捶胸。)

2. With a month to go, Americans may hear a dirge of glum economic news nearly every day between now and the election. (翻译:从现在起离大选还剩xx月之余,美国人也许每天都会听到阴森森、像哀乐一般的经济新闻。)

3. It was to be a funeral dirge , a farewell song to a dead friendship. (翻译:这将是一首葬礼挽歌,一首为夫去的友谊谱写的告别曲。)

4. The stranger, after listening FOR a moment, joined in the mournful dirge. (翻译:听了一会儿后这个陌生人也跟著唱起了悲哀的挽歌。)

5. have we, as 'twere, with a defeated joy, with mirth in funeral and with dirge in marriage in equal scale, weighing delight and dole, taken to wife. (翻译:我们以苦中作乐的心情 犹如丧葬同喜庆并举 悲喜交集 使他们彼此相应相和)

6. And then the next planting season, when they sang the dirge, they would remove as many names of the dead that equaled as many people that were born. (翻译:到了下一次播种的时候,她们也会唱挽歌, 当然她们去掉了很多逝者的名字, 去掉名字的数量等于新生儿出生的数量。)

7. She threw down her basket and intoned a peasant dirge. (翻译:她撂下菜篮,唱起庄稼人的哀歌。)

8. A light song overcomes me like a dirge. (翻译:轻快的歌曲竟似挽歌使我压抑。)

9. There is no complaint, no sorrow. right now, your voice sounds like melodious and beautiful dirge coming out from your lips. (翻译:我读不出你的怨、你的愁,此时此刻,你唇间呼出的,是悠扬而凄美的挽歌。)



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