reald是什么意思 reald的中文翻译、读音、例句

reald是什么意思 reald的中文翻译、读音、例句

'reald' 不是一个单词,可能是一个拼写错误。以下是可能正确的选项:

1. real (形容词) - 真实的,实际的,真正的

- The painting looks so real, it's hard to believe it's not a photograph. (这幅画看起来太真实了,很难相信它不是一张照片。)

- I need to see some real progress on this project before the deadline. (在截止日期之前,我需要看到这个项目取得一些真正的进展。)

2. real (名词) - 真实的事物,实体

- The reality of the situation finally hit her. (事实终于让她明白了。)

- He's not just a character in a book, he's a real person. (他不仅仅是一本书里的角色,他是一个真实的人。)

3. really (副词) - 真正地,非常,实际上

- I really enjoyed the movie. (我非常喜欢这个电影。)

- Are you really going to eat that whole pizza by yourself? (你真的要一个人吃掉整个比萨吗?)

4. realism (名词) - 现实主义,写实主义,现实性

- The novel is a prime example of magical realism. (这部小说是魔幻现实主义的典范。)

- The artist is known for his attention to realism in his paintings. (这位艺术家以他绘画中对现实主义的关注而闻名。)

5. unreal (形容词) - 不真实的,虚幻的,想象的

- The special effects in the movie make the action scenes look unreal. (电影中的特效让动作场面看起来虚幻。)

- Winning the lottery felt unreal to her. (中彩票让她感到不真实。)

6. surreal (形容词) - 超现实的,荒诞的

- The dream I had last night was so surreal, it felt like I was in a Salvador Dali painting. (我昨晚做的梦太超现实了,感觉就像身处在萨尔瓦多·达利的画中。)

- The experience of walking through the desert at night was surreal. (在晚上穿越沙漠的经历让人感到超现实。)

7. realismus (德语名词,意为“写实主义”)

- Der Realismus in der Literatur war eine Reaktion auf die romantische Bewegung. (文学上的写实主义是对浪漫主义运动的一种反应。)

- Die Malerei dieser Epoche war vom Realismus geprägt. (这个时代的绘画受到写实主义的影响。)


- This is the real deal. 这是真的。

- He's a real friend. 他是个真正的朋友。

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