1. 定义:'kiger'可能是一个缩写词或者专业术语,需要根据上下文确定其确切含义。
2. 来源和用途:如果kiger是一个姓氏,它可能是指一个具有这个姓氏的人;如果是一个缩写词,可能是代表某个组织、产品或者过程。需要了解其来源和用途才能正确理解。
3. 单词结构和拼写:如果kiger是一个单词,需要了解其拼写规则和单词结构,以便于正确书写和理解。
4. 语境:最重要的是要了解kiger在具体的语境中的意义和用法,只有在特定的语境下才能准确理解和使用。
1. Kiger是我的一个好友的姓氏,他非常善良和聪明。 (Kiger is the surname of one of my good friends, who is very kind and smart.)
2. 我正在研究一种新型的Kiger技术,它可以有效地减少生产成本和提高产品质量。(I am researching a new Kiger technology that can effectively reduce production costs and improve product quality.)
3. KIGER是一个国际知名的商标,代表着高品质的家居用品。(KIGER is an internationally renowned brand that represents high-quality home products.)
4. 这个词可能是一个缩写词,我需要了解更多相关信息才能够理解它。(This word may be an abbreviation, I need to learn more information to understand it.)
5. 我们需要依据具体的语境来理解kiger的意义,否则可能会造成误解。(We need to understand the meaning of kiger based on the specific context, otherwise it may lead to misunderstanding.)
Kiger的中文翻译为基格尔,读音为ji1 ge2 er3。
1. 这匹基格尔马是我最喜欢的马种之一。
2. 基格尔野马是一种罕见的马种,只有在美国的东部山区才能找到。
3. 她的马厩里养了一匹名为基格尔的漂亮马。
1. This Kiger horse is one of my favorite breeds.
2. Kiger Mustangs are a rare breed of horses found only in the eastern mountainous regions of the United States.
3. She keeps a beautiful horse named Kiger in her stable.
例句:Riggins and 14K are all dead. (Riggins and 14K are all dead.)
例句:Why was Lemi K untouchable? (莱米・K为什么不能动 Why was lemi k untouchable?)
例句:The prototype 5K tower was built at their corporate headquarters. (5K塔的原型就建在他们的公司总部 The prototype 5K tower was built at their corporate headquarters.)
例句:Since it does not take in any K, it can safely be declared to be covariant on K. (翻译:因为它没有传入任何K类型的对象,它能安全地声明为对于K可协变的。)
1. The prototype 5K tower was built at their corporate headquarters. (翻译:5K塔的原型就建在他们的公司总部 The prototype 5K tower was built at their corporate headquarters.)
2. Since it does not take in any K, it can safely be declared to be covariant on K. (翻译:因为它没有传入任何K类型的对象,它能安全地声明为对于K可协变的。)
3. We have 14k and 18k gold necklaces, chains and earrings. (翻译:我们有14k和18 k的金项链、手链和耳环。)
4. The aef of kwas negative in nk treatment while increased rapidly in npk treatment after10-year crop cultivation; k was also one of critical limited nutrients for crop yield . (翻译:k的农学效率在试验进行xx年后nk处理平均为负值,同期npk处理中小麦k的农学效率却急剧增加,k成为作物高产的限制因素; )
5. Mr Iger \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 's management style is said by many to have unlocked Disney \ \ \ \ \ \ \' s creativity. (翻译:Iger先生的管理风格被认为是重新打开了迪斯尼的创造力。)
6. This man, Lenny Pepperidge, a.k.a. Lenny the Pep a.k.a. Sheldon Wills, a.k.a. Little Timmy Hartwell is a confidence man. (翻译:这个人连尼皮佩吉 绰号连剥皮、大威利和小提米)
7. K, guys- congratulations again, hannnah. (翻译:K,家伙 - 再次恭喜,Hannnah。)
8. April 6 2003, leaving the Cardio Deluxe Jam on K Street. (翻译:从K大道上 离开Cardio Deluxe Jam)
9. Natto is a rich source of a specific form of vitamin K called K2. (翻译:纳豆是一种具体的维生素k,被称为K2的丰富来源。)
10. King of hearts, king of spades, king of clubs and king of diamonds. (翻译:不论红桃K、黑桃K、梅花K,还是方片K上的国王)
11. What is certain is that under Mr Iger, Disney has perfected the art of media synergy. (翻译:可以确定的是,艾格领导下的迪斯尼将媒体协同运作的艺术施展得淋漓尽致。)
12. Yes, we have 14k and 18k gold necklaces, chains and earrings. (翻译:有,我们有14k和18 K的金项链、手链和金耳环。)
13. Ductile Iron has a higher yield strength than cast steel 40K vs. 30K. (翻译:铸钢的屈服强度是30K,而球墨铸铁的屈服强度更高,达到40K。)
14. Have you been to Hong Kong before? (翻译:HaveyoubeentoH. K. before?)
15. Our earrings are available in 14K white gold or yellow gold, please specify when ordering. (翻译:同款样式的耳环还有14K黄金与14K白金,订购时请详细说明。)