vocalist是什么意思 vocalist的中文翻译、读音、例句

vocalist是什么意思 vocalist的中文翻译、读音、例句








与Vocalist相关的词组包括:lead vocalist(主唱)、back-up vocalist(后援声乐演员)、female vocalist(女歌手)、male vocalist(男歌手)等。


与Vocalist相关的短语包括:Vocalist performance(声乐演出)、talented vocalist(有才华的歌手)、aspiring vocalist(有抱负的歌手)等。


Vocalist的发音为 ['vəʊkəlɪst]。




1. Adele is a renowned vocalist, known for her soulful voice and powerful performances. (阿黛尔是一位著名的歌手,以她灵魂深处的嗓音和强大的表演著称。)

2. She has trained as a classical vocalist for years, and her voice is truly stunning. (她已经训练成为一名古典歌手多年了,她的嗓音真的非常出色。)

3. The band is currently searching for a new vocalist to replace their lead singer. (乐队目前正在寻找一位新的歌手来取代他们的主唱。)

4. He started his career as a vocalist in a jazz band before branching out into other genres of music. (他开始时是一名爵士乐队的歌手,后来转向其他音乐流派。)




例句:it's similar to being a vocalist, except instead of it coming out of your throat, you're controlling it just in the air and you don't really have a point of reference; you're always relying on your ears and adjusting constantly. (这和做歌手有点像,除了, 声音不是从你的喉咙里发出的, 而是你用手在空中控制它 而且你没参考点; 你总得靠自己的耳朵听,不断调整。)


例句:Heavens, aren't you Willies Scott, the famous American female vocalist. (天啊,你不是美国著名女歌手威莉•斯科特吗。)


例句:And now, producers like the Chainsmokers are just as often the "face" of the song, as the lead vocalist would have been just a few years ago. (现在,像烟鬼这样的创作人通常是一首歌的“门面担当”,就像几年前的主唱一样。)


例句:He was a founder-member of the Jackson Five at the age of four, soon becoming their lead vocalist and front-man. (翻译:xx岁时他创始了“杰克逊五兄弟”乐团,不久脱颖而出成为乐团的主唱与头面人物。)


vocalist一般作为名词使用,如在lead vocalist([网络] 主唱;主唱歌手;领唱)等常见短语中出现较多。

lead vocalist[网络] 主唱;主唱歌手;领唱


1. And now, producers like the Chainsmokers are just as often the "face" of the song, as the lead vocalist would have been just a few years ago. (翻译:现在,像烟鬼这样的创作人通常是一首歌的“门面担当”,就像几年前的主唱一样。)

2. He was a founder-member of the Jackson Five at the age of four, soon becoming their lead vocalist and front-man. (翻译:xx岁时他创始了“杰克逊五兄弟”乐团,不久脱颖而出成为乐团的主唱与头面人物。)

3. Ryan Innes, and finally stole an artist, RB vocalist, C. Perkins, from team Shakira. (翻译:并从狼队偷走了RB歌手C. Perkins)

4. In 1932, Tatum traveled to New York with vocalist Adelaide Hall. (翻译:xx年泰特姆同歌手阿德莱德·霍尔来到纽约。)

5. No, it was up high enough. Maybe he's just not that good a vocalist and the sound engineers are trying to cover it up in the mixing. (翻译:不,音量已经最高了。也许他不是没有那么好的歌手,而音响师试图通过混音来掩盖他的声音。)

6. Jazz vocalist: BinBin. an unique and talented jazz vocalist from china. (翻译:爵士乐演奏家:binbin。中国独一无二的天才演奏者。)

7. Among the 26 contenders, there are six Russian grandmothers and the 76-year-old British vocalist Engelbert Humperdinck. (翻译:有26人参加了歌唱大赛,其中有6位俄罗斯祖母,还有xx岁的英国声乐家英格柏·汉普汀克。)

8. it's similar to being a vocalist, except instead of it coming out of your throat, you're controlling it just in the air and you don't really have a point of reference; you're always relying on your ears and adjusting constantly. (翻译:这和做歌手有点像,除了, 声音不是从你的喉咙里发出的, 而是你用手在空中控制它 而且你没参考点; 你总得靠自己的耳朵听,不断调整。)

9. To be the last member of the group was Mark Wakefield, the band's vocalist. (翻译:这是最后一次团队的成员是马克·威克费尔德,这个乐队的主唱。)

10. But after 12 years of being a background vocalist with the Wailers, (翻译:我不接受 但经过xx年的被 备份歌手与哭丧,)

11. Enya, born 17 May 1961, is an Irish vocalist, instrumentalist and composer. (翻译:恩雅生于xx年,是爱尔兰著名歌者,器乐演奏者以及作曲家。)

12. That means there were three awards of the Top Female Vocalist, the best Artist of the Year and the Best New Artist in her hands. (翻译:这意味着她在演唱生涯中已将最佳女歌手、年度最佳艺人和最佳新人三个奖项收入囊中)

13. He and Carla Torgerson take turns as the band's lead vocalist. (翻译:他和卡拉·托格森轮流担任乐队的领唱。)

14. I'm in a band, but the vocalist left because we had a rough fight. (翻译:我组了个乐队 但是却没有主唱 她和我吵了一架)



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