precedent是什么意思 precedent的中文翻译、读音、例句

precedent是什么意思 precedent的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:set a precedent(创造先例),break a precedent(打破先例),follow precedent(遵循先例),establish a precedent(确立先例)

短语:without precedent(史无前例的)



1. This ruling sets a dangerous precedent for future cases.

2. The judge cited a similar case as a precedent.

3. Our company’s policy follows the precedent set by other industry leaders.

4. The new law will establish a precedent for environmental protection.

5. The pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for businesses around the world.

6. His behavior was without precedent and shocked everyone.

7. The court overturned a long-standing precedent in this case.


1. 这个裁决为今后的案例设立了危险的先例。

2. 法官援引了一起类似的案例做为先例。

3. 我们公司的政策遵循其他行业领袖所设定的先例。

4. 这个新法律将为环境保护确立先例。

5. 疫情在全球范围内造成了前所未有的挑战。

6. 他的行为是前所未有的,震惊了每个人。

7. 在这个案件中,法院推翻了长期以来的先例。




1. The court's decision set a precedent for future cases.


2. We need to establish a precedent for handling this type of situation.


3. It is important for lawyers to be familiar with legal precedents.





例句:agree, whether or not subject to any condition precedent or subsequent, to do any of the foregoing. (服从或者不服从前述的先例或者后发的任何情形。)


例句:That said, there's no precedent, historical or constitutional, for a citizen's right to be made dead. (那说,没有先例, 历史或宪法的, 对于市民的权利 是死了。)


例句:A gold mine must be impregnable. Now there's a precedent. (一个金矿场应该是坚不可摧的 现在开了先例)


例句:Little nicks at the budget could build up over time and set a bad precedent with the customer. (翻译:在预算上的小的缺口将增加需要的时间,并给客户一个不好的先例。)


precedent一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在doctrine of precedent([法] 先例原则)、established precedent([网络] 范例)、invoke a precedent([法] 援例, 援引先例)等常见短语中出现较多。

doctrine of precedent[法] 先例原则
established precedent[网络] 范例
invoke a precedent[法] 援例, 援引先例
invoke precedent[经] 援引先例
judicial precedent[经] 司法判例
legal precedent[法] 判例
orthogonal precedent正交在先
persuasive precedent[网络] 说服性先例;说服力的先例;有说服力的判例
precedent case判例


1. A gold mine must be impregnable. Now there's a precedent. (翻译:一个金矿场应该是坚不可摧的 现在开了先例)

2. Little nicks at the budget could build up over time and set a bad precedent with the customer. (翻译:在预算上的小的缺口将增加需要的时间,并给客户一个不好的先例。)

3. With this precedent, I would check to see if you have been the victum of other misdeeds. (翻译:鉴于此 我想查查是否您是他其它罪行的受害者)

4. A lawyer's a man well trained in memory of cases, precedent, repartee, speeches. (翻译:律师是在案例、判例、应答、演讲方面受过良好训练的人。)

5. (DENKER GIGGLES) I'll use every precedent there is. (翻译:并被处以绞刑 直至死亡 {\3cH202020}where you will be hanged by the neck until you are dead.)

6. They were determined to break from precedent. (翻译:他们决心打破先例。)

7. But i threw every legal precedent at the guy, (翻译:我把所有的合法先例都摆出来了 but I threw every legal precedent at the guy,)

8. There is a precedent for this weirdly hermaphroditic parent figure: Emperor Hirohito in fascist, imperial Japan. (翻译:这种怪诞的雌雄同体,集父母于一身式的人物先前倒是有一个:法西斯大日本帝国的裕仁天皇。)

9. They're keenly aware that whatever they decide will set a precedent. (翻译:他们敏锐地意识到无论他们决定怎么做,都会开创先例。)

10. Not me, personally, but it抯 the principle, the precedent, the policy... (翻译:Not me, personally, 可事关原则 先例 政策 but it抯 the principle, the precedent, the policy...)

11. It was perhaps this precedent that inspired Juana’s lifelong confidence. (翻译:也许正是母亲的例子 塑造了胡安娜终生的自信。)

12. I think spying on your boyfriend is generally regarded as a bad relationship precedent. (翻译:我认为如果监视你男朋友 那你们的关系就会从此恶化)

13. But since there's no precedent for this, there's nothing in the rule books that forbids it. (翻译:但是因为这事没有先例, 规则中没有规定禁止这事。)

14. Edessa is special, because its ruler King Abgar set an important precedent here. (翻译:伊德萨很特别,因为它的统治者 Abgar王在这里开创了一个重要的先例:)

15. This seems to offer a sort of legal invitation to criminals to cover their tracks, and the precedent will probably be controversial. (翻译:这样似乎鼓励、引诱犯人隐藏他们行迹,而这样的判例将会引起许争议。)



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