mayflower是什么意思 mayflower的中文翻译、读音、例句

mayflower是什么意思 mayflower的中文翻译、读音、例句


1.历史意义:Mayflower是xx年英国清教徒移民前往新世界的船只。这艘船在美国历史上具有重要的象征意义,因为它载着初代美国移民来到美洲,开创了新的历史。在美国历史上,“Mayflower Compact”(《xx月花公约》)也成为美国民主制度的源头之一。


- The Mayflower carried the Pilgrims to America.

- The signing of the Mayflower Compact is regarded as a milestone in American history.

- The Mayflower is an important symbol of America's founding story.



- Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel "The Scarlet Letter" is set in a Puritan community that descended from the Mayflower.

- In "The Mayflower and Her Log" by Azel Ames, the voyage of the Mayflower is meticulously documented.

- The Mayflower symbolizes the bravery and resilience of the early American settlers.



- Mayflowers are popular garden plants due to their delicate petals and sweet fragrance.

- Mayflower Transit is a well-known moving company in the United States.

- The Mayflower Autonomous Ship is designed to operate without human intervention.


- The Mayflower sailed from Plymouth, England to the New World in 1620. (历史)

- The protagonist in the book "Mayflower Girl" is a young Pilgrim girl. (文学)

- I picked some pretty Mayflowers from my garden this morning. (现代)

- The Mayflower II is a replica of the original Mayflower and is now a museum ship. (历史)

- The Mayflower Compact established a form of self-government for the Pilgrims. (历史)



1. The Mayflower was the ship that carried the Pilgrims to America.(Mayflower是载送清教徒前往美国的船只。)

2. After months at sea, the Mayflower finally reached the shores of America.(经过数月的航行,Mayflower终于抵达美国海岸。)

3. The passengers aboard the Mayflower endured many hardships during their journey.(Mayflower上的旅客在旅途中经历了许多艰辛。)

4. The Mayflower Compact was a document signed by the Pilgrims that established a form of self-government.(Mayflower Compact是清教徒签署的文件,确立了一种自治政府形式。)

5. The Mayflower Society is an organization for descendants of the original Mayflower passengers.(Mayflower协会是为原始Mayflower旅客的后代而设立的组织。)

6. The Mayflower II is a replica of the original Mayflower that is docked in Plymouth, Massachusetts.(Mayflower II是原始Mayflower的复制品,停泊在马萨诸塞州的普利茅斯。)

7. Many people visit the Mayflower Steps in Plymouth, England, where the Pilgrims are believed to have departed for America.(许多人参观英格兰普利茅斯的Mayflower Steps,这里被认为是清教徒前往美国的出发点。)

8. The Mayflower Salon is a hair salon in New York City that specializes in vintage hairstyles.(Mayflower沙龙是一家位于纽约市的发廊,专门做古老发型。)

9. The Mayflower Hotel in Washington D.C. is a historic hotel that has hosted many famous guests.(Mayflower酒店位于华盛顿特区,是一家历史悠久的酒店,接待过许多著名的客人。)





1. The mayflower is a symbol of new beginnings and hope.(xx月花是新的开始和希望的象征。)

2. The Mayflower Compact was signed on board the Mayflower in 1620.(《xx月花公约》于xx年在xx月花号船上签署。)




例句:Additional Separatists were to follow the Mayflower on a smaller ship, the Speedwell. (其它的分离派们要乘坐一艘跟随xx月花号的小船,斯碧薇尔号。)


例句:Walters go back to the Mayflower and beyond... back to the Norman conquest. (沃尔特要追溯到xx月花号甚至更早... Walters go back to the Mayflower* and beyond... 最早来到美国的英国移民是在xx年搭乘xx月花号船抵达普利茅斯的)


例句:Standard Golf-View Room Haikou Meishi Mayflower Golf Resort Reservation (标准高景房,海口美视xx月花高尔夫度假酒店预订)


例句:It was the very first Mayflower to open on the East Coast. (翻译:这是东海岸最早的Mayflower商场了)


mayflower一般作为名词使用,如在the mayflower([网络] xx月花号;xx月花号船;xx月花酒店)、Mayflower Compact(“xx月花号”公约)等常见短语中出现较多。

the mayflower[网络] xx月花号;xx月花号船;xx月花酒店
Mayflower Compact“xx月花号”公约


1. Standard Golf-View Room Haikou Meishi Mayflower Golf Resort Reservation (翻译:标准高景房,海口美视xx月花高尔夫度假酒店预订)

2. It was the very first Mayflower to open on the East Coast. (翻译:这是东海岸最早的Mayflower商场了)

3. It is Mayflower down here. It is Washington here, building, building countries. (翻译:这是xx月花时代。这是华盛顿时代, 建造国家。)

4. "Berry confesses to deadly Mayflower fire." (翻译:Terrence Berry承认毁灭性火灾是自己所为)

5. The Mayflower was a small ship crowded with men, women and children, besides the sailors on board. (翻译:xx月花是一个小型船舶挤满了男人,妇女和儿童,除船员在船上。)

6. Call me Keller. We're all family here at the Mayflower. (翻译:叫我凯勒就行了 我们xx月花的人都是一家人)

7. They hired the Speedwell and the Mayflower to carry them across the Atlantic to a new land in America. (翻译:他们聘请了婆婆纳属和xx月花号跨大西洋在美国一个新的土地。)

8. In the year 162, a little ship came to America. It was called the Mayflower. There were one hundred people on the ship. (翻译:xx年,一条小船来到了美洲。它的名字叫xx月花号。船上载有一百人。)

9. I needed a warm bed, too, when I finally made my way off the Mayflower. (翻译:{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F}英国朝圣者乘坐xx月花号来到美国 印第安人帮助其生存 感恩节传统由此而来)

10. And neither does Ruffles she and her man they go back to the Mayflower. (翻译:那位阿桑也是,她和她老公... 简直一对国宝啦)

11. Mr. Parker is the vice president of operations... here at this particular branch of the Mayflower Department Store. (翻译:派克先生是xx月花百货商店... 本地分店的常务副总裁)

12. Amy, I swear to you, at the Mayflower... (翻译:Amy,我对你发誓在... Mayflower)

13. They had brought some sugar with them on the Mayflower but by the time of the feast, the supply had dwindled. (翻译:虽然他们乘“xx月花”号到达美洲大陆的时候也随船携带了糖,但是到感恩节的时候供应量已经减少。)

14. On February 1 2, at the Mayflower Hotel, did you or did you not tell me that if I were to sell TWA to Pan Am that this entire investigation would be called off? (翻译:xx月xx日,在xx月花大饭店 你是不是跟我说... 只要我把环航卖给泛美)

15. They had brought some sugar with them on the Mayflower but by the time of the feast, the supply had dwindled. (翻译:虽然他们乘“xx月花”号到达美洲大陆的时候也随船携带了糖,但是到感恩节的时候供应量已经减少。)



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