actresses是什么意思 actresses的中文翻译、读音、例句

actresses是什么意思 actresses的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性



- There were many talented actresses at the audition.

- The actresses in the movie delivered amazing performances.

2. 拼写和发音

'Actresses' 的拼写和发音与其单数形式 'actress' 有所不同。'Actresses' 的末尾加上了 '-es',读音是 /ˈæk.trɪs.ɪz/。


- Can you spell 'actresses' correctly?

- It can be challenging for non-native speakers to pronounce 'actresses' correctly.

3. 数量和质量

'Actresses' 涉及到女演员的数量和质量,可以指多个女演员或者特定的一批女演员。


- The actresses in this play are all highly experienced.

- These actresses are among the most talented in the industry.

4. 性别和平等

'Actresses' 提醒人们关注女性在演艺界的地位和表现,同时也涉及到性别平等的话题。


- The actresses demanded equal pay and treatment.

- This year's awards ceremony recognized outstanding actresses from diverse backgrounds.

5. 娱乐和文化

'Actresses' 是一个涉及到娱乐和文化的术语,它暗示着许多好莱坞明星和世界各地的电影节和电视节目。


- These actresses are beloved by fans all over the world.

- The Cannes Film Festival attracts many talented actresses every year.





1. Many famous actresses started their careers in smaller roles.


2. The actresses were rehearsing their lines for the upcoming play.





例句:She has matured into one of the country's finest actresses. (她已经成长为这个国家一位最优秀的演员。)


例句:Lots of actresses come from Brooklyn. Barbara Stanwyck and Susan Hayward. (许多女演员都来自布鲁克林 芭芭拉史坦威克和苏珊海华)


actresses一般作为名词使用,如在voice actresses([网络] 配音员)等常见短语中出现较多。

voice actresses[网络] 配音员


1. I told a few columnists Mel Gibson was looking for actresses for his film. (翻译:我告诉几个专栏作家梅尔吉勃孙 在为他的新片寻找女主角)

2. Actresses started believing that fashion was a seamless part of life and a seamless part of celebrity, and that was fine. (翻译:一众女星开始 认为时尚与生活息息相关 与名声息息相关)

3. Like so many aspiring actresses, she ended up waiting tables and temping in office jobs. (翻译:和众多曾经满怀抱负的女演员一样,她最终也只落得在餐厅端盘子、在办公室打临时工。)

4. And in this extraordinary setting, the costumes were like actors and actresses, or living sculptures. (翻译:在这样非比寻常的布设中, 服装就像是男女演员,像是有生命的雕塑。)

5. Wait till you see her. You'll change your mind about actresses. (翻译:等你看到她你就知道了 你会改变对女演员的看法的)

6. Kamata's famous for good actresses (翻译:你说的松竹蒲田主要是因为女演员吧 说得对,女演员阵容整齐啊)

7. Since when is Rachel one of your favorite actresses? (翻译:什么时候Rachel Petkoff成了 你最喜欢的女演员了?)

8. You always make the actresses remain the center while actors are nothing (翻译:女演员抢尽了风头 把男演员仅有的那点光彩也剥夺了)

9. You wouldn't be the pimp for actresses I won't lie to you like the fortune teller (翻译:也轮不到你拉皮条 朋友,看风水的骗你xx年xx年)

10. I was thinking of casting two actresses to play the roles. (翻译:我打算 这两个角色... 用两个演员去演)

11. Ah socialist actresses such a wonder, eh... (翻译:啊对了 那些社会主义国家的女演员 真是太有意思了.. 嗯)

12. Actresses not only fell for director's charm, they immediately fell in love with him. (翻译:女演员不仅仅被他迷倒, 而且对他一见钟情)

13. They go into the woods and sacrifice actresses to breed more agents. (翻译:他们进入 树林和牺牲 女演员滋生更多的代理商。)

14. Age is another bogey for actresses. (翻译:年龄是另一个让女演员们担心的问题。)

15. All the characters' names are fake, and all are performed by professional actors and actresses. (翻译:而剧中所有人物都是假名 而且全部角色都由专业演员来演出)

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