yacon是什么意思 yacon的中文翻译、读音、例句

yacon是什么意思 yacon的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义与发音:Yacon是一种来自南美洲的块茎植物,其叶子和块茎都可以食用。发音为 [ˈjɑːkən]。

2. 来源与地域:Yacon最初在安第斯山脉地区出现,现已在全球范围内种植。尤其在亚洲一些国家(如中国、日本、韩国等)也越来越受欢迎。

3. 营养与药用:Yacon富含低聚果糖和丰富的营养成分,如维生素C、钾、镁等,对调节血糖、促进消化、预防糖尿病等方面有一定的药用价值。

4. 应用与市场:Yacon可作为蔬菜、水果或甜品的成分,也可用于制作低热量的饮料或饮品。目前,Yacon已经成为健康食品市场上备受瞩目的一种产品。


1. The yacon is a good source of dietary fiber and low-calorie sweetener.(yacon 是膳食纤维和低卡路里甜味剂的良好来源。)

2. I’ve never heard of yacon before.(我以前从没听说过 yacon。)

3. Yacon syrup is a natural sweetener with a low glycemic index.(yacon 糖浆是一种具有低升糖指数的天然甜味剂。)

4. Yacon has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years.(yacon 有着几千年的传统药用历史。)

5. Yacon chips are a healthy and tasty snack.(yacon 薯片是一种健康美味的零食。)




1. Yacon is a low-calorie food with a high level of fiber and antioxidants.


2. Yacon syrup is a natural sweetener that can be used in place of sugar in recipes.





例句:In other words, yacon tuber has a very low glycemic index and very few calories. (换言之,亚贡雪莲果块茎的血糖指数非常低和所含卡路里是极少的。)


例句:Yacon stores carbohydrates in the form of inulin, rather than glucose, which means a world of a difference for diabetics and dieters alike. (亚贡雪莲果碳水化合物的形式是菊糖,而非葡萄糖,这意味着它很受世界上不同的糖尿病患者和减肥人士的欢迎。)


例句:In other words, yacon tuber has a very low glycemic index and very few calories. (换言之,亚贡雪莲果块茎的血糖指数非常低和所含卡路里是极少的。)


例句:The stability of a new yacon health beverage rich in dietary fibers was studied. (翻译:研究了新型保健雪莲果膳食纤维饮料的稳定性。)


1. In other words, yacon tuber has a very low glycemic index and very few calories. (翻译:换言之,亚贡雪莲果块茎的血糖指数非常低和所含卡路里是极少的。)

2. The stability of a new yacon health beverage rich in dietary fibers was studied. (翻译:研究了新型保健雪莲果膳食纤维饮料的稳定性。)

3. dispersing dried filter cake in concentrated filtrate or dried product of filtrate, to obtain yacon fruit extract. (翻译:取干燥的滤渣加入滤液浓缩液中或与滤液干燥物混合,得雪莲果提取物。)

4. Making the composites ratafia, depend on mainly raw material Yacon and aloe. (翻译:以雪莲果、芦荟两种汁液为主要原料,生产复合果酒。)

5. Dried, Peruvian Yacon Slices -- Perfect for that "sweet tooth-attack" snack. (翻译:干制秘鲁亚贡雪莲果片-完美的“嗜甜人们的攻击”的小吃。)

6. Dried, Peruvian Yacon Slices — Perfect for that "sweet tooth-attack" snack. (翻译:干制秘鲁亚贡雪莲果片-完美的“嗜甜人们的攻击”的小吃。)

7. In some parts of the Andes, almost everyone has yacon in their family gardens, according to the National Academy of Science. (翻译:根据美国国家科学院学报称,在安第斯部分地区,几乎每个人都在他们的家庭菜园种亚贡雪莲果。)

8. The processing technologies of dietary-fiber beverages of yacon were studied. (翻译:就雪莲果膳食纤维饮料的生产工艺进行了研究。)

9. What does yacon tuber taste like? (翻译:究竟亚贡雪莲果的果实是什么味道的呢? )

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