conveyed是什么意思 conveyed的中文翻译、读音、例句

conveyed是什么意思 conveyed的中文翻译、读音、例句

I can certainly provide you with the information you need. Here is a detailed explanation of the word "conveyed" and some examples to help you understand it better.

1. Meaning

"Conveyed" is the past tense of the verb "convey", which means to communicate or express a message or information to someone. It can also mean to transport, carry or transfer something from one place to another.

2. Synonyms

Some common synonyms of "conveyed" are:

- Communicated

- Transmitted

- Transported

- Carried

- Delivered

- Sent

3. Usage

Here are a few ways you can use "conveyed" in a sentence:

- We conveyed our condolences to the family of the deceased.

- The message was conveyed to the entire team by the coach.

- The goods were conveyed by truck to the warehouse.

- He conveyed a sense of urgency in his voice.

- The meaning of the poem was not clearly conveyed to the audience.

4. Examples

Here are five examples of "conveyed" used in different contexts:

- The joy on Harry's face conveyed his relief at passing his driving test.

(Here, "conveyed" means to indicate or make known to others.)

- The news was conveyed to me by phone.

(Here, "conveyed" means to communicate or make known.)

- The truck conveyed the farm produce to the market.

(Here, "conveyed" means to transport or carry.)

- The mood of the painting is conveyed through the use of color.

(Here, "conveyed" means to express or communicate a feeling or emotion.)

- The instructions were not conveyed clearly to the workers, causing confusion.

(Here, "conveyed" means to make known or communicate.)




1. The message was conveyed through a series of coded signals.(这个信息通过一系列的编码信号被传达出去了。)

2. She conveyed her anger with a sharp glare.(她用一种锐利的眼神表达了自己的愤怒。)

3. The emotions conveyed in this poem are very powerful.(这首诗传达的情感非常强烈。)

4. The importance of teamwork was conveyed to all employees.(团队合作的重要性被传递给了所有员工。)




例句:Bricks shall be conveyed for bricklaying as per prescribed combination and quantity and misuses of bricks are strictly forbidden. (应按搭配方案的规定数量往炉上运砖,严禁混乱使用。)


conveyed一般作为动词使用,如在traffic conveyed free(免费运输)、tubing conveyed perforation(无电缆射孔)等常见短语中出现较多。

traffic conveyed free免费运输
tubing conveyed perforation无电缆射孔


1. The information conveyed by such a model has a tendency to be incomplete, informal, imprecise and, sometimes, inconsistent. (翻译:这样的模型所传递的信息,有一种趋势会不完整,不规范,不精确,有时甚至会不稳定。)

2. Mr Crone conveyed disdain for the MPs, particularly Tom Watson, the committee's toughest questioner. (翻译:Crone对议员们特别是委员会最强硬的质询者TomWatson表示了鄙视。)

3. This way the jobseeker can get the sort of intangible information that cannot be conveyed in a recruitment brochure. (翻译:通过这种方式,求职者可以得到那些招聘手册上没有的,难以弄清的信息。)

4. Early the following morning a chauffeured limousine conveyed Andrew and Lelia to Heathrow airport. (翻译:第二天清早,一辆配有司机的豪华轿车把安德鲁和莉丽亚送往希思罗机场。)

5. He said the company had conveyed the importance of a quick decision to the investment-review board. (翻译:他说公司已经向投资审查委员会说明了尽快作出决定的重要性。)


7. Her countenance and a few artless words fully conveyed all her gratitude and delight. (翻译:她的表情和寥寥几句质朴无华的语言已充分表达了她的感激与高兴。)

8. The conveyed media kind:air and other non-flammable, non-plosive and non—corrosive gases. (翻译:输送介质种类:空气和其它不易燃易爆,且无腐蚀性的气体。)

9. De Marco also conveyed the greetings from Adami to Zhu. (翻译:德马科也转达了阿达米总理对的问候。)

10. Then, in her 20s, she set about acquiring the tragic worldliness that the timbre of her voice conveyed. (翻译:而后来,二十多岁时,她的声音音色又开始表达出一种悲哀的世俗。)

11. He conveyed it in a very bullying fashion, sort of directing her to stop. (翻译:几乎是用恐吓的语气 - -命令她停止干涉)

12. Jeanne's bigoted father takes the baby away from her and has it conveyed to a remote nunnery to be reared by the nuns. (翻译:珍妮固执己见的父亲将小女婴自珍妮那抱走,送至一所遥远的女修道院让修女抚养。)

13. Laisenia Qarase first conveyed Fijian President Josefa Iloilo's cordial greeting and good wishes to President Jiang. (翻译:恩加拉塞总理首先向江主席转达了伊洛伊洛总统的亲切问候和良好祝愿。)

14. Ms Canning was conveyed to Bruff garda station and arrived there at 8pm. (翻译:坎宁女士被转移到布鲁夫加尔达车站,并于晚上8点到达那里。)

15. You have this evening carried off and conveyed hither the Vicomte Albert de Morcerf. (翻译:你今天晚上把阿尔贝·马尔塞夫子爵 绑票 绑到了这里。)

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