afloat是什么意思 afloat的中文翻译、读音、例句

afloat是什么意思 afloat的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释: "afloat" 是一个形容词,表示物体浮在水上或者在水中漂浮。也可以表示企业或者个人财务状况良好,没有债务或者负担。

2. 词性变化:adverb (adv.)

3. 同义词:floating, buoyant, adrift

4. 反义词:sinking, underwater, insolvent

5. 例句:

- The boat was afloat on the calm lake, its red sails reflecting in the water.


- The company is struggling to stay afloat in today's competitive market.


- Despite the tough economic times, our business remains afloat thanks to our loyal customers.


- The life raft kept us afloat until we were rescued by the coast guard.


- The small business owner struggled to keep her company afloat after losing her biggest client.





1. After the storm, the boat was still afloat, but it was severely damaged.(风暴过后,船还能漂浮,但已经严重受损。)

2. The company was struggling to stay afloat after several years of financial losses.(公司在几年的财务亏损后难以维持经营。)


1. 经过风暴后,船仍然能够漂浮,但已经受到严重的损坏。

2. 公司在几年的财务亏损后难以维持经营。




例句:And you are going to have to work very hard to stay afloat. (而你必须十分努力工作 才能不被浪潮所淹没 And you are going to have to work very hard to stay afloat.)


afloat一般作为名词使用,如在discharge afloat([法] 船上卸货)、get afloat(发行)、go afloat([网络] 乘船;下水)等常见短语中出现较多。

discharge afloat[法] 船上卸货
get afloat发行
go afloat[网络] 乘船;下水
goods afloat[经] 未卸货物, 未到货
keep afloat[法] 免于破产
life afloatna. 海上生活
not always afloat不是经常在海上的
outfitting afloat水上舾装
service afloat[网络] 海上服务;海上勤务


1. Between Glendale, Laguna about to open, and Beverly on a roll, it's the pies that keep it all afloat. (翻译:除了格伦代尔的店 拉古那店马上要开张 贝弗利店也生意红火)

2. Neurath has likened science to a boat which, if we are to rebuild it, we must rebuild plank by plank while staying afloat in it. (翻译:纽拉特曾将科学比作漂浮在海上的一艘船,如果我们想要重建它,必须是一块板一块板地重建,而且必须同时呆在这艘船上。)

3. The ancients conceived the earth as afloat in water. (翻译:古人认为地球漂浮在水里。)

4. But if she stays afloat at least I can figure her speed and distance. (翻译:但是,如果她保持漂浮 But if she stays afloat)

5. You see, we gotta work twice as hard as corporate-owned farms just to stay afloat. (翻译:听着,我们得比那些工业化的 多干两倍的活 不然就活不下去.)

6. This lets you stay afloat while you wait to paddle for a wave. (翻译:这使你在等待海浪的时候能够一直浮于海面。)

7. I have often been adrift but I have always stayed afloat. (翻译:我的船儿时常都在漂泊, 但是总能保持着不至沉没。)

8. Confronting the exigency of cost control , entrepreneurs are pressed to find a quick fix to stay afloat . (翻译:面对控制成本的压力,企业家为求生存,只好急求对策。)

9. If we can keep her afloat till dawn, we might make Tulagi. (翻译:只要我们拂晓前让它浮在水面上 就有机会开到图拉吉)

10. I was mainly concerned about trying to keep my business afloat. (翻译:我主要关注 关于试图保持 我的生意漂浮。)

11. If you inhale a few times, you'll feel like you're afloat, and won't be able to stop. (翻译:只要你抽上两口 , 包你爱不释手 飘飘欲仙)

12. If we can keep her afloat till dawn, we might get a towline on her. (翻译:如果拂晓前能保持它的浮力 我们就可以用缆绳拖它回去)

13. He spent all of his money trying to keep this branch afloat. (翻译:他花了他所有的钱 来保住这间摇摇欲坠的公司)

14. The voyage of the Plastiki, and the fact that it is afloat by recycled plastic bottles highlight to the durability and creative potentials for plastic. (翻译:普拉斯提基号的航行,以及它是由再生塑料瓶支撑漂浮的事实,宣示了塑料的耐用性和创造潜力。)

15. Neurath has likened science to a boat which, if we are to rebuild it, we must rebuild plank by plank while staying afloat in it. (翻译:纽拉特曾将科学比作漂浮在海上的一艘船,如果我们想要重建它,必须是一块板一块板地重建,而且必须同时呆在这艘船上。)

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