reborn是什么意思 reborn的中文翻译、读音、例句

reborn是什么意思 reborn的中文翻译、读音、例句




- Be reborn:重新出生

- Reborn in Christ:在基督里重生

- Reborn as:以……的身份重新出现


- Born again:再生,转生(是reborn的同义短语)



1. I feel like I have been reborn after quitting my old job. (我感到我辞去旧工作后已经重生了。)

2. The old building has been reborn as a new art center. (这座旧建筑已经以全新的艺术中心的形象重生了。)

3. He was reborn as a new man after he survived the accident. (在幸存事故后,他重获新生。)

4. She was reborn in Christ and embraced her faith with a renewed sense of purpose. (她在基督里重生,并以一种全新的目的感拥抱了她的信仰。)

5. The phoenix is a mythical bird that is reborn from its own ashes. (凤凰是一种神话中的鸟,它从自己的灰烬中再生。)




1. After the car accident, she felt like she had been reborn with a new lease on life. (发生车祸后,她感觉自己像是得到了重生,重新过上了新的生活。)

2. The company's new marketing strategy has led to a reborn interest in their products. (公司的新营销策略让消费者重新对他们的产品产生了兴趣。)

3. The caterpillar turned into a butterfly, a symbol of rebirth and transformation. (毛毛虫变成了蝴蝶,象征着重生和变革。)

4. The football team's victory was a rebirth for their struggling season. (足球队的胜利是他们重振旗鼓、摆脱低谷的一次重生。)




例句:That if I died now ... or if I were already dead, then I could be reborn here (要是我现在死了 或者如果我已经死了,那么我可以轮回)


例句:Judas, reborn, is about to face the world. (这个世界将要面对重生的犹大。)


例句:Faraway Downs will be reborn as an island- green and flowering and fat with life. (远东牧场会像岛一样重生- 绿草中鲜花丛生 生活多姿多彩)

4.再生的 、复活

例句:Agnus: Ahhh, but His Holiness has been reborn. As an angel. (翻译:啊,但是教皇殿下现在又重生了。就像个天使一样。)


1. Faraway Downs will be reborn as an island- green and flowering and fat with life. (翻译:远东牧场会像岛一样重生- 绿草中鲜花丛生 生活多姿多彩)

2. Agnus: Ahhh, but His Holiness has been reborn. As an angel. (翻译:啊,但是教皇殿下现在又重生了。就像个天使一样。)

3. When a person is reborn they do not remember anything. (翻译:转世再生的人 是不可能会记得前世的事情的)

4. Only the few will attain this evolution and be reborn as Japanese... (翻译:只有小众才可以分享进化成果 以日本人重生,成为世上最强)

5. My father read a book by Shalom Spiegel that said Isaac died and was reborn. (翻译:我父亲读过一本Shalom Spiegel写的书 里面说以撒其实死了,后来又复活的.)

6. To die, that I can be reborn. (翻译:Погибаявозрождаться!)

7. He is thus reborn... no longer as a boring business man but as a - modernist painter - (翻译:于是他重生了... 不再是一个无聊的商人 而是一个现代派画家)

8. The place the dead souls go to be reborn. (翻译:死者的灵魂获得重生的地方 The place the dead souls go to be reborn.)

9. It's where all the hearts of earth that are lost to love and to fear lie waiting to be reborn. (翻译:在那里有著人们的心 那些失去爱以及害怕的心... 都在那里等待重生)

10. You'll die, yes... but you'll be reborn as something miraculous. (翻译:你会死去的,是的... ...但你会作为奇迹得到重生)

11. As for this young man, he insists you are Hector reborn. Or was it Hercules? (翻译:这位年轻人坚持你是赫克托转世,还是你是天神赫尔克里斯的化身?)

12. I work to purify dirty souls and allow them to reborn. (翻译:我的工作就是净化肮脏的灵魂 并允许她们重新转生)

13. Pogibaja, vozrozdats'a. To die, that I can be reborn. (翻译:Упасть,чтобыподняться)

14. But it's the original legend that gains its strength every time it's reborn. (翻译:但是传说每次被重述一次... ...它的力量就增强一次)

15. Afterward, she will be reborn as Lady Teteoinnan, and preside over the induction of new warriors. (翻译:之后,她会以 特里欧娜女神的模样重生, 掌管着新斗士的到来。)

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