verge是什么意思 verge的中文翻译、读音、例句

verge是什么意思 verge的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性:'verge'是一个名词,表示“边缘、边界、界限”等含义。

2. 意思:'verge'可以指物体的边缘,也可以指一个人或事情接近某种状态或情况的边缘,例如接近失败、疯狂等。此外,'verge'还可以指道路或公路旁的绿化带。

3. 用法:'verge'作为名词,可以用于主语、宾语、定语和表语等位置。此外,'verge on'短语可以表示“接近、濒临某种状态或情况”,'on the verge of'则表示“即将、快要、在...边缘”。

4. 常见短语:'verge on'、'on the verge of'。


1. The car was parked on the verge of the road.


2. The company is on the verge of bankruptcy.


3. She was on the verge of tears.


4. His behavior verges on insanity.


5. They are on the verge of a major breakthrough in their research.


'Verge'是英语单词,翻译为“边缘”、“界限”、“临界点”等。在俚语中,“verge”也可以表示某种极度的情感或状态,比如“on the verge of tears”指的是快要哭了。


1. She stood on the verge of the cliff, admiring the breathtaking view.(她站在悬崖边缘,欣赏着令人惊叹的景色。)

2. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy before the new CEO took over.(在新CEO接手之前,公司处于破产边缘。)

3. The singer's emotional performance pushed many in the audience to the verge of tears.(歌手的情感表现让许多观众快要哭了。)

4. The team's success hinged on their ability to stay on the verge of innovative technology.(团队的成功取决于他们能否保持在创新技术的边缘。)

5. The car came screeching to a halt on the verge of the road.(车子在路边的草地上尖叫着停下了。)

6. After many years of hard work, she was finally on the verge of achieving her dream.(经过多年的努力,她终于快要实现自己的梦想。)

7. The disease had pushed him to the very verge of death.(这种病把他推到了生死边缘。)

8. The town was located on the verge of the wilderness, making it a popular destination for hikers.(这个城镇位于荒野的边缘,因此成为徒步旅行者的热门目的地。)

9. The artist's style was always on the verge of surrealism, giving his paintings a dreamlike quality.(这位艺术家的风格总是处于超现实主义的边缘,使他的画作具有梦幻般的质感。)




1. We were on the verge of bankruptcy before the new investor came in. 我们在新投资者进来之前快要破产了。

2. He was standing on the verge of the cliff, looking down into the sea. 他站在悬崖边上,向下望着海面。

3. The two countries are on the verge of war. 这两个国家快要爆发战争了。




例句:But we now stand on the verge of another revolution in geolocation accuracy. (但现在我们站在地理精确定位的 另一场革命的边缘。)


例句:I may be on the verge of discovering the true nature of Destiny's mission. (我也许就要取得突破 可以发现命运号使命的真正意义)


例句:It's clear that we're on the verge of a great transition in human life... (我们将尽可能避免那种情况发生 很明显 我们正出于一个重大的转变时期的边缘...)


例句:The Antarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella, would be hunted to the verge of extinction. (翻译:南极软毛海豹学名Arctocephalus gazella,由于这样的捕猎而濒临绝种。)


verge一般作为名词、动词使用,如在on the verge(un. 接近;要发狂\n[网络] 边缘温度;濒临毁灭;渐趋边缘)、verge on(接近,濒于,差点,行将…)、verge to(接近,濒于,差点,行将,趋于…)等常见短语中出现较多。

on the vergeun. 接近;要发狂\n[网络] 边缘温度;濒临毁灭;渐趋边缘
verge on接近,濒于,差点,行将…
verge to接近,濒于,差点,行将,趋于…
grass verge路旁草坪
hardened verge硬路肩
margin verge路缘带
road verge路旁草坪
soft verge= soft shoulder
verge board挡风板;山头封檐;板屋檐板


1. It's clear that we're on the verge of a great transition in human life... (翻译:我们将尽可能避免那种情况发生 很明显 我们正出于一个重大的转变时期的边缘...)

2. The Antarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella, would be hunted to the verge of extinction. (翻译:南极软毛海豹学名Arctocephalus gazella,由于这样的捕猎而濒临绝种。)

3. It's very complicated. We are right on the verge of being able to build viruses (翻译:我们正处于一种可以创造病毒 We are right on the verge of being able to build viruses)

4. His voice trembled, on the verge of tears. (翻译:他的声音颤抖着,就要落下泪来。)

5. Gaius, I am on the verge of seeing the faces of the Final Five Cylons. (翻译:盖尤斯 我差点就看到了 剩下的那五个赛昂人)

6. Experts see Chile at the verge of a civil war. (翻译:专家预测一场内战 已然在智利应运而生 Experts see Chile at the verge of a civil war.)

7. Would someone on the verge of death do something so roundabout? (翻译:一个即将要死的人还会有余力做那种麻烦的事吗?)

8. I'm on the verge of reestablishing the bond that R and I had. (翻译:再努力一下 我想,你最后会发现 R跟我们想的一样)

9. I'm sad that Julie's marriage is on the verge of splitting up. (翻译:我为朱莉的婚姻处于破裂的边缘感到难过。)

10. For a few days, the entire biosphere seemed to be on the verge of destruction. (翻译:有几天, 整个生物圈 好像在毁灭的边缘。)

11. I'm on the verge of numerous... countless... scientific breakthroughs. (翻译:我正处在好几项... 数不清的科学突破的边缘)

12. Her vehicle is now on the verge of being repossessed. (翻译:她的车处在被回收的边缘。)

13. They will tell you that we are on the verge of imminent destruction. (翻译:他们会告诉你,我们处在... 毁灭的边缘。)

14. The mountain gorilla is on the verge of extinction. (翻译:居住在山区的大猩猩已濒临灭绝。)

15. Maple was on the verge of collapse. (翻译:枫树镇濒临破产 Maple was on the verge of collapse.)



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