unevenly是什么意思 unevenly的中文翻译、读音、例句

unevenly是什么意思 unevenly的中文翻译、读音、例句




- spread unevenly 分布不均

- distribute unevenly 分配不均

- grow unevenly 生长不均

- wear unevenly 磨损不均

- cook unevenly 烹饪不均

- develop unevenly 发展不平衡

- illuminate unevenly 照明不均




1. The furniture was arranged unevenly in the room.(这个房间里的家具排列不均匀。)

2. The cake was baked unevenly in the oven.(这个蛋糕在烤箱里烤的不均匀。)

3. The road is very bumpy and unevenly surfaced.(这条路很颠簸,路面不平坦。)

4. The distribution of wealth is unevenly distributed in society.(社会财富分配不均匀。)

5. The precipitation is unevenly distributed across the region.(这个地区的降水分布不均匀。)

6. The light in the room was shining unevenly, creating strange shadows.(房间里的灯光飘忽不定,形成了奇怪的阴影。)

7. The population is unevenly distributed across the country, with most people living in urban areas.(人口在这个国家分布不均匀,大多数人生活在城市地区。)




1. The cake was baked unevenly, with one side much darker than the other. (蛋糕烤得不均匀,一侧比另一侧更暗。)

2. The distribution of wealth in the country is unevenly divided, with a small percentage of people owning the majority of resources. (该国财富的分配不均匀,少数人拥有大部分资源。)

3. The rain fell unevenly throughout the region, with some areas receiving heavy downpours while others remained dry. (该地区的雨水分布不均匀,有些地区降下了猛烈的倾盆大雨,而其他地区则干燥无比。)




例句:Man with no boots on. The boots seem rather unevenly distributed, but it makes for some interesting tackles. (穿着足球鞋的队伍的队员们站位相当不平均, 但这也产生了一些有趣的战术。)


例句:Compounding matters, China's per capita water supply amounts to just a quarter of the global average and is unevenly distributed. (令情况更为复杂的是,中国的人均水资源供给仅为全球平均水平的四分之一,且分布不均。)


例句:Heavily influenced by monsoon climate, the volume of rainfall is quite unevenly distributed, causing rainstorm often to happen. (受季风气候控制,降雨量时空分布不均,即多暴雨天气发生频繁;)


例句:But the additional land available for cultivation is unevenly distributed, and much of it is suitable for growing only a few crops. (翻译:但大量可供种植的土地分布不均,而且大多只适合种植少数农作物品种。)


unevenly一般作为副词、动词使用,如在unevenly even(二除得尽而四除不尽的(数))等常见短语中出现较多。

unevenly even二除得尽而四除不尽的(数)


1. Heavily influenced by monsoon climate, the volume of rainfall is quite unevenly distributed, causing rainstorm often to happen. (翻译:受季风气候控制,降雨量时空分布不均,即多暴雨天气发生频繁;)

2. But the additional land available for cultivation is unevenly distributed, and much of it is suitable for growing only a few crops. (翻译:但大量可供种植的土地分布不均,而且大多只适合种植少数农作物品种。)

3. Why are they so unevenly spread across the planet? (翻译:为什么它们在星球上分布得如此不均匀? )

4. 40% of the world's agricultural land is seriously degraded, and ever more volatile yields continue to be unevenly distributed (翻译:世界上40%的农用耕地严重退化 更大比例的地区粮食产量极不稳定 分配不均现象依旧严重)

5. You write every scene brilliantly, and I will direct unevenly. (翻译:You write every scene brilliantly, 你写的每一个场景出色, and I will direct unevenly.)

6. The aurochs is the ancestor of all domestic cattle, and so basically its genome is alive, it's just unevenly distributed. (翻译:欧洲野牛是所有被驯养牛种的祖先 所以牠的基因体还存在,只是不平均的散布在不同品种里 )

7. Do the spoils need to be so unevenly split? (翻译:战利品有必要被如此不均地分配吗? )

8. But let's say you have sunlight hitting some particle and it's unevenly heated. (翻译:设想:阳光照在这些粒子上,而且受热不均 )

9. But much of it cannot be captured (top), and the rest is distributed unevenly (bottom). (翻译:但这其中绝大多数都不会被利用,而只有余下的才会被平均分配。)

10. Sore from constant speech, throats breathe heavily and unevenly. (翻译:由于激烈发言后咽喉疼痛 他们沉重的呼吸时断时续)

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