neuralink是什么意思 neuralink的中文翻译、读音、例句

neuralink是什么意思 neuralink的中文翻译、读音、例句



- develop/create a neuralink:开发/创建神经连接

- brain-computer interface via neuralink:通过神经连接的脑机接口

- neuralink chip:神经连接芯片


- neural network:神经网络

- neural pathway:神经通路

- neural science:神经科学



1. The ultimate goal of Neuralink is to implant wireless brain-computer interfaces in humans to allow them to control computers directly with their thoughts.(《华尔街日报》报道)

2. The Neuralink team has built a chip that is implanted into the brain through a small incision, allowing the brain to wirelessly communicate with external devices.(《卫报》报道)

3. Neuralink CEO Elon Musk said that the company is working on a device that could be implanted behind the ear, which would allow for seamless interaction between people and technology.(《CNBC》报道)

4. Researchers at Neuralink have been developing a "neural lace" that would allow the brain to communicate wirelessly with devices.(《CNN》报道)

5. The neuralink technology could potentially revolutionize the way humans interact with machines and allow individuals to control prosthetics, computers, and other electronic devices simply through their thoughts.(《福布斯》报道)

6. The neuralink technology has tremendous potential to help people with disabilities, such as paralysis, communicate and control their environment.(《科技新闻》报道)

7. With the development of the neuralink, scientists hope to better understand how the brain works and ultimately develop treatments for neurological diseases.(《自然》报道)


读音:nèi róng liàn jiē


1. 由特斯拉创始人伊隆·马斯克创立的神经链接公司致力于研究大脑与计算机接口的融合。

2. 这个名为神经链接的项目的目标是将人类大脑与计算机链接,实现人类大脑和计算机之间的无缝交互。




例句:under a mental picture of someone, she writes it in ink. (she writes it in ink.)


例句:My CPU's neural network was imprinted by my controller's, a human's neural framework. (我的系统单元 神经网络的特点是 - - 我kontrollants,一个人, 神经骨架。)


1. Yes,it was, and there was ink on his hands, just like the ink on your shirt right now,Mr. Miller. (翻译:正是如此 他手上有墨水的痕迹 正是你T恤上的)

2. And that's him, delivering AIR-INKs to the ports so that the artists around the world can use it. (翻译:那是他,正在将AIR-INK运送到码头, 这样全球的艺术家们就能用上了。)

3. These are neural implants to prevent seizures in people with epilepsy or brain damage. (翻译:这些是植入神经 These are neural implants 用来防止癫痫痉挛 to prevent seizures in people with epilepsy 或是脑损伤痉挛 or brain damage.)

4. When they do, they are taken up, ink and all, by younger cells nearby, so the ink stays where it is. (翻译:死去之后,它们体内的颜料 被附近新生的细胞所携带 所以颜料不会被代谢出体外 )

5. Printwell's Ink Jet Division manufactures ink-jet printers and the ink cartridges they use. (翻译:Printwell 的喷墨部门生产喷墨打印机及其使用的墨盒。)

6. Germany characteristics of a printing ink and penetrant, more in-depth penetration Ink Paper, Ink increased wear resistance. (翻译:印刷采用德国特质油墨加渗透剂,使油墨渗透更深入皮内,增加油墨耐磨性。)

7. - You mean like invisible ink? (翻译:- 你是说像用隐形墨水那种东西写出来的?)

8. The requires properties of polyurethane adhesive ink conjugation were introduced. A polyurethane adhesive for ink conjugation was prepared. (翻译:简单介绍了聚氨酯油墨连接料的使用性能要求,合成了一种油墨连接料用聚氨酯胶粘剂。)

9. The procedure can cause neural backfires, (翻译:这个步骤会导致神经逆放电 The procedure can cause neural backfires,)

10. Conclusions TXL can improve the survival rate of neural cells and protect neural cells. (翻译:结论通心络可促进神经细胞生存,具有神经细胞保护作用。)

11. Even if the ink of the same nature, its quality and attach themselves stickiness are also different, the ink is known to occur. (翻译:即使同一本质的油墨,它的质度和附着黏度也不同,传墨时会呈现不差同。)

12. There is little ink in my bottle, can you gire me a little ink? (翻译:我的瓶子里没有墨水了,你能给我点儿墨水吗? )

13. BP network is a feedforward neural network practiced by back propagation algorithm, is one of neural network modes applied widely. (翻译:BP网络是一种按误差逆传播算法训练的多层前馈网络,是目前应用最广泛的神经网络模型之一。)

14. We need to examine the region for increased neural kinesis. (翻译:我们要检测下神经反应 We need to examine the region for increased neural kinesis.)

15. Part of the tall, neural spine of the bone was broken off. (翻译:neural spine of the bone was broken off.)

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