tends是什么意思 tends的中文翻译、读音、例句

tends是什么意思 tends的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:tends 是动词 tend 的第三人称单数形式,表示倾向、趋势、照料、关心等意思。


词组搭配:tend to (倾向于),tend towards (趋向于),tend a garden (照料花园),tend to the sick (照顾病人),tend bar (调酒),tend a fire (照料火堆),tend livestock (照料牲畜)。




1. She tends to be late for meetings. 她有点迟到会议。

2. The temperature tends to drop at night. 温度在晚上有下降的趋势。

3. She tends a small garden in her backyard. 她照料后院里的小花园。

4. The nurse tends to the sick patients every day. 护士每天照顾病人。

5. He tends bar at a local pub. 他在当地的酒吧当调酒师。

6. He tends the fire to keep it burning all night. 他照料火堆,让它整夜燃烧。

7. The farmer tends his livestock on a daily basis. 农民每天都会照顾他的牲畜。



1. His behavior tends to be aggressive when he's stressed out.(他压力大时,行为倾向于变得攻击性。)

2. The weather tends to be hot and humid during the summer months.(夏季的天气往往是炎热潮湿的。)

3. The company tends to hire employees with experience in the industry.(公司倾向于聘请在行业中有经验的员工。)




例句:No one tends their parents' graves this well nowadays. (现在这世道 哪有人会对父母的坟墓这么上心的)


例句:First of all, it tends to be permanent. (it tends to be permanent.)


例句:All wood tends to shrink. (所有的木头都会收缩。)


例句:I knew Lutherans tends to false prophets. (翻译:我知道路德和丁道尔 都是伪先知 I knew Lutheran and Tyndale,false prophet.)


tends一般作为名词使用,如在tends to([网络] 往往;分子吸引力倾向;如果你打扰詹妮)、tends towards(走向;趋向;有助于;造成)等常见短语中出现较多。

tends to[网络] 往往;分子吸引力倾向;如果你打扰詹妮
tends towards走向;趋向;有助于;造成


1. All wood tends to shrink. (翻译:所有的木头都会收缩。)

2. I knew Lutherans tends to false prophets. (翻译:我知道路德和丁道尔 都是伪先知 I knew Lutheran and Tyndale,false prophet.)

3. She tends to annoy people. (翻译:她的举止往往惹人烦。)

4. Well, of course, everything tends to end sooner or later. (翻译:那当然啦,所有的事情都会结束的,或早或晚。)

5. But because of the accident, Masako tends to Arman's wounds. (翻译:虽说这种事情发生过 但政子依旧照顾亚鲁曼)

6. If you spin something, it tends to fly out. (翻译:当把它旋转起来并洒点东西上去,它们就会满天飞了 )

7. Power tends to corrupt. (翻译:权力容易造成腐化。)

8. He tends to avoid all physical contact. (翻译:他倾向于避免一切身体接触。)

9. Fatness tends to run in families. (翻译:肥胖往往有遗传性。)

10. But meetings also procreate. So one meeting tends to lead to another meeting and tends to lead to another meeting. (翻译:但是开会有时也是为了提前安排事宜。一个又一个开不完的会议。)

11. Booze tends to take the edge off. (翻译:酒精会让人丧失敏锐 我想保持愤怒 Booze tends to take the edge off. I want to stay angry.)

12. Kidney disease tends to attack both kidneys at the same time. (翻译:肾病在同时侵袭了两个肾脏 Kidney disease tends to attack both kidneys at the same time.)

13. The younger generation tends to go a little bit racier. (翻译:年轻一代的人比较露骨 The younger generation tends to go a little bit racier.)

14. He tends to act on impulse. (翻译:他往往凭一时冲动行事。)

15. Chinese culture tends to encourage negative use of language taboos, whereas English culture tends to prefer positive use of language taboos. (翻译:中国文化倾向于鼓励消极地使用禁忌语,而西方文化偏好积极地运用禁忌语;)



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