30s是什么意思 30s的中文翻译、读音、例句

30s是什么意思 30s的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:30s, balding, white guy, average height, no plate. (xx岁左右 开始秃顶 白人男性 中等身高 没有车牌)


例句:SWF, 30s, n/s iso SM, BB for RM? (SWF,xx岁,N / S ... ...的LSO SM,R&M的B&B吗?)


例句:He said the woman is in her early 30s, but her name was not being released. (他说,该女子在她xx年代初,但她的名字是不会被释放。)


30s一般作为名词使用,如在Elgetol 30(二硝甲酚)、P30([=Prostate specific antigen]前列腺特异抗原)、RAP30(RAP30蛋白)等常见短语中出现较多。

Elgetol 30二硝甲酚
P30[=Prostate specific antigen]前列腺特异抗原
lethal dose 50/30射后30天半数致死剂量
Mirapon F30起泡剂
S of Sabbr. Song of Songs 【圣经】雅歌


1. He said the woman is in her early 30s, but her name was not being released. (翻译:他说,该女子在她xx年代初,但她的名字是不会被释放。)

2. And yet, in the late '30s, Salman saw what's coming. (翻译:不过,在 30 年代后期,萨勒曼预期到了要发生的事情)

3. I can promise you this, sweetheart, okay Age, Casey. Twenties, 30s, 40s? (翻译:我可以向你保证,甜心- ...年龄呢,凯西,20,30,40?)

4. (narrator) Western influences had grown in Japan in the '30s, which the military disliked and now discouraged. (翻译:xx年代西方的影响在日本有所增长, 这是军方不喜欢的, 而且现在对此进行阻碍)

5. Early 30s, dark complexion, dark hair, speaks with a European accent. (翻译:三十出头 肤色较深 深色头发 说话有欧洲口音)

6. In the 30s and 40s he voted for Franklin Roosevelt, believing he was a leader of the workers. (翻译:在xx年代,他投票给富兰克林·罗斯福,认为他是工人的领袖。)

7. I mean, this is a young woman in her early 30s at best. (翻译:我的意思是,这是一个年轻的女人 在她xx岁出头的最好的。)

8. But we know that we're looking for a Caucasian man and woman, in their 30s, perhaps 40s. (翻译:们知道了 我们要找的是一对白种男女 大概xx岁)

9. White male, 30s, in a four-door maroon, unknown make, model. (翻译:嫌犯白人,xx岁左右, 开著深红色四门车,厂牌未知.)

10. Let's see, in his 30s, tall, bushy dark hair, slight northern accent. (翻译:让我们看看,他30多岁,高高的,有着浓密的黑发,略带北方口音。)

11. Caucasian, 30s, 5'10". Black and tan jacket. (翻译:白种人 xx岁左右 1米77 黑褐色夹克)

12. Built in the '30s and used until it was cut off by the city's new main water line. (翻译:xx年代建造,直到被... 城市新主要运水通道截断)

13. Based on the organization and sophistication of the crimes, we put this unsub in his late 30s to early 40s. (翻译:根据作案的组织与熟练程度 我们认为不明人物xx岁到40出头)

14. Again, in the '30s, Warner Brothers, RKO did that for you. (翻译:再提一次,在xx年代,华纳兄弟公司或是雷电华电影公司为你们做了这些艺术传播。)

15. White professional female in her 30s? (翻译:三十多岁的白人职业女性吗 White professional female in her 30s?)

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