cuts是什么意思 cuts的中文翻译、读音、例句

cuts是什么意思 cuts的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性及含义:


2. 常见用法:

'cuts'通常与其他单词搭配使用,例如'budget cuts'(预算削减)、'paper cuts'(纸张割伤)等,还可以用来描述特定领域的削减或切割,例如音乐、电影等。

3. 相关短语:


- cut back: 削减、缩减

- cut off: 切断、中断

- cut through: 切穿、破除


1. The company announced a series of budget cuts to reduce costs.


2. She accidentally gave herself a paper cut while organizing the files.


3. The director decided to cut the scene from the final version of the movie.


4. We need to cut back on expenses if we want to save enough for a down payment on a house.


5. The heavy rain cut off the power supply to the whole town for hours.


'CUTS' 不是任何国家的语言,而是一个缩写词,全称为“中低收入国家贸易减免措施”(Cuts in Tariffs and Trade for Developing Countries),俗称“切减”。它是指发达国家采取的一系列针对发展中国家的贸易优惠政策,旨在促进发展中国家的经济发展。




1. The conference discussed the impact of CUTS on developing countries.(会议讨论了CUTS对发展中国家的影响。)

2. The government is considering applying for CUTS to boost the country's exports.(政府正在考虑申请CUTS以促进该国的出口。)

3. The negotiation over CUTS between the two countries was successful.(两国间关于CUTS的谈判取得了成功。)

4. CUTS is one of the measures to reduce trade barriers for developing countries.(CUTS是减少发展中国家贸易障碍的措施之一。)

5. Developing countries are expecting more CUTS from developed countries.(发展中国家期望发达国家提供更多的CUTS。)

6. The implementation of CUTS has boosted the economy of many developing countries.(CUTS的实施促进了许多发展中国家的经济。)

7. The reduction of tariffs through CUTS has increased trade flows between countries.(通过CUTS降低关税,增加了国家间的贸易流量。)

8. Developing countries are encouraged to take advantage of CUTS to promote their exports.(鼓励发展中国家利用CUTS促进其出口。)

9. The World Trade Organization plays an important role in promoting CUTS for developing countries.(世界贸易组织在推广CUTS为发展中国家发挥着重要作用。)



1. The company announced deep cuts in its budget for the next quarter. (公司宣布下个季度大幅度削减预算。)

2. She carefully made cuts in the fabric to create a beautiful dress. (她仔细地在布料上进行裁剪,制作出一件漂亮的裙子。)

3. The chef made precise cuts of the meat to ensure even cooking. (厨师对肉进行精确的切割,以确保均匀烹饪。)

4. The government has made cuts to public services, which has resulted in protests. (政府对公共服务进行了削减,这引发了抗议。)

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