saw1是什么意思 saw1的中文翻译、读音、例句

saw1是什么意思 saw1的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 音标和发音:'saw1'的音标为/sɔː/,发音为长音/ɔː/,表示在辅音/s/的后面有一个元音/ɔː/,口腔拉大形成长的发音。


- I saw a bird in the sky this morning. (我今天早上看到一只鸟飞在天空中。)

- He saw the car coming and quickly jumped out of the way. (他看见车子驶来,立即跳开了。)

- She saw the movie last night and thought it was great. (她昨晚观看了那部电影,认为很棒。)

- They saw the opportunity and decided to take it. (他们看到了机会,决定抓住它。)

- We saw the problem and tried to find a solution. (我们看到了问题,尝试着找到了解决方案。)

2. 动词含义:'saw1'作为动词,意思是看到、观看、察看或发现等,表示通过视觉观察或察觉到某事物或现象。


- I saw you at the concert last night. (我昨晚在音乐会上看到了你。)

- She saw a shooting star and made a wish. (她看到流星了,许了个愿。)

- He saw the text message on his phone and replied immediately. (他看到了手机上的短信,立刻回复了。)

- They saw the damage caused by the hurricane and were shocked. (他们看到了飓风造成的破坏,感到震惊。)

- We saw the rainbow after the storm and took a photo. (我们在暴风雨后看到了彩虹,拍了一张照片。)

3. 名词含义:'saw1'作为名词,通常是指锯子,一种用于锯木头或其他材料的工具。


- He used a saw to cut the wood into pieces. (他用锯子把木头切成了小块。)

- She bought a new saw for her carpentry work. (她为了木工活买了一把新锯子。)

- The saw was too old and dull to cut through the metal. (这把锯子太旧太钝,无法锯开金属。)

- They borrowed a power saw from their neighbor to trim the tree branches. (他们向邻居借了一台电锯来修剪树枝。)

- We found a rusty saw in the garage and decided to throw it away. (我们在车库里发现了一把生锈的锯子,决定把它扔掉。)

4. 缩写词含义:'SAW'还可以表示“声音波浪”(Sound Acoustic Wave)或“自动武器”(Squad Automatic Weapon)等缩写词,具体含义取决于上下文语境。


- The SAW sensor detects the sound waves in the room. (这个声音波浪传感器可以检测房间里的声音。)

- The soldiers carried SAWs on their mission. (士兵们在任务中携带自动武器。)

- The SAW system is designed to improve the audio quality of movies. (这个声波系统旨在提高电影的音频质量。)

- The SAW attack caused massive damage to the enemy's position. (自动武器的攻击对敌方位置造成了巨大的破坏。)

- The SAW technology has revolutionized the way we record and play back sound. (声音波浪技术彻底颠覆了我们记录和播放声音的方式。)


读音:sɔː wʌn


1. Have you watched Saw 1? It's a really scary movie.


2. The first Saw movie was released in 2004.


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