rapids是什么意思 rapids的中文翻译、读音、例句

rapids是什么意思 rapids的中文翻译、读音、例句





常见的词组搭配有:white-water rapids(白水急流),swift rapids(迅猛急流),dangerous rapids(危险急流),roaring rapids(轰鸣急流)。


与rapids相关的短语有:navigate the rapids(穿越急流),go with the flow(顺应水流),rough waters(汹涌激流),watershed moment(分水岭时刻)。


Rapids的发音为 ['ræpɪdz]。其中,第二个音节重读。





1. We went canoeing down the rapids and it was an exhilarating experience.(我们划独木舟经过急流,那是一次令人兴奋的经历。)

2. The river was full of rapids, making it difficult to navigate.(河里充满了险滩,让导航变得困难。)




例句:It's approximately 14 miles from Cedar Rapids, depending on the route. (- 那在哪? 离Cedar Rapids大概14英里 取决于路线)


例句:Now I think the people that started that fire also became the first ever to navigate and survive the Inga Rapids. (能在那里燃起大火的人 是第一个在印加急流中辨清方向 并活下来的人)


例句:Julia felt a whirl of wind blow her hair up and swish in her face. It was like a canoe going against the rapids in a river. (茱莉亚觉得有阵风把自己的头发吹了起来,嗖嗖声擦面而过。那就像独木舟在激流中行进。)


rapids一般作为名词使用,如在Eaton Rapids([地名] 伊顿拉皮兹 ( 美 ))、Elk Rapids([地名] 埃尔克拉皮兹 ( 美 ))、hazardous rapids(险滩)等常见短语中出现较多。

Eaton Rapids[地名] 伊顿拉皮兹 ( 美 )
Elk Rapids[地名] 埃尔克拉皮兹 ( 美 )
hazardous rapids险滩
Neosho Rapids[地名] 尼欧肖拉皮兹 ( 美 )
Otter Rapids[地名] 奥特拉皮兹 ( 加 )
Park Rapids[地名] 帕克拉皮兹 ( 美 )
Pelican Rapids[地名] 佩利肯拉皮兹 ( 加、美 )
rapids zone急流区
Rat Rapids[地名] 拉特拉皮兹 ( 加 )


1. Julia felt a whirl of wind blow her hair up and swish in her face. It was like a canoe going against the rapids in a river. (翻译:茱莉亚觉得有阵风把自己的头发吹了起来,嗖嗖声擦面而过。那就像独木舟在激流中行进。)

2. I mean, with the rapids, there won't be any connection to the train. (翻译:急流会冲走尸体, 这样没人会想到和桥上的火车有关)

3. This is from my bank in Grand Rapids. (翻译:是我在大急流城的银行传来的 This is from my bank in Grand Rapids.)

4. On a last second penalty kick today, DC United beat the Colorado Rapids 4-3. (翻译:在最后一秒罚点球的今天,华盛顿特区联队击败科罗拉多急流4 -3。)

5. - (STAMMERING LOUDLY) The rapids! (翻译:- 激流! - 抓紧! - The rapids!)

6. We portaged our gear around the rapids. (翻译:我们把装备转由陆上运输以绕过湍滩。)

7. Away from these rapids flat lizard populations are found in much smaller numbers. (翻译:在远离这些急流的地方, 扁石蜥的数量则要少得多)

8. Years later, Kosuke's math skills still come in handy as a defender for the Colorado Rapids. (翻译:几年后,木村宏介作为后卫加入了科罗拉多激流队,他的数学天赋仍能派上用场。)

9. Adventure company Waitomo Luminosa leads groups through the underground rivers riding dark rapids1 on inner tyres. (翻译:怀托摩鲁米·诺萨探险公司会带领你在黑暗中乘坐橡皮艇,穿过地下河那踹急的水流。)

10. The height of the fall is so great that the stream of water atomizes into a cloud of mist, then trickles back together at the bottom of the plunge and continues on through a cascading run of rapids. (翻译:瀑布是下降的高度非常之大,以致使部分流水喷成雾状成为模糊不清的云朵,然后汇成细流与大瀑布一起跌到山下的底部,并继续穿越几个像小瀑布那样的飞奔急流。)

11. 14 miles outside Cedar Rapids. (翻译:在Cedar Rapidshare城外14英里)

12. Think of it as if you were riding the rapids, and instead of worrying, you'll enjoy each day's thrills. (翻译:将它想象成你正在驾驶高速交通工具,与其担忧,不如享受每一天的刺激。)

13. Every spring and winter, when the white rapids and deep green Tan, swing the Shiba, the reflection with the two sides view. (翻译:春冬季节,白色的急流,回旋着清波;碧绿的深潭,倒映着两岸山色。)

14. Victor Pulak, there's a raft of campers about to go over devil's canyon rapids! (翻译:维克多Pulak,有露营筏 大约走了过来魔鬼峡谷险滩!)

15. He also serves on the boards of the Borgess Metro Health Alliance, the Metropolitan Health Corp., and the Metropolitan Hospital Foundation in Grand Rapids. (翻译:他还是对Borgess地铁健康联盟议会,都保健公司和大都会医院基金会在大瀑布。)



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