作为一名英语老师,对于 "olympian" 这个单词或缩写词,我可以从以下四个方面进行说明:
1. 词源: "olympian" 源于古希腊神话中的奥林匹斯众神,表示神圣、崇高和超凡的。
2. 形容词用法: "olympian" 作为形容词,表示高尚的、超然的、不可超越的,常用于形容某人的表现或成就。
3. 名词用法: "olympian" 作为名词,通常指奥林匹克运动会的选手或获奖者,也可以指表现卓越的人或事物。
4. 缩写词:"OLY"是 "olympian" 的常见缩写,常用于指代奥林匹克运动会。
以下是五个关于 "olympian" 的中英例句:
1. The olympian athlete broke the world record and won the gold medal.(这位奥林匹克运动员打破了世界纪录并获得了金牌。)
2. The olympian performance of the singer left the audience in awe.(歌手的卓越表现让观众无比惊叹。)
3. He looked olympian in his tuxedo, standing tall and confident.(他穿着礼服,气质高尚自信,看上去像个神仙。)
4. The swimmer trained like an olympian for months before the competition.(游泳选手在比赛前训练了数月,像个奥林匹克运动员一样刻苦训练。)
5. The OLY committee announced that the Tokyo 2020 Olympics would be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.(国际奥委会宣布,由于COVID-19大流行,东京2020奥运会将被推迟。)
1. He is an olympian athlete who has won gold medals in multiple events.
2. The olympian spirit of fair play and sportsmanship is an important part of the games.
例句:They ruled over Greece before Zeus and the rest of the Olympian Gods overthrew them. (在被宙斯和奥林匹斯众神推翻前 他们曾统治希腊)
例句:At the other end of the spectrum is the Olympian perspective of a former Newsweek bureau chief for Germany and eastern Europe. (另一方面是来自德国和东欧的一名前Newsweek总编辑的奥利匹克视角。)
例句:Reser had also been the top alternate to four-time Olympian and former world champion Jimmy Pedro in 2000 and 2004. (在xx年和xx年奥运会上,里色尔都是在奥运会上四度夺冠的前世界冠军吉米·佩德乐的第一候补。)
例句:Among the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was the sun god Apollo. (翻译:在众多的奥林波斯山神中,太阳神阿波罗最受推崇。)
olympian一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在Olympian Games([复数] = Olympic Games)、Olympian Zeus([网络] 奥林匹亚的宙斯;宙斯神;奥林匹亚宙斯庙)、olympian zeuss([网络] 奥林匹亚的宙斯;宙斯神;奥林匹亚宙斯庙\n(olympian zeus 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。
Olympian Games | [复数] = Olympic Games |
Olympian Zeus | [网络] 奥林匹亚的宙斯;宙斯神;奥林匹亚宙斯庙 |
olympian zeuss | [网络] 奥林匹亚的宙斯;宙斯神;奥林匹亚宙斯庙\n(olympian zeus 的复数) |
Special Olympian | 特殊奥林匹克运动会 (Special Olympics的变形) |
Winter Olympian | [网络] 冬奥会 |
1. Reser had also been the top alternate to four-time Olympian and former world champion Jimmy Pedro in 2000 and 2004. (翻译:在xx年和xx年奥运会上,里色尔都是在奥运会上四度夺冠的前世界冠军吉米·佩德乐的第一候补。)
2. Among the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was the sun god Apollo. (翻译:在众多的奥林波斯山神中,太阳神阿波罗最受推崇。)
3. He never understood that a true Olympian was not just about a God-given skill set. (翻译:他一直都没搞清楚 真正的奥运选手不仅要有上天赐予的技术)
4. Reser had also been the top alternate to four-time Olympian and former world champion Jimmy Pedro in 2000 and 2004. (翻译:在xx年和xx年奥运会上,里色尔都是在奥运会上四度夺冠的前世界冠军吉米·佩德乐的第一候补。)
5. Troy Dumais, an American Olympian, finished third at 484.25 points. (翻译:特洛伊杜迈斯,美国选手,获得第三名为484.25点。)
6. Michael Phelps is currently the fastest human in water and the most decorated Olympian of all time. (翻译:迈克尔·菲尔普斯是目前水里游得最快的人, 也是有史以来最杰出的的奥林匹克运动员。)
7. We have the Baltimore Orioles, the Baltimore Ravens football team, Michael Phelps, the Olympian. (翻译:我们有巴尔的摩金莺、 巴尔的摩乌鸦足球队、 奥运选手迈可菲尔普斯。)
8. "You're a talented athlete," said to an Olympian: authentic, no verbal irony present. (翻译:如果对一个奥林匹克运动员说 “你真是个有天赋的运动员。” 这就很真诚,并不包含反语 )
9. But I just kept thinking, wow, greatest Olympian of all time. (翻译:但是我在想,是啊,我成为奥运史上最伟大的运动员,还真挺酷的。)
10. Having finally won his Olympic weightlifting gold, Zhang Xiangxiang said he might never appear again as an Olympian. (翻译:张湘祥终于赢得了奥运会举重的金牌,他说或许今后再也无法参加奥运会了。)
11. you know, the. . . the most decorated Olympian. I had no idea what it was until about a year ago. (翻译:你知道…荣誉最多的奥运会选手。我大约在xx年前才知道它是什么。)
12. Lawyer-Olympian- camp for kids founder? (翻译:律师 - 奥林匹亚 - 夏令营为孩子们的创始人?)
13. The importance of being an Olympian will vary from athlete to athlete. (翻译:参加奥运会对每个运动员而言意义不同。)
14. Wonder Woman and the Amazons are caught in the middle of a war between the ancient Roman gods and the Olympian gods . (翻译:神奇女侠和亚马逊在古代罗马神和奥林匹斯诸神之间的战争中被发现。)
15. And with that gene activated in the mouse on the right by a high dose of resveratrol, she quickly turned into a mini-Olympian. . . (翻译:当右侧小鼠的那种基因被高剂量白藜芦醇激活后,她快速变为迷你奥运选手…)