1. 定义:Applied Optics是一个涉及光学应用的学科领域,主要关注光的传播、成像、控制和应用等方面。
2. 范围:Applied Optics涉及到许多不同的领域,包括光电子学、激光技术、光学仪器、光学通信、光学测量、光学成像等等。
3. 应用:Applied Optics的应用非常广泛,例如在医疗领域中用于眼科手术、光学仪器中用于制造透镜、光纤通信中用于传输数据等等。
4. 研究:Applied Optics的研究可以涉及到光学原理、光学器件设计、光学系统仿真等方面。
1. Applied Optics是一门涉及到许多不同光学领域的学科。
Applied Optics is a discipline that involves many different areas of optics.
2. 在光学仪器制造中,Applied Optics的理论和技术应用非常重要。
In the manufacture of optical instruments, the theory and technology of Applied Optics are very important.
3. Applied Optics的研究可以帮助我们更好地理解光学现象,从而应用到工程实践中。
Research in Applied Optics can help us better understand optical phenomena and apply them to engineering practice.
4. 光学通信技术是Applied Optics的一个重要应用领域,可以实现高速数据传输。
Optical communication technology is an important application area of Applied Optics and can achieve high-speed data transmission.
5. 在医疗领域中,Applied Optics的应用可以帮助眼科医生进行眼科手术,提高手术精度和效果。
In the medical field, the application of Applied Optics can help ophthalmologists perform eye surgery, improve accuracy and effectiveness.
中文翻译:应用光学(yìng yòng guāng xué)
读音:yìng yòng guāng xué
1. 应用光学是研究光学现象及其在科学、工程、医学等领域中的应用的学科。
Applied optics is a discipline that studies optical phenomena and their applications in fields such as science, engineering, and medicine.
2. 计算机视觉、激光雷达、光纤通信等都是应用光学技术的领域。
Computer vision, lidar, fiber optic communication, and other fields all rely on applied optics technology.