seneca是什么意思 seneca的中文翻译、读音、例句

seneca是什么意思 seneca的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:Seneca可以作为名词或形容词,常常用来指代古罗马哲学家、散文家卢庇修斯·安奈乌斯·塞内加(Lucius Annaeus Seneca),也可以用来形容与Seneca哲学思想相关的事物。

例句1:Seneca was a prominent Stoic philosopher and statesman in ancient Rome.(塞内加是古罗马著名的斯多葛哲学家和政治家。)

例句2:This book explores the Seneca philosophy of life and how it can be applied to modern times.(这本书探讨了塞内加的人生哲学和如何将其应用于现代生活中。)

2. 派生词:Seneca也可以衍生出其他词汇,如senecan(塞内加式的、斯多葛风格的)、senecan tragedy(塞内加式悲剧)、senecan stoicism(塞内加式斯多葛主义)等。

例句3:This play is a prime example of senecan tragedy, with its emphasis on fate and revenge.(这个剧本是塞内加式悲剧的典型例子,强调命运和复仇。)

例句4:Senecan stoicism emphasizes the importance of self-discipline and rationality in one's life.(塞内加式斯多葛主义强调自我约束和理性在生活中的重要性。)

3. 地理位置:Seneca也是美国纽约州西部的一个城镇,位于伊利湖南岸。

例句5:I grew up in Seneca, New York, and have many fond memories of my childhood there.(我在纽约州的塞内加长大,有许多美好的儿时回忆。)

4. 哲学思想:Seneca的哲学思想主要包括斯多葛主义、伊壁鸠鲁主义和塔西提斯主义等,强调理性、自律、珍惜时间等。

例句6:Seneca's philosophy of stoicism emphasizes acceptance of one's fate and the importance of living in accordance with nature.(塞内加的斯多葛主义哲学强调接受自己的命运,重视与自然相符的生活。)

例句7:According to Seneca's philosophy of epicureanism, pleasure should be pursued in moderation and without harming oneself or others.(根据塞内加的伊壁鸠鲁主义哲学,应该适度追求快乐,不损伤自己或他人。)

5. 学校:Seneca也可以指代美国的一所大学,Seneca College,是专门提供技能培训和学位课程的学院。

例句8:I'm studying computer programming at Seneca College and finding the classes very informative and hands-on.(我正在塞内加学院学习计算机编程,感觉课程非常有教益,实践性很强。)

例句9:Seneca College offers a range of programs in fields such as business, engineering, health sciences, and media studies.(塞内加学院提供商业、工程、健康科学和媒体研究等领域的多种课程。)



1. Seneca nos docuit philosophiam.


2. Seneca est scriptor Latinus celeberrimus.


3. Multos delectat scriptura Senecae.


4. Seneca nobis exempla virtutis praebet.


5. Seneca multas epistulas ad Lucilium scripsit.


6. Seneca et Plinius secundi amici fuerunt.


7. Seneca multos discipulos in philosophia habuit.


8. Seneca de vita beata scripsit.


9. Seneca de morte cogitare nos docet.




例句:Seneca once said, "It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it."(塞涅卡曾说过:“我们不是生命短暂,而是浪费了太多时间。”)




例句:If a man does not know to what port he is sailing, no wind is favourable -- Seneca. (如果不知道自己的航船驶向何方,将不会有称心如意的风向。)


例句:Seneca decided to quit breathing. (他自愿承担后果 Seneca decided to quit breathing.)


例句:Jack Leroy, I'd like you to meet the newest member of our team, my cousin Sam Seneca. (杰克乐华,我 像你见面 最新成员 我们的团队,我的表弟 山姆塞内卡。)


例句:Keeping in mind all the while, the words of Seneca: "We suffer more often in imagination than in reality." (翻译:请将塞内卡的话铭记在心: “折磨我们的往往是想像, 而不是真实” )


seneca一般作为名词使用,如在Lake Seneca([网络] 塞内卡湖)、Seneca County([地名] 塞尼卡县 ( 美 ))、Seneca Falls([地名] 塞尼卡福尔斯 ( 美 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Lake Seneca[网络] 塞内卡湖
Seneca County[地名] 塞尼卡县 ( 美 )
Seneca Falls[地名] 塞尼卡福尔斯 ( 美 )
Seneca root[网络] 塞内卡根
seneca snakeroot[医] 美远志
seneca snakeroots= senega [见 snakeroot]
West Seneca[地名] 西塞尼卡 ( 美 )
Lucius Annaeus Seneca[网络] 古罗马哲学家;古罗马哲学家西尼加;塞内加
Seneca Falls Convention塞尼卡福尔斯会议


1. Jack Leroy, I'd like you to meet the newest member of our team, my cousin Sam Seneca. (翻译:杰克乐华,我 像你见面 最新成员 我们的团队,我的表弟 山姆塞内卡。)

2. Keeping in mind all the while, the words of Seneca: "We suffer more often in imagination than in reality." (翻译:请将塞内卡的话铭记在心: “折磨我们的往往是想像, 而不是真实” )

3. Seneca, if everything's fine and you didn't change too much... (翻译:《塞内卡》,如果一切顺利 而你没有改变太多的话...)

4. In addition, we can learn some Seneca's core courses in SCUT, which really helps us save money. (翻译:在这里,我们还可以提前学习到与国外对应的专业课程,非常实惠。)

5. Seneca, why do you think we have a winner? (翻译:希尼卡,你想想为什么我们要选出一名胜利者?)

6. "While we teach, we learn," said Roman philosopher Seneca. (翻译:“教书时,我们也在学习。” 罗马哲学家塞内加说。)

7. For Seneca it isn't a question of discovering truth in the subject but of remembering truth, recovering a truth which has been forgotten. (翻译:对于西尼卡,问题不是要在当事人身上发现真理,而是要记住真理,曾经被遗忘的真理。)

8. Enrolling in the SCUT - Seneca project makes the dream of studying in Canada come true easily. (翻译:报读华工—圣力嘉项目,让我轻松实现加拿大的留学梦想。)

9. Seneca argues that Dynegy is selling at the low point of a cycle in energy prices. (翻译:Seneca争辩道,戴纳基是在能源价格处在低谷时被出售的。)

10. Seneca is the largest of these lakes in West-Central New York. (翻译:纽约州中西部哪个湖群 其中最大的湖是塞尼加湖?)

11. The Seneca Nation has led the fight against taxing of Native American products, saying treaties stated they would not be taxed. (翻译:塞内卡族已经发起了反对对美国土著人产品征税的斗争,声称条约表明不应当对他们征税。)

12. If that Head Gamemaker, Seneca Crane, had had any brains at all, he would have blown you to bits then and there. (翻译:如果首席游戏设计师塞内卡 克林 If that Head Game -maker, Seneca Crane, 稍微有点脑子 had had any brains at all,)

13. The "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints" was organized on 6 April, 1830, at Fayette, Seneca County, New York; (翻译:在“耶稣基督末世圣徒教会”组织xx月xx日,xx年,在费耶特,塞涅卡县,纽约;)

14. Mr. Speaker, I must protest... as Seneca did in ancient Rome, of the violence of office. (翻译:先生们,我反对 议会没有说会提到罗马 也没有说会提到当局的暴力行为)

15. His prose works on various subjects were ridiculed by Augustus, Seneca, and Quintilian for their undisciplined style. (翻译:他不同题材的散文遭到奥古斯都、塞内卡和昆体良的一致嘲笑。)



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