unleash是什么意思 unleash的中文翻译、读音、例句

unleash是什么意思 unleash的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:unleash指释放、解除限制、引发某种力量或情感等,常与强调性的词语连用,表示爆发、释放、激发等含义。

2. 用法:unleash通常是及物动词,后跟宾语;也可作为名词unleashing,表示释放,发泄。

3. 同义词:release, set free, let go, free up, set loose等。

4. 反义词:restrain, suppress, hold back, keep in check等。


1. The new policy is designed to unleash innovation and creativity in the technology sector.(新政策旨在释放科技行业的创新和创造力。)

2. The pandemic unleashed a wave of panic-buying, causing shortages of toilet paper and other essential supplies.(疫情引发了一波恐慌性抢购,导致卫生纸等必需品短缺。)

3. The company plans to unleash a new product line next year that will revolutionize the industry.(该公司计划明年推出一条将革新该行业的新产品线。)

4. The coach encouraged the team to unleash their full potential and play with aggression.(教练鼓励队员们充分发挥潜力,积极进攻比赛。)

5. After years of repression, the citizens of the country finally unleashed their anger and took to the streets in protest.(经过多年的压迫,该国民众终于发泄愤怒,走上街头抗议。)




1. He has unleashed his anger on everyone around him.(他把他的愤怒发泄到周围的每个人身上。)

2. The new product has unleashed a wave of excitement among consumers.(新产品在消费者中引起了一股激动的浪潮。)

3. The hurricane unleashed its fury on the coast, causing widespread destruction.(飓风在海岸上释放了它的愤怒,造成广泛的破坏。)




例句:Time to unleash the beast. (Time to unleash the beast. 是放虎归山的时候了)


例句:Undoubtedly, this will unleash a wave of deep pessimism, historically unprecedented. (这无疑将会导致 有史以来最强烈深刻的一波 悲观主义思潮)


例句:Any part of the design could be a magic rune, ready to unleash its power upon the careless or unwary. (图案覆满了各种魔法符号,随时准备将能量释放到无知或粗心大意者的身上。)


例句:Yet, patience, skill, hard work and love... can unleash the divine flavors hidden within. (翻译:但是,只要有耐心... 技巧,勤劳,和爱... 就能释放出其中蕴藏的神圣味道。)


unleash一般作为动词使用,如在unleash a war(发动战争)、unleash war(发动战争)等常见短语中出现较多。

unleash a war发动战争
unleash war发动战争


1. Any part of the design could be a magic rune, ready to unleash its power upon the careless or unwary. (翻译:图案覆满了各种魔法符号,随时准备将能量释放到无知或粗心大意者的身上。)

2. Yet, patience, skill, hard work and love... can unleash the divine flavors hidden within. (翻译:但是,只要有耐心... 技巧,勤劳,和爱... 就能释放出其中蕴藏的神圣味道。)

3. Call me before you unleash him. (翻译:为了安全起见 在你把他放出来前给我打电话 Call me before you unleash him.)

4. But that kind of leadership doesn't unleash leaders in others. (翻译:但这种领导力并不能 解放别人心中的领导人。)

5. He could unleash the MOBS in the Arab world against us. (翻译:他本来可以发动阿拉伯世界的下层群众反对我们。)

6. Instead, we can use it as a springboard to unleash our best qualities and lead happier lives. (翻译:相反,我们能用它做为跳板 去发掘我们最大的潜力从而有个更快乐的人生。)

7. Unleash all your powers of darkness. (翻译:让我见识下寄宿在你身上的黑暗之力 你说什么我不知道)

8. Next time you unleash an ancient demon, call that Buffy chick. (翻译:下一次你放古代恶魔出来的时候 去找那个叫Buffy的妞吧)

9. It means they intend to unleash a weapon so great it wil destroy all before it. (翻译:这意味着,他们将释放一种武器 强大到可以摧毁一切的武器)

10. We had to get it back before he could unleash its destruction. (翻译:我们必须赶在他释放战斧破坏力量前把它抢回)

11. If there were to be a third world war, only the two superpowers would have the capacity to unleash it. (翻译:要打第三次世界大战,任何一个国家都没有能力,只有两个超级大国才有资格发动。)

12. Let the fel unleash the full power of the Horde. (翻译:让邪能释放兽族的全部力量吧 Let the fel unleash the full power of the Horde.)

13. Now witness and observe as I unleash the stars! (翻译:现在见证我的魔法吧 因为我要释放星星之力了)

14. There was only one thing for it - unleash the TGPD remote-controlled car of death. (翻译:只有最后一个办法了 There was only one thing for it - 放出TGPD遥控死神战车 unleash the TGPD remote -controlled car of death.)

15. To leave the bridge open would unleash the full power of the Bifrost and destroy Jotunheim with you upon it. (翻译:如果一直把桥打开 那将会完全释放彩虹桥的力量 最后将约顿海姆和你们一起消灭)



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