draft是什么意思 draft的中文翻译、读音、例句

draft是什么意思 draft的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:draft 可以作动词或名词。作动词时,意为“草拟;起草;写出”,作名词时,意为“草稿;草案;分配;逃兵;空气流”。



1. draft legislation:起草立法

2. draft a letter:写信

3. draft a plan:制定计划

4. submit a draft:提交草稿

5. military draft:征兵制度

6. air draft:空气流

7. beer draft:白啤酒

短语:on draft:指以桶装或罐装供应的饮料(如啤酒)



1. He drafted the proposal for the new project.(他起草了新项目的提案。)

2. The legal team drafted a document to present in court.(法律团队起草了一份文档呈现在法庭上。)

3. The company is still drafting a plan to improve its sales.(公司还在制定一项提高销售的计划。)

4. Can you take a look at my draft and give me some feedback?(你能否看一下我的草稿并给我一些反馈?)

5. He was exempt from the military draft due to health reasons.(由于健康原因,他被免除了征兵。)

6. The air draft from the air conditioning system made the room feel chilly.(来自空调系统的空气流使房间感到寒冷。)

7. They only serve beer on draft at that pub.(那家酒吧只供应桶装啤酒。)





1. The draft of the speech is still being revised. (演讲草稿仍在修改中。)

2. Can you send me a copy of the draft proposal? (你能给我发一份草案吗?)

3. The government has announced a new draft for the military service. (政府宣布军队服役的新草案。)

4. He took a deep draft of the fresh air. (他深吸了一口新鲜的空气。)

5. The open window caused a draft in the room. (开着窗户,屋内产生了一股气流。)

6. I need to draft a contract for the new project. (我需要为新项目起草一份合同。)

7. The company is looking for new employees and has opened a draft. (公司正在招聘新员工,已经开始征募。)

8. The fisherman cast his line into the draft of the river. (渔夫将鱼线投入了河流的气流中。)

9. The first round draft pick was a surprise to everyone. (第一轮的选秀让所有人都感到惊讶。)



1. I need to write a draft of my essay before I can submit the final version.


2. The government issued a draft notice, calling up all eligible men for military service.


3. The room was chilly because of the draft coming in through the window.


draft通常被翻译为"吃水、草拟的"的意思,还经常被翻译为抽调,读音为[dræft. drɑ:ft],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到59个与draft相关的例句。



例句:Okay, Mike, you draft me a new version of my existing position, okay? (好吧 Mike 你根据我的现有立场 Okay, Mike, you draft me a new version 去改改 好吗 of my existing position, okay?)


例句:The draft of this article has been finalized [done]. (这篇文章已经定稿。)


例句:He went to bank to encash a draft. (他去银行兑现一张汇票。)


例句:The latest draft of the agreement codifies the panel's decision. (翻译:该协议的最新草案将专家小组的决定编篡成了法规条款。)


draft一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在draft ... in([网络] 挑选)、draft as(应征当(兵))、draft at([网络] 汇票付款期限;开汇票;汇票期限)等常见短语中出现较多。

draft ... in[网络] 挑选
draft as应征当(兵)
draft at[网络] 汇票付款期限;开汇票;汇票期限
draft for征兵;选作
draft in[网络] 挑选
draft into征召…入(伍)
draft to给…草拟
in draft[网络] 草拟中
of draft[网络] 通风强度


1. He went to bank to encash a draft. (翻译:他去银行兑现一张汇票。)

2. The latest draft of the agreement codifies the panel's decision. (翻译:该协议的最新草案将专家小组的决定编篡成了法规条款。)

3. Alright the draft is under way. (翻译:SCYTHE 对 EHOME 现在正要挑选英雄阵容)

4. A draft do that to your face? (翻译:是风把你脸弄成这样的吗? A draft do that to your face?)

5. The Armenians are signalling that they accept the draft. (翻译:亚美尼亚表示接受这个草案。)

6. - What about a draft of the broadcast? (翻译:新的呢 电视讲话稿怎么样了? 还在打草稿 The draft of the broadcast?)

7. The perfectionist endlessly rewrites draft after draft, worriedly seeking that perfect essay, missing the deadline. (翻译:完美主义者一遍又一遍地重写草案,急切地追求完美的方案,从而忽视了最后期限。)

8. And this is the new draft that needs to be delivered to Hymie King in Agoura. (翻译:And this is the new draft 这是新的草案 that needs to be delivered to Hymie King in Agoura.)

9. Good. Payment by sight draft or usance draft? (翻译:好,是即期支付还是远期支付? )

10. A draft never put that look on my face before. (翻译:风从来不会让我出现那种表情 A draft never put that look on my face before.)

11. The draft might be packed with legit stars at the top, but it's a fairly deep draft. (翻译:选秀可能性有许多真正的顶级明星,但是这也是很有深度的选秀。)

12. I only got a draft last night. (翻译:I only got a draft last night.)

13. If I could just put in these draft proposals. (翻译:让我把这些提案草案放进去 If I could just put in these draft proposals.)

14. I faxed a first draft of this article to him. (翻译:我把这篇文章的初稿传真给他。)

15. A hillbilly walked down the street near the draft board . (翻译:有一个乡下人在距兵役局不远的一条街上走着。)



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