captured是什么意思 captured的中文翻译、读音、例句

captured是什么意思 captured的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:be captured by(被……所吸引)、capture the moment(捕捉瞬间)、capture the attention(引起注意)、capture a photo(拍照)、capture an audience(吸引观众)、capture the market(占领市场)等。

短语:capture the flag(控制旗帜)、capture the essence(抓住本质)、capture the flavor(体验味道)、capture a glimpse(捕捉一瞥)、capture the enemy(俘虏敌人)等。



1. The hunters captured a deer in the forest.(猎人们在森林中捕获了一只鹿。)

2. The soldiers captured the enemy’s stronghold.(士兵们占领了敌人的堡垒。)

3. She captured the beauty of the sunset in her painting.(她用画笔捕捉了日落的美丽。)

4. The advertisement captured the attention of many viewers.(广告引起了许多观众的注意。)

5. He captured the flag and won the game.(他控制了旗帜,赢得了比赛。)

6. The photographer captured a stunning image of the city skyline.(摄影师捕捉到了城市天际线的惊人图像。)

7. The new product captured the market and became very popular.(新产品占领了市场,变得非常受欢迎。)




1. The criminal was captured by the police after a long chase.(经过漫长的追逐,罪犯被警方抓获了。)

2. The beauty of the landscape was captured in the painting.(画中捕捉到了风景的美丽。)

3. The enemy stronghold was finally captured by the army.(敌人的据点最终被军队夺取。)

4. The photographer captured the moment of the proposal on film.(摄影师用胶片记录了求婚时刻。)




例句:The explosion was captured on our camera at the scene. (通过我台的现场录像可以看到现场的情况 -=紧急速报 麻浦大桥又发生爆炸,桥上市民被孤立=- -=刚才麻浦大桥发生第二次爆炸=-)


例句:Based on witness descriptions And captured images, (基于目击者的描述和抓拍到的录像 嫌犯为白人)


例句:It was first captured by the Spanish... (最早是由西班牙人发掘出来,他们相信这球体内蕴藏着极大的能量)


例句:The description perfectly captured Edwards' personal vanity. (翻译:这个描述完美地刻画了 Edwards的虚荣心)


1. It was first captured by the Spanish... (翻译:最早是由西班牙人发掘出来,他们相信这球体内蕴藏着极大的能量)

2. The description perfectly captured Edwards' personal vanity. (翻译:这个描述完美地刻画了 Edwards的虚荣心)

3. They captured many illegal immigrants (翻译:{\fn华文新魏\fs20\bord1\shad0\fsp2\3cHFF8000}他们捉到不少人蛇)

4. The description perfectly captured Edwards' personal vanity. (翻译:这个描述完美地刻画了 Edwards的虚荣心 )

5. We think he may have been captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. (翻译:我们猜测他可能被神盾局抓走了 We think he may have been captured by S. H. I.)

6. Speaking of captured souls, (翻译:说到摄魂—— Speaking of captured souls,)

7. Last time I went back for Lincoln, HYDRA almost captured me. (翻译:上回我回去救林肯 海德拉差点逮到了我 Last time I went back for Lincoln, Hydra almost captured me.)

8. We know only that she has been captured. (翻译:我们只知道她被抓起来了 We know only that she has been captured.)

9. The thieves made sounded the alarm, and captured. (翻译:现在除当 时的司机 以外其余嫌犯都已经捉拿归案)

10. This is captured CPU time. (翻译:这是捕获的 CPU 时间。)

11. Then captured William and locked him away (翻译:...去追捕并杀死那些动物... ...他们就会捉到威廉... ...把他关入监狱)

:// (翻译://

13. What happens to Boris once your handlers find out you were captured? (翻译:如果你的上级发现你被捕了 What happens to Boris once your handlers Boris会怎么样? find out you were captured?)

14. I am struck by the clarity with which you have captured the moment. (翻译:我被您在那一刻所扑捉到的纯净深深震撼 I am struck by the clarity with which you have captured the moment.)

15. The article captured the mood of the nation. (翻译:这篇文章把国民的情绪把得很准。)

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