3.语法:pinMode(pin, mode),其中pin代表数字引脚的编号,mode可以是INPUT,OUTPUT,INPUT_PULLUP等。
1. pinMode(8, OUTPUT); //将8号引脚设置为输出模式
2. pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP); //将12号引脚设置为带上拉电阻的输入模式
3. int buttonPin = 2;
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); //将2号引脚设置为输入模式,并将其连接到按钮的引脚
4. int analogPin = A0; // 将A0引脚设置为模拟输入
pinMode(analogPin, INPUT);
1. pinMode(8, OUTPUT); // set pin 8 to be an output
2. pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP); // set pin 12 to be an input with a pull-up resistor
3. int buttonPin = 2;
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); // set pin 2 to be an input and connect it to the button
4. int analogPin = A0; // set A0 pin to be an analog input
pinMode(analogPin, INPUT);
1. 在使用 Arduino 板时,我们需要对不同的引脚设置不同的 pinmode。
2. 在这个程序中,我们将引脚 13 设置为输出模式,使用 pinmode 函数实现。
Chinese translation: 引脚模式
Pronunciation: [pɪnˌməʊd]
Example sentences:
1. When using an Arduino board, we need to set different pinmodes for different pins.
2. In this program, we set pin 13 to output mode using the pinmode function.
例句:I swear I put it in sleep mode. (我发誓我让她进入睡眠模式了 I swear I put it in sleep mode.)
例句:Not with a gun with no firing pin. (这枪没撞针 伤不了人 Not with a gun with no firing pin.)
例句:In Compatible Query Mode, validation of the slicer expression would result in the following warning message. (在Compatible Query Mode中,对切片器表达式进行验证将导致以下警告消息。)
1. In Compatible Query Mode, validation of the slicer expression would result in the following warning message. (翻译:在Compatible Query Mode中,对切片器表达式进行验证将导致以下警告消息。)
2. Oh, try to pin the blame on me? (翻译:不,你知道,在我的危险期里,我们做了两次)
3. That pin thing, it stopped working. (翻译:那枚勋章 That pin thing, 失效了 所以她想去再找一枚 it stopped working.)
4. Katniss has her gold Mockingjay pin. (翻译:凯妮丝有个嘲笑鸟黄金别针 Katniss has her gold Mocking -jay pin.)
5. And some likes to pin them up on his wall. (翻译:有些人喜欢把它们贴在墙上 And some likes to pin them up on his wall.)
6. Maybe the pin is not just a pin. (翻译:说不定这枚胸针不仅仅是一枚胸针 Maybe the pin is not just a pin.)
7. The loan mode of agriculture insurance and loan ; ASRF mode ; MC simulation (翻译:农业保险+信贷贷款模式;渐进单因子模型;蒙特卡罗模拟;)
8. The symmetric perturbation is of real mode and the antisymmetric is of complex mode. (翻译:对称部分是实模态摄动,反对称部分是复模态摄动。)
9. So, we pin it on McAuliffe. (翻译:所以,我们定在麦考利夫身上 So, we pin it on McAuliffe.)
10. to pin me in a departure lounge? (翻译:就是想来候机室盯住我? to pin me in a departure lounge?)
11. Build in one mode switch , you can select the GBA slot boot mode or NDS slot boot mode . (翻译:内建一个模式开关,你可以选择是从GBA插槽,还是NDS插槽启动。)
12. Maybe that pin unlocks the secrets (翻译:也许这枚胸针可以揭开 Maybe that pin unlocks the secrets)
13. A boar's mode of attack is to circle and charge from behind, so it will take three to distract her for me to flank one of the piglets, pin it and slit its throat. (翻译:野猪的攻击方法是 绕过猎物从后方扑上去 我需要两个人把母猪引开 好让我逮到一只小猪 一刀切断它的喉咙)
14. - You want a stealth mode? (翻译:你想要做隐形模式? 很酷吧? You want a stealth mode?)
15. Your sorrows pin you to this place. (翻译:你们的痛楚把你们钉在了这里 Your sorrows pin you to this place.)