1. 定义: THON 可以指代多个含义,最常见的是Penn State University 的 THON(Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon) ,是一个为儿童癌症患者筹款的盛大活动。
2. 来源: THON 这个缩写最初是 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon 的名称缩写,后来逐渐成为了一个独立的品牌词汇。
3. 用途: THON 这个词汇主要用于指代 Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon 这个活动,同时也可以用于其他类似的慈善活动。
4. 语法:THΟN 这个缩写通常是全部大写字母的形式,但有时也会出现单词形式的使用。
5. 应用: THON 这个词汇广泛使用于学生、媒体和志愿者之间,可以用于普及和宣传相关的慈善活动。
1. Penn State's THON is the largest student-run philanthropy in the world, raising over $127 million for pediatric cancer research and families.
宾州州立大学的 THON 是世界上最大的学生组织的公益活动,筹集了超过一亿两千七百万美元用于儿童癌症研究和关爱家庭。
2. I volunteered to help out at the THON event this year, and it was an amazing experience to see so many people come together to support a great cause.
我今年志愿为THON 活动提供帮助,看到这么多人为了支持一个伟大的事业而聚集在一起是一次令人难忘的体验。
3. Many celebrities and athletes have participated in THON events over the years, lending their support and voices to the cause.
多年来,许多名人和运动员参加了THON 活动,为这个事业提供了他们的支持和声音。
4. The THON committee spent months planning and preparing for the annual event, which included dance performances, games, and a charity auction.
THON 委员会花费了几个月的时间计划和准备这次年度活动,其中包括舞蹈表演、游戏和一次慈善拍卖。
5. The THON fundraiser is one of the most popular and successful events on campus, bringing together students, faculty, and local businesses to support the fight against pediatric cancer.
THON 筹款活动是校园里最受欢迎和最成功的活动之一,汇集了学生、教职员工和当地企业,支持对抗儿童癌症。
1. I ran a half marathon last month.(我上个月参加了一个半程马拉松比赛。)
2. She is training for her first full marathon.(她正在训练自己参加第一次全程马拉松。)
3. The company is currently undergoing a 24-hour coding marathon.(公司正在进行一场为期24小时的编程马拉松。)
4. The concert lasted three hours, it was like a musical marathon.(音乐会持续了三个小时,就像一场音乐马拉松。)
5. The students are preparing for a math competition that lasts for 12 hours, it's like a math marathon.(学生们正在准备一项持续12小时的数学比赛,就像一场数学马拉松。)
6. The reading marathon lasted all night and I finished three books.(阅读马拉松一整晚都持续了下来,我读完了三本书。)
7. The film festival is a five-day marathon of independent films.(电影节是一场为期五天的独立电影马拉松。)
8. She is famous for completing a seven-day dance marathon.(她因完成一场为期七天的舞蹈马拉松而闻名。)
9. The charity run was a marathon of giving, with participants running to support various causes.(慈善跑步是一场关于付出的马拉松赛事,参与者跑步以支持各种事业。)
1. The village of Thon was destroyed by the hurricane. (托恩村被飓风摧毁了。)
2. Thon is a small coastal town in Norway. (托恩是挪威的一个小海滨城镇。)
3. The Thon hotel chain is known for its luxurious accommodations. (托恩酒店连锁以其豪华住宿而闻名。)
例句:The Mongol has been knocked back into the 14th century. (The Mongol has been knocked back into the 14th century.)
例句:49th point : x=980,49th value>(第 49 个点: x=980,49th value>)
例句:H-Ho-How long do you th-think she'll last? (H -浩多久你 TH -以为她会持续多久?)
thon一般作为名词使用,如在Thon Buri([地名] 吞武里 ( 泰 ))等常见短语中出现较多。
Thon Buri | [地名] 吞武里 ( 泰 ) |
1. H-Ho-How long do you th-think she'll last? (翻译:H -浩多久你 TH -以为她会持续多久?)
2. TH: And what Penelope says here is even more true. (翻译:TH:Penelop说的 再真实不过了。)
3. The drywall will be in by the 12th. Hey, Stan. (翻译:石膏墙板12号就会到 The drywall will be in by the 12th.)
4. But on November 29th, 2007... (翻译:但在xx年xx月xx日 But on November 29th, 2007...)
5. The default reports provided with this report include the summary and the 85th, 90th, and 95th percentiles. (翻译:它所提供的默认报告包括概要和85th、90th以及95th百分点。)
6. # You've got a lot of nerve # (翻译:# 你真是好大的胆子 # [歌名: Positively 4th Street])
7. Lieutenant Herrera, 7 th Company. (翻译:亨利亚中尉 第七纵队 Lieutenant Herrera, 7 th Company.)
8. October 5th, three-seventy-five francs. (翻译:October 5th, three -seventy -five francs.)
9. Yeah. 7th Street and 9th Avenue. (翻译:没错 第七街和第九街 Yeah. 7th Street and 9th Avenue.)
10. Philly on the 12th or Edmonton on the 27th? (翻译:12号费城飞人 还是27号埃德蒙顿油人 {\3cH202020}Philly on the 12th or Edmonton on the 27th?)
11. It was the 40th anniversary of the day he got his job. (翻译:It was the 40th anniversary of the day he got his job.)
12. And you have to be proud of yourself. (翻译:因为 nge 和琳达。你做了正确的 th ng。)
13. The 65th precinct is in the crosshairs. (翻译:65辖区处于准星中间 The 65th precinct is in the crosshairs.)
14. He called me again, on the night of the 5th. (翻译:5号凌晨两点 He called me again, on the night of the 5th.)
15. Th-this is a lot to take in. (翻译:Yes. 这事... 我得消化一下 Th...)