petra是什么意思 petra的中文翻译、读音、例句

petra是什么意思 petra的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 'Petra'的含义与历史:


2. 'Petra'的缩写词含义:


- Personal Electronic Travel Assistant

- Professional Education and Training for Rural Advancement

- Private Equity Tax Reform Act

3. 'Petra'的文化和艺术相关:


- Petra Collins:一位时尚摄影师和导演。

- Petra Haden: 一位美国音乐家和艺术家。

- Petra Nemcova: 捷克超模和慈善家。


1. Petra is one of the most spectacular and unique archaeological sites in the world. (Petra是世界上最壮观和独特的考古遗址之一)

2. PETRA: Personal Electronic Travel Assistant for Business People on the Move. (PETRA:专为商务人士而设的个人电子旅行助手)

3. In order to improve the education quality for rural areas, they have launched PETRA program. (为提高农村教育质量,他们启动了PETRA计划)

4. Petra was especially impressed by the mosaic on the wall of the ancient synagogue. (Petra被古代犹太教堂墙上的马赛克深深打动了)

5. Model and philanthropist Petra Nemcova was born in Karvina, Czech Republic, on June 24, 1979. (模特和慈善家Petra Nemcova于xx年xx月xx日出生于捷克卡尔维纳)



1. Petra是约旦最著名的旅游景点之一,每年吸引着数以百万计的游客。

2. 这座在岩石上雕刻而成的巨大剧院是Petra最引人注目的地标之一。

3. 现在,在Petra城市遗址的周围,有很多的酒店和餐厅,方便游客游玩和休息。

4. 参观Petra的游客可以选择步行或乘坐骆驼或马匹来探索这个神秘的城市。

5. 从城市的主要入口进入Petra,游客可以看到高大的石柱,这是城市的主要通道。

6. 在Petra的中央广场上,有一座华丽的神庙,是在古代贡献给阿拉伯人的神庙。

7. Petra的岩石结构是由红色的砂岩和白色的石灰岩构成,刻有各种精美的浮雕和雕刻。

8. Petra的历史可以追溯到公元前xx年,是红海和亚洲之间的贸易中心。

9. 参观Petra时,一定要穿着舒适的鞋子,因为你需要步行很长时间才能欣赏到这个古老城市的美丽之处。





1. Petra is a very unique name. (Petra是一个非常独特的名字。)

2. Petra loves collecting stones from all over the world. (Petra喜欢从世界各地收集石头。)




例句:You compromise with Petra? (你会顺着帕特拉吗? You compromise with Petra?)


例句:The woman turned, tears streaking her cheeks. "I'm so glad to see you, Petra, " she said. (女人转身回来,脸上挂满泪水,“我真高兴见到你,佩查。”她说。)


例句:Petra expects to produce over 1m carats by 2010-quite a jump from 180,474 carats in the year to June. (Petra预计在xx年前出产1百万克拉,相较到xx月180,474克拉的产量是个飞跃。)


petra一般作为名词使用,如在Petra(n. 约旦-佩特拉古城)等常见短语中出现较多。

Petran. 约旦-佩特拉古城


1. Petra expects to produce over 1m carats by 2010-quite a jump from 180,474 carats in the year to June. (翻译:Petra预计在xx年前出产1百万克拉,相较到xx月180,474克拉的产量是个飞跃。)

2. Petra, you're doing an excellent job. Now, we have another one for you. (翻译:佩特拉 你工作做得很好 现在我们交给你另外一个)

3. At Mada'in Saleh in Saudi Arabia and Petra in Jordan are the breathtaking ruins of the Nabataean Empire. (翻译:在沙特阿拉伯的玛甸沙勒和约旦的佩特拉 有令人叹为观止的纳巴泰王国废墟)

4. And I love that box, because, you know, Petra, Petra gave it to me. (翻译:而且我爱那一个盒子,因为, 你知道, Petra, Petra 把它给了我。)

5. My sister-in-law, Petra, and Antonio have a baby named after me. (翻译:我的嫂子佩特拉和安东尼奥 有一个小孩以我为名)

6. -Uh, Petra, before we call it a night, I have an idea I'd like to try, and my idea is... (翻译:派翠亚, 收工之前我有个新构想想试试 我的想法是...)

7. Dr. Petra Gilmar, Dr. Gregory House. (翻译:Petra Gilmar医生 Gregory House医生)

8. Petra keeps calling every night, and every night there (翻译:Petra 继续呼叫每一 在那里的夜晚、和每天夜晚)

9. Alma and Petra, take the hamper. (翻译:-是 -就是这种精神 爱尔玛 佩特拉 你们俩带上圣诞筐)

10. Zander's Siq is named after -- some of you have been to Petra, there's this wonderful slot canyon that leads into Petra called the Siq, and so this is the Siq. (翻译:桑德缝隙——假如你去过Petra的话 那里是一个非常美丽的狭长地带,它通向Petra 名字叫Siq,这就是 )

11. She's loved like Jenny, Petra and Putte. (翻译:我们爱她 便如同爱气妮 佩特拉还有普特一样)

12. The locations for Sawiris's film are all over the country, in Amman, Aqaba, the Dead Sea, Wadi Rum, and Petra. (翻译:地点,维里斯的电影是在全国各地,在约旦首都安曼,亚喀巴,死海,谷酒,和佩特拉。)

13. Anything lying around, Petra threw it out the window. (翻译:而帕特拉只要看到乱丢的衣物 就把它扔出窗外 Anything lying around, Petra threw it out the window.)

14. You got yourself printed up in Petra Moritz saying I paid for votes. (翻译:你的名字都登上了佩拉·莫里兹的专栏了 说我贿选)

15. Petra trawled the aisles of the Europa supermarket. (翻译:佩特拉搜索了欧罗巴超市的各个通道。)



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