persist in是什么意思 persist in的中文翻译、读音、例句

persist in是什么意思 persist in的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义:'persist in'是一个动词短语,意为坚持做某事或持续保持某种状态,通常表示一种积极的精神和决心。

2. 用法:'persist in'通常与动词不定式搭配使用,表示坚持或继续做某件事情。也可以与某些名词或形容词搭配使用。

3. 近义词:continue, persevere, persist, endure等都可以用来表示'persist in'的意思。

4. 词性:'persist'是动词,'in'是介词,两者结合使用构成动词短语。

5. 派生词:persistently (adv. 持续地,坚持不懈地); persistence (n. 坚持不懈,持久性)


1. He persisted in his studies, even though it was difficult. (他坚持学习,尽管很难。)

2. We must persist in our efforts to solve this problem. (我们必须坚持不懈地努力解决这个问题。)

3. Despite the setbacks, she persisted in her goal of becoming a doctor. (尽管经历了挫折,她仍然坚持成为一名医生的目标。)

4. He persisted in his rude behavior, despite multiple warnings. (尽管多次警告,他仍然坚持粗鲁的行为。)

5. Her persistence in the face of adversity inspired us all. (她在逆境中的坚持启发了我们所有人。)

persist in的中文翻译为“坚持不懈”,读音为/pərˈsɪst ɪn/。


1. She persisted in her decision to become a doctor, despite the challenges she faced. (尽管面临挑战,她仍坚持决定成为医生。)

2. The company persisted in its efforts to improve customer service, and eventually saw an increase in customer satisfaction. (公司坚持努力改善客户服务,最终看到了客户满意度的提高。)

3. Despite the criticism he faced, he persisted in his belief that he could achieve his goals. (尽管受到批评,他仍坚信自己可以实现目标。)

persist in通常被翻译为"执著、坚持"的意思,在英美地区还有"执着"的意思,读音为[persistin],persist in在英语中经常以动词形式出现,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到31个与persist in相关的句子。

Persist in的翻译


例句:I shall persist in it, for I am intending to take care of myself. (我还是要坚持如此 因为我只是为了保全我自己)


例句:And once they get the dope off the streets, you know, people will persist in joining things. (一旦毒品肃清了... 人们就会找别的事忙)


例句:Ngai's very upset he lost his chess set. (要拼到底,争一口气 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Persist to the very end Be glorious)


例句:Even if I were to persist... (翻译:Even if I were to persist...)


persist in一般作为动词使用,如在persist(坚持 )、persist with(坚持)、to persist([网络] 坚持)等常见短语中出现较多。

persist with坚持
to persist[网络] 坚持
persist in something坚持做某事;固执地继续做某事。


1. Ngai's very upset he lost his chess set. (翻译:要拼到底,争一口气 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Persist to the very end Be glorious)

2. Even if I were to persist... (翻译:Even if I were to persist...)

3. What you're saying is that this storm will persist in a matter of years. (翻译:你的意思是,这场风波 在短短几年内将持续。)

4. The distinctive features of Black English persist not for racial reasona, but for social, educational, and economic reasons. (翻译:黑人英语的这些甄别特征之所以能够延续下来并不是因为什么种族原因,而是有其社会的、教育的和经济的原因。)

5. "Pianpian" is an adverb, meaning to persist in doing something contrary to objective requirements or realities. (翻译:“偏偏”是一个副词,表示故意跟客观要求或者是现实情况相反。)

6. They know this, but they continue to persist with these outrageous accusations. (翻译:他们明知我们清白... 依然含血喷人 伟科应该向我们道歉)

7. Don't ex ceed dosage. If symptoms persist, see a physician. (翻译:警告,服用请参照指示剂量,若症状没有改善请咨询医生)

8. But, if you persist in pointing guns in my direction, you'll hang for high treason. (翻译:但若继续用枪指着我 就会以判国罪吊死你们)

9. There is no way future Congresses will allow that disparity to persist. (翻译:未来国会是不可能让这种差别继续下去的。)

10. He urged the United States to persist with its efforts to bring about peace. (翻译:他敦促美国坚持努力实现和平。)

11. It confused me; why did these allergy symptoms persist well past the pollen season? (翻译:这让我很困惑; 为什么这些过敏症状 在花粉季节这么顽固?)

12. Persist with this exclusion bill and you will bring us all to another civil war. (翻译:Persist with this 你会让我们所有人经历另一场内战 exclusion bill and you will bring us all to another civil war.)

13. Existential questions requiring religious answers still persist. (翻译:需要宗教解答的生命问题持续存在着。)

14. We insist on and persist in furnace, segregator and other related equipment. (翻译:在石油天然气领域,我们只做加热炉、分离器和与其相关的设备。)

15. yet they persist even in the face of impossible obstacles. (翻译:即使遇到无法超越的险阻,鲑鱼仍是不怕困难努力不懈)

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