tttt是什么意思 tttt的中文翻译、读音、例句

tttt是什么意思 tttt的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 电话拨号中的键盘输入

- 在电话拨号时,'tttt'可以表示数字8的输入。在这种情况下,'tttt'被称为“数字键盘的8号键”。例如:If you want to call me, just dial 1-800-TTTT.

- 在一些语言中,'tttt'可能表示其他数字。例如,在韩语中,'tttt'代表数字4,因此在韩语中打电话时,可能需要按'4444'输入数字4。例如:제 번호는 영일오-삼팔삼삼-사팔이오삼TTTT입니다.

2. 缩写词或者术语的一部分

- 在某些专业领域中,'tttt'可能会被用于特定的缩写词、术语或者产品名称中。例如,在医学中,'tttt'可能是“Tensor Tympani 患者”(patients with Tensor Tympani)。例如:TTTT患者通常需要接受手术治疗。

- 在一些互联网应用程序或者游戏中,'tttt'可能会被用作特定的缩写词或者社群语言的一部分。例如,在游戏Minecraft中,'tttt'可以代表“time to trim trees”(修剪树木的时间)或者“time to tame tigers”(驯服老虎的时间)。例如:Hey guys, TTTT is in 10 minutes, get ready!

3. 无语气词或者毒鸡汤

- 在一些互联网语境下,'tttt'可能会被用作一种无语气词或者毒鸡汤。这种用法通常并不正式,但是在社交媒体等场合中仍然有一定的使用频率。例如:A: Can you believe what just happened? B: tttt, of course I can.


1. The phone number is 1-800-TTTT.(电话号码是1-800-TTTT。)

2. The TTTT patients usually need surgery.(TTTT患者通常需要手术。)

3. TTTT is in 10 minutes, get ready!(TTTT就要开始了,准备好了吗!)

4. When I told him the news, he just replied "tttt".(当我告诉他这个消息时,他只是回了一句“tttt”。)

5. Some people like to use "tttt" as a sarcastic response.(有些人喜欢用“tttt”作为一种讽刺回应。)



1. 这个程序有一个小错误,我需要加上一个‘tttt’来跟踪它。 (The program has a small error, I need to add a 'tttt' to track it.)

2. 我在键盘上连续敲击‘tttt’,但屏幕上没有任何反应。 (I typed 'tttt' continuously on the keyboard, but there was no response on the screen.)




例句:Multiple dedicated T-1 lines, state-of-the-art engineering, unlimited resources. (- It is. 多个专用T1线路 Multiple dedicated T -1 lines,)


例句:But, Jared, we already bought the T-shirts. (但贾里德 我们都做好T恤了 But, Jared, we already bought the T)


例句:Why would he own a T-shirt cannon? (他怎么会有T恤衫大炮? Why would he own a T -shirt cannon?)、禾

例句:A brown coat and white T-shirt and khaki pants pair of trousers report to the information desk now, please. (翻译:- 棕色夹克。白色T恤,卡其裤... - 白T恤,卡其裤...)


tttt一般作为名词使用,如在TTTT([网络] Taiwan Tatical Trash Truck; 禾; 没情绪)等常见短语中出现较多。

TTTT[网络] Taiwan Tatical Trash Truck; 禾; 没情绪


1. Why would he own a T-shirt cannon? (翻译:他怎么会有T恤衫大炮? Why would he own a T -shirt cannon?)

2. A brown coat and white T-shirt and khaki pants pair of trousers report to the information desk now, please. (翻译:- 棕色夹克。白色T恤,卡其裤... - 白T恤,卡其裤...)

3. This step creates a new database called "TTT," which has the tic-tac-toe schema. (翻译:这个步骤创建了一个名为“ttt”的新数据库,用于保存tic - tac - toe模式。)

4. They infected you with the T-Virus. (翻译:They infected you with the T -Virus.)

5. Vee times tee equals Vee sub zero times ee exponent negative Cee sub five tee. (翻译:v倍的t等于V 0倍的e的负cs乘t次方。)

6. And,come on somebody had to put an end to T-Mose. (翻译:拜托 某人别再叫T -Mose了 不 T)

7. You want your perceptions at any time T to be of the world at time T. (翻译:在“t”时间获得感知 此时外部时间也为“t” )

8. All right. "E, F, L, E, P, T P, L, E, P, F, L, E L, E, P, T, L, P, E, F, E, T, Z, E, T... (翻译:好 , E F L E P T P L E P F L E L E P T L P E F E T Z E T)

9. These T-shirts keep selling. (翻译:这些T恤大卖 These T -shirts keep selling.)

10. One extremely illegal hack in T-minus now. (翻译:タ獶猭献T -minus One extremely illegal hack in T -minus now.)

11. "E, F, L, E, P, T P, L, E, P, F, L, F, L, E P, T, P, L, F, E, T, E L, O, P, Z, D, D, E, F, P, O, T, E, C F, L, E, P, T, P, L, E, P F, L, F, L, E, P, T, P, L, F, L, T, M, A, D in U, S, A." (翻译:E F L E P T P L E P F L F L E P T P L F E T E)

12. I give to you, the T-virus. (翻译:请看 T病毒 I give to you, the T -virus.)

13. Please put that on a t-shirt. (翻译:这话可以印在t恤上了。Please put that on a t -shirt.)

14. Threadless encourages people to compete to design T-shirts. (翻译:无线T恤公司鼓励人们竞相去设计T恤。)

15. Note: if TTT is run timetable will be altered to fit back. (翻译:注意:如进行团队计时赛,日程表将会相应有所变更。)

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