abp是什么意思 abp的中文翻译、读音、例句

abp是什么意思 abp的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义


2. 用法


3. 拓展

除了ABP代表大主教的含义外,也有其他的含义。例如,ABP可以是其他缩写的一部分,比如"Advanced Business Park"(先进商业园区)或"Always Be Prepared"(时刻准备着)。


1. The ABP of Canterbury leads the Anglican Communion worldwide.


2. The ABP sent a letter of condolence to the victims of the fire.


3. The company has established a new ABP in Shanghai to accelerate its business expansion in China.


4. As a Boy Scout, I learned to always be prepared (ABP) for any situation.


5. The ABP acronym can have multiple meanings depending on the context.


抱怨狂(Annoying Banner Ads with Pop-ups),是指过于烦人的横幅广告和弹出窗口广告。ABP是一个广告拦截程序的缩写,可以在浏览器中使用,以阻止这些令人讨厌的广告出现。




1. ABP可以帮助用户屏蔽掉过于烦人的广告。

ABP can help users block the annoying ads.

2. 我最近下载了一个ABP插件,它让网页更加干净整洁。

I downloaded an ABP plugin recently, which makes the web pages cleaner and tidier.




例句:Thus, the concept and building of New Mother Town can be more localized and the operational way of ABP more diversified. (如此,新母城理念与建设将更具差异化,总部基地也将形成多元化的经营方式。)


例句:Xu Weiping pointed out that there are internal relations lying between the orientation of ABP and the construction of New Mother Town. (许为平指出,事实上,总部基地的定位和新母城建设有着内在的联系。)


例句:In this study, we found that expression form of ABP1 was soluble so we purified it in natural conditions, at the same time, the TIR1 was purified in inclusion body conditions. (针对两种蛋白的不同表达形式,ABP1蛋白采用天然条件下纯化的方式,而TIR1蛋白采用包涵体纯化的方式。)


例句:There were three periods in surgical treatment for ABP, including early operation, delayed operation and "individualization treatment" . (翻译:外科治疗经历了早期手术、延期手术和“个体化治疗”的三个阶段。)


1. In this study, we found that expression form of ABP1 was soluble so we purified it in natural conditions, at the same time, the TIR1 was purified in inclusion body conditions. (翻译:针对两种蛋白的不同表达形式,ABP1蛋白采用天然条件下纯化的方式,而TIR1蛋白采用包涵体纯化的方式。)

2. There were three periods in surgical treatment for ABP, including early operation, delayed operation and "individualization treatment" . (翻译:外科治疗经历了早期手术、延期手术和“个体化治疗”的三个阶段。)

3. promotion, new product distribution and POS activities to guarantee the achievement of regional ABP target and offtake target; (翻译:合理安排、执行各项销售促销、新产品铺货和终端陈列活动来达成本区域销售指标;)

4. ABP end customers for industrial equipment, including machinery, instruments, gauges of manufacturing and research and development company. (翻译:ABP的终端客户多为工业设备包括机械、仪器、仪表的制造和研发公司。)

5. The research foregone mostly focused n the mechanism of ABP against the cell membrane, and three modes have been put forward. (翻译:以往的研究主要集中于抗菌肽对细菌细胞膜的作用机制,己经构建了三种作用模式。)

6. LBP and ABP improved some phenotypes of cell model induced by H2O2, which might be related to their antioxidant effects. (翻译:LBP和ABP能够改善H2O2诱导的衰老模型细胞的某些表型,这可能与其抗氧化作用有关。)

7. Adam Harman: Now, the situation is better for we and relevant organizations have come to understand ABP better. (翻译:现在比较好的一点,我们与项目相关的机构和公司都对总部基地有了不少了解。)

8. Objective To explore the relationship ambulatory blood pressure ( ABP ) and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). (翻译:目的:探讨动态血压测值与高血压病左室肥厚的关系。)

9. ABP specialize in corporate event planning, execution and its relative equipment support. (翻译:ABP专注于企业活动的策划管理和执行及相关设备支持?)

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