veronica是什么意思 veronica的中文翻译、读音、例句

veronica是什么意思 veronica的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 名字:'Veronica'是一个女孩的名字,起源于拉丁语,意为“胜利者”。


- Veronica is a lovely name for a girl.

- I have a friend named Veronica who lives in Italy.

- Do you know anyone named Veronica?

2. 科学领域:'VERONICA'也是一种用于ETL(提取、转换、加载)的开源数据集成工具的缩写。


- We use VERONICA to integrate data from various sources into our database.

- I am learning how to use VERONICA to manage data transfers between our systems.

3. 电视剧:'Veronica Mars'是一部美国电视剧,于xx年首播,讲述了一个年轻的私人侦探Veronica Mars的故事。


- I really enjoyed watching 'Veronica Mars' when it was on TV.

- Have you seen the latest episode of 'Veronica Mars'?

- Kristen Bell played Veronica Mars in the TV show.

4. 植物:'Veronica'是一种美丽的花卉,属于马鞭草科。


- The Veronica plant in my garden is blooming beautifully this year.

- I love the delicate purple flowers of Veronica.

- Do you know how to care for a Veronica plant?


1. Veronica is a popular name among Italian families.

2. The VERONICA tool saved us a lot of time in data integration.

3. I binge-watched all the seasons of 'Veronica Mars' on Netflix.

4. The Veronica flowers in my garden attract bees and butterflies.

5. Veronica Lodge is a character in the TV show 'Riverdale'.



1. Veronica est in Italia lingua Latina. (这里在意大利说拉丁语。)

2. Veronica lingua viva non est sed mortua est. (拉丁语是一门死语言。)

3. Veronica schola nobis difficile est. (我们学校的拉丁课很难。)

4. In taberna quoque Latinam loqui possunt, si se disciplinant. (在酒馆里也能说拉丁语,只要他们肯用心学习。)

5. Veronica in libris medicis frequenter occurrere solet. (拉丁语在医学书籍中经常出现。)

6. Veronica in hymnis ecclesiasticis adhuc vivit. (拉丁语在教会圣歌中仍然存在。)

7. Veronica est lingua fundamentalis Europaeae. (拉丁语是欧洲的基础语言。)

8. Cogitare Latine loqui, non facile est. (用拉丁语思考并说话并不容易。)

9. Hi tres libri omnes in lingua Latina scripti sunt. (这三本书都是用拉丁语写的。)

英文单词“veronica”是一个女性名字,源自拉丁语“vera icon”(真实的像)。在宗教传统中,Veronica是在路上见到耶稣受难的女性之一,帮助他擦拭了脸上的血污,据此被认为是一位殉道者和奇迹制造者。


读音: [və'rɑnɪkə]


1. Veronica is my best friend.


2. There's a story about St. Veronica in the Bible.


3. Veronica is a popular name in Italy.


veronica的意思是"婆婆纳 、斗牛士舞动斗篷的引牛动作",作为名词时有"查找程序"的意思,在线读音是[vә'rɔnikә],veronica是一个英语名词,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到59个与veronica相关的句子。



例句:Veronica, that man in there is a priest. (that man in there is a priest.)


例句:What if you told Nikki when Veronica was in the bathroom? (不如你趁维罗妮卡在卫生间的时候告诉妮吉?)


例句:Kev and Veronica, fantastic neighbors. (fantastic neighbors.)


例句:They took veronica,they're not going to take my son. (翻译:他们夺走了Veronica 我不会让他们再夺走我儿子)


veronica一般作为名词使用,如在genus Veronica([网络] 婆婆纳属)、Veronica agrestis([网络] 婆婆纳)、veronica agrestiss([网络] 婆婆纳\n(veronica agrestis 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

genus Veronica[网络] 婆婆纳属
Veronica agrestis[网络] 婆婆纳
veronica agrestiss[网络] 婆婆纳\n(veronica agrestis 的复数)
Veronica americana[网络] 有柄水苦荬;美洲婆婆纳
veronica americanas[网络] 有柄水苦荬;美洲婆婆纳\n(veronica americana 的复数)
Veronica anagallis[植] 水苦荬
Veronica anagalloidesn. 长果水苦荬
veronica arvenses[网络] 直立婆婆纳\n(veronica arvensis 的复数)
Veronica arvensis[网络] 直立婆婆纳
Veronica beccabunga[网络] 有柄水苦荬;药用婆婆纳


1. Kev and Veronica, fantastic neighbors. (翻译:fantastic neighbors.)

2. They took veronica,they're not going to take my son. (翻译:他们夺走了Veronica 我不会让他们再夺走我儿子)

3. Veronica cannot think about that now. (翻译:Veronica现在没有心情想这些。)

4. Little Louise Veronica. My wife's a Madonna fan. (翻译:小Louise Veronica 我老婆是麦当娜的死忠粉)

5. So Veronica could be okay, we just can't find her. (翻译:所以 Veronica 可能会好的 我们只是找不到她)

6. Veronica looked at him, smiling, as they bowled along. (翻译:在他们一路飞驰的当儿,韦罗妮卡微笑着看他。)

7. Jasmine, this is Veronica. V lives next door. (翻译:Jasmine 这是Veronica V住在隔壁)

8. Veronica. Like the Elvis Costello song. (翻译:维罗妮卡 同埃尔维斯·科斯特洛的歌名儿一样)

9. Veronica white. Currency dealer. (翻译:Veronica White 货币交易商)

10. The emergency room doctors said, "We've run some tests, Veronica. (翻译:急诊室的医生说, “我们对你做了些测试,Veronica. )

11. You need to keep an eye on Veronica Donovan. (翻译:你给我认真盯着维罗妮卡·多诺万 {\3cH202020}You need to keep an eye on Veronica Donovan.)

12. Tendenza Veronica, (Veronica's Trend), is a revised edition of a book first published in 2004 by journalist Maria Latella. (翻译:最新修订的《韦罗妮卡动向》一书于xx年首版,由记者玛利亚?拉泰拉整理出版。)

13. Louise Veronica, like Madonna... (翻译:那就叫Louise Veronica 跟麦当娜似的)

14. THE SMOKE WAS SO THICK... - [scoffs] (翻译:芝加哥消防局及时赶到 挽救了 Veronica Carlisle)

15. Veronica has fallen into a trap. (翻译:拉里欧已经落入了圈套。)



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