decree是什么意思 decree的中文翻译、读音、例句

decree是什么意思 decree的中文翻译、读音、例句

词的意思:'decree' 意为法令、法令颁布、命令、指令、裁定等。

词性:'decree' 是一个名词和动词。

常用场景:'decree' 在法律、政治、宗教和历史等领域广泛应用。在法律上,'decree' 常用于指法院或其他机构做出的法律裁决;在政治上,'decree' 常用于指政府或领导人做出的命令或指令。

词组搭配:'decree' 通常与以下词组搭配使用:

- issue a decree:颁布命令或法令;

- royal decree:皇家命令;

- papal decree:教皇敕令;

- presidential decree:总统命令;

- degree absolute:绝对裁定。

相关短语:'decree' 的相关短语包括 'decree absolute' (绝对裁定), 'decree nisi' (初步裁定), 和 'decree of nullity' (无效判决)等。

发音拼写:'decree' 发音为 /dɪˈkriː/。




1. The government issued a decree banning the sale of cigarettes to minors. (政府发布法令禁止向未成年人销售香烟。)

2. The judge issued a decree granting custody of the child to the mother. (法官发布裁定将孩子的监护权授予母亲。)

3. The king issued a decree ordering all citizens to pay a new tax. (国王发布命令要求所有公民交纳新税。)




例句:A 2003 decree by Brazils National Environment Council forbids burial grounds in protected areas. (xx年,巴西国家环境理事会颁布了一项法令,禁止在保护区内修建墓地。)


例句:Annulling the decree on expropriation of unproductive lands, the new president put the minds of large land owners at ease. (废止征用非生产土地的法令, Annulling the decree on expropriation of unproductive lands, 新总统让大土地所有者放心。the new president put the minds of large land owners at ease.)


例句:To appoint, decree, or ordain in advance foreordain. (预定预先决定,判决或颁布;预先注定。)


例句:The decree imposed strict censorship of the media. (翻译:这个法令强制实行严格的媒体审查制度。)


decree一般作为名词、动词使用,如在divorce decree([法] 离婚令, 离婚判决)、emergency decree([化] 安全技术规程)、educational decree(教育法令)等常见短语中出现较多。

divorce decree[法] 离婚令, 离婚判决
emergency decree[化] 安全技术规程
educational decree教育法令
execution of decree[法] 执行命令, 执行判决
final decree[法] 最后判决令, 离婚最后判决令
foreclosure decree[法] 取消抵押品赎回权令
governing by decree[网络] 命令统治
government decree[法] 政令
imperial decree诏谕


1. To appoint, decree, or ordain in advance foreordain. (翻译:预定预先决定,判决或颁布;预先注定。)

2. The decree imposed strict censorship of the media. (翻译:这个法令强制实行严格的媒体审查制度。)

3. A decree replacing Persian with English as the language of administration and education. (翻译:我想那时是印度的黄金时期 所有的团体,不分彼此)

4. But the papal decree goes much further. (翻译:但教皇的法令给予的还不止这些。)

5. Here is His Majesty's Decree about my person being appointed (翻译:请看 这是任命我为莫斯科警察总长的委任状)

6. The president has so far refused to countersign the prime minister's desperate decree. (翻译:该总统至今拒绝在总理这个孤注一掷的政令上会签。)

7. I have no doubt he will sign a decree arming the believers you find worthy. (翻译:我确信他会签署一项法令,武装你认为值得的信徒)

8. Officials and generals, by this decree, Yan Feier has abdicated (翻译:公主手谕,诸臣众将 燕飞儿决意放弃君王之位)

9. Mr Sergeyev petitioned the Zagorye District Court to repeal this Decree. (翻译:谢尔盖耶夫先生要求扎各莱耶地区法庭撤销该判决)

10. By decree of the Emperor of Hindustan Jalaluddin Mohammad! (翻译:颁令者――印度帝国皇帝 Jalaluddin Mohammad!)

11. Let what is said be recorded as the judgment and decree of the Senate and people of Rome. (翻译:以下所讲的 是代表罗马元老院之审判与裁定)

12. To perpetuate it would be, as Pecqueur rightly says, "to decree universal mediocrity" . (翻译:要使它永远存在下去,那就象贝魁尔公正地指出的那样,等于“下令实行普遍的中庸”。)

13. To foreordain or elect by divine will or decree. (翻译:命中注定通过神意或神谕来预先注定或选择。)

14. Your request will be confirmed by the next decree at the end of the semester. (翻译:在xx年的最后一次判决中 你的要求会被确定.)

15. But US laws cannot be annulled by decree, and the Republicans are unlikely to be co-operative in changing it. (翻译:但美国法律不能依政令废除,而共和党人也不太可能会配合改变这一法律。)

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