1. 源头及含义:'wudi'一词源于中文词语“无敌”,意为“无可匹敌的,无人能敌的”,常用作形容词或名词,用于描述某个人或事物具有极强的能力或卓越的表现。
- My boss is a 'wudi' negotiator and always gets the best deals for our company.(我的老板是个无敌的谈判家,总是为我们公司争取到最优惠的交易。)
- This new smartphone has 'wudi' features that set it apart from all others in the market.(这款新智能手机有无敌的特点,让它与市场上其他所有同类产品区别开来。)
2. 网络用语:'wudi'在网络语境中也可被解读为“无脑地追星、崇拜某个公众人物”,常被年轻人使用,通常用于形容某些粉丝的疯狂追捧行为。
- I can't believe how many 'wudi' fans showed up at the airport just to catch a glimpse of their favorite celebrities.(我真的无法想象有多少“追星狂热粉丝”去机场等着看一眼他们最爱的名人。)
- The 'wudi' behavior of some fans is becoming a serious problem, as it can lead to dangerous situations and even violence.(一些“疯狂粉丝”的“追星狂热”行为正在成为一个严重的问题,因为它可能导致危险情况甚至暴力事件。)
3. 缩写词: 'wudi'还可作为缩写词使用,代表“无地”(Without a Dime),意为没有多余的钱财。这一用法通常出现在网络或口语交流中,被用于形容某些人手头紧张、没有多余钱财的情况。
- After paying all my bills this month, I'm 'wudi' and can't afford to go out with my friends.(这个月支付所有的账单后,我已经没钱了,无法和朋友们出去玩。)
- I lost my job last month and have been 'wudi' ever since.(上个月我失去了工作,自那以后我就一直手头紧张、没钱。)
1. My sister is a 'wudi' cook who can always make delicious meals out of simple ingredients.(我妹妹是个无敌的厨师,总是能从简单的食材中做出美味的餐点。)
2. The football team won the championship again this year, proving they are truly 'wudi'.(足球队今年再次获得冠军,证明他们真的是无敌的。)
3. My daughter is such a 'wudi' swimmer that she broke the school record in her first year of competition.(我的女儿是一个无敌的游泳运动员,她在第xx年比赛中就打破了学校记录。)
4. It's amazing how some fans can become so 'wudi' that they will do anything to meet their favorite celebrities.(令人惊讶的是,有些粉丝会变得如此“疯狂”以至于他们愿意做任何事情去见自己喜欢的名人。)
5. I spent all my savings on my trip to Europe and now I'm 'wudi'.(我把所有积蓄都花在了去欧洲的旅行上,现在我一文不剩了。)
常见翻译:Emperor Wu of Han(汉武帝)
1. 汉武帝在位期间进行了大量的措施来加强中央集权,推进治理体系的现代化。(中文翻译:During the reign of Emperor Wu of Han, a large number of measures were taken to strengthen centralization and promote modernization of the governance system.)
2. 汉武帝也是一位很有文艺才华的皇帝,他亲自写下了多篇诗歌和歌颂祖先的经文。(中文翻译:Emperor Wu of Han was also a very talented emperor in literature and art. He personally wrote many poems and scriptures praising his ancestors.)
3. 汉武帝在位期间大力发展农业和手工业,推动了社会经济的繁荣。(中文翻译:During the reign of Emperor Wu of Han, agriculture and handicrafts were vigorously developed, promoting the prosperity of the social economy.)
4. 汉武帝采取了非常严格的法律制度,以惩治犯罪行为。(中文翻译:Emperor Wu of Han adopted a very strict legal system to punish criminal behavior.)
5. 汉武帝还发动过几次战争,扩大了汉朝的版图。(中文翻译:Emperor Wu of Han also launched several wars to expand the territory of the Han Dynasty.)
6. 汉武帝在位期间实行了科举制度,选拔了许多有才华的人才。(中文翻译:During the reign of Emperor Wu of Han, the imperial examination system was implemented, selecting many talented people.)
7. 汉武帝是中国历史上最长寿的皇帝之一,享年xx岁。(中文翻译:Emperor Wu of Han was one of the longest-lived emperors in Chinese history, dying at the age of 77.)
8. 汉武帝的太监卫青领导了一支规模庞大的军队,征服了北方少数民族。(中文翻译:The eunuch Wei Qing, under the leadership of Emperor Wu of Han, led a large army to conquer the northern minority tribes.)
9. 汉武帝的统治时期被视为中国历史上的黄金时代之一,留下了许多重要的历史遗产。(中文翻译:The reign of Emperor Wu of Han is regarded as one of the golden ages in Chinese history, leaving many important historical legacies.)
读音:wǔ dì
1. 刘彻是中国汉朝的第七个皇帝,史称汉武帝或者“文武皇帝”。
2. 汉武帝时期,国家的政治、经济文化、科技等方面都得到了大力发展。
Chinese translation: Emperor Wu (refers to Liu Che, the Emperor Wu of Han)
Pronunciation: wǔ dì
Example sentence:
1. Liu Che was the seventh emperor of the Han Dynasty of China, known as Emperor Wu or "Emperor of Martial and Literary Arts" in history.
2. During the reign of Emperor Wu of Han, the country made great progress in politics, economy, culture, science and technology.
例句:So Emperor Wudi made up his mind, and appointed Du Yu the Grand General for Conquering the south. (于是司马炎就下了决心,任命杜预作征南大将军。)
例句:After returning, Emperor Wudi said to the people around him that Ji An was a little too rude and too straightforward. (武帝回到宫里当前,对身边的人说,汲黯这团体也不免太粗太直了。)
例句:However even criticisms like Sima Qiang's chronicles about the reign of Wudi was not suppressed by the Emperor. (甚至司马迁在自己的《史记》中对汉武帝的批评也没被皇帝掐掉。)
例句:The merciless officials play an important role in formulating the political actions and economic policies executed by Emperor Han Wudi. (翻译:酷吏在汉武帝实施的各种政治措施、经济政策上起了重要作用。)
Wudi | 武迪 |
1. However even criticisms like Sima Qiang's chronicles about the reign of Wudi was not suppressed by the Emperor. (翻译:甚至司马迁在自己的《史记》中对汉武帝的批评也没被皇帝掐掉。)
2. The merciless officials play an important role in formulating the political actions and economic policies executed by Emperor Han Wudi. (翻译:酷吏在汉武帝实施的各种政治措施、经济政策上起了重要作用。)
3. Gan-Zhis were employed to designate the years before the reign of Wudi Emperor of Han Dynasty; (翻译:中国在汉武帝以前用天干地支纪年; )
4. Once, Emperor Wudi said that he would implement the policy of benevolence and justice of Confucianism and would do good turns to the people. (翻译:有一次,汉武帝说要实行儒家的仁义之政,为老百姓办好事了。)
5. So Emperor Wudi made up his mind, and appointed Du Yu the Grand General for Conquering the south . (翻译:于是司马炎就下了决心,任命杜预作征南大将军。)
6. Ugly Wudi, the mainland remake of the popular us TV series Ugly Betty, is just the latest example. (翻译:最新的例子是《丑女无敌》,它是美国人气连续剧《丑女贝蒂》的大陆翻版。)
7. Han Wudi altar set up in Chang'an, for worship on the generals, from fine wine it Jianxing Gong. (翻译:汉武帝于长安城设坛,拜为上将军,取上等贡酒为之饯行。)
8. Forced labor continued under the Han Emperor Han-Wudi , and the walls reputation grew into a notorious place of suffering. (翻译:强制性劳动在汉武帝时期持续着 因而城墙被视作受苦受害之地而臭名昭彰 )