froth是什么意思 froth的中文翻译、读音、例句

froth是什么意思 froth的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词语的词形变化与意义:除了名词外,'froth'也可以是及物动词,此时意为使变成泡沫状物。另外,在口语中,'froth'还可以用作形容词,意为华而不实或者毫无价值的。

2. 词语的使用场景:'froth'可以用于描述液体或者饮料的表面泡沫,也可以用于描述一些表面上仅仅是装饰性的事物或者想法。

3. 词语在文学作品中的用途:'froth'在文学作品中经常用于比喻,例如描述浮华的生活或者沉迷于表面上的事物而无法发现真正的价值。


1. The beer was still frothing in the glass.(这杯啤酒里还有泡沫。)

2. He frothed the milk for his cappuccino.(他为自己的卡布奇诺泡制牛奶泡沫。)

3. That celebrity's life is all froth and no substance.(那位名人的生活充满了浮华和虚荣,毫无实质内容。)

4. The sea was frothing angrily against the rocks.(大海在岩石上翻腾着泡沫。)

5. He dismissed her argument as mere froth.(他认为她的论点只是一些装饰性的话而已。)





1. The beer was topped with a thick layer of froth.


2. His argument was just froth, without any real substance.





例句:I am Drith of the Silures. Son of Froth, of the golden knees. (Dirth从silurerna, 儿子金色的膝盖泡沫。)


例句:May I introduce you to strip steak accompanied by an airy beetroot froth? (让我向你介绍甜菜泡沫汁拌牛排? )


例句:Freshly ground and brewed espresso with a dollop of milk, froth 260 degrees. (用新鲜的煮好的意大利浓咖啡 加一点牛奶,泡沫 260 度。)


例句:Three small goldfishes are spitting the froth mutually, probably is recounting their joyful mood. (翻译:三只小金鱼互相吐着泡泡,好像在述说它们快乐的心情。)


froth一般作为名词、动词使用,如在froth and bubble(像泡沫一样短暂的事物,转瞬即逝的东西;昙花一现)、froth blower(na. 〈英,谑〉爱喝啤酒的人)、froth breaker(消泡器)等常见短语中出现较多。

froth and bubble像泡沫一样短暂的事物,转瞬即逝的东西;昙花一现
froth blowerna. 〈英,谑〉爱喝啤酒的人
froth breaker消泡器
froth buildup泡沫堵塞
froth chromatography[化] 泡沫色谱法
froth concentrate泡沫精矿
froth cooler泡沫接触式冷却器
froth degumming泡沫脱胶
froth depth泡沫深度


1. Freshly ground and brewed espresso with a dollop of milk, froth 260 degrees. (翻译:用新鲜的煮好的意大利浓咖啡 加一点牛奶,泡沫 260 度。)

2. Three small goldfishes are spitting the froth mutually, probably is recounting their joyful mood. (翻译:三只小金鱼互相吐着泡泡,好像在述说它们快乐的心情。)

3. The mixture will froth a bit, no worries. (翻译:此时这混合物会冒点小泡,你不必担心。)

4. You see, if you wanna keep the rivers of money flowing, you've got to encourage it to, you know, froth and bubble and ebb... (翻译:你瞧,如果想让钱源源不断进来 你得激发它,想想看,就像潮起潮落...)

5. DOWNCOMER BACKUP FLOOD: Downcomer is totally full of froth; liquid backs up on tray. (翻译:降液管液泛:降液管被完全充满,液相回流到塔盘。)

6. His mouth froths, and the froth is the word. (翻译:他正满嘴唾沫,那唾沫便是那个字了。)

7. But he said "all the froth bubbles add up to an aggregate bubble" . (翻译:但他表示:“这些浮沫聚集在一起,就会形成一个总体的泡沫。”)

8. Giant waves froth the sand. (翻译:巨浪使沙滩覆盖了泡沫。)

9. Burst capillaries and pink froth in the airway. (翻译:毛细血管突起 呼吸气道有白沫 Burst capillaries and pink froth in the airway.)

10. The stunning works - dubbed 'froth art' - were created by a manager at the Fremont Coffee Company in Seattle, Washington. (翻译:这些令人惊叹的作品——被称为“泡沫艺术”——是由一位咖啡公司经理创作的,他来自华盛顿州西雅图的费里蒙特咖啡公司。)

11. The male of the 'Beta' fish blows froth to make a nest, and after luring a female inside, he bends his body and forces the eggs out of her by squeezing her body. (翻译:一种叫BETA的公鱼吹气泡来做巢 吸引雌鱼过来后扭曲自己的身体 并以此方法将卵排出)

12. And this getting into a jealous froth because I spent ten minutes with a stage-struck kid. (翻译:现在又为了我和一个 梦想成为演员的小女孩 谈了十分钟就醋性大发有何感想吗?)

13. In addition, DAA has very strong foamability which is helpful for froth flotation. (翻译:同时捕收剂DAA具有很强的起泡性,为泡沫浮选提供了先决条件。)

14. Of course, all this froth is going as much to the heads of brokerages as to anyone else. (翻译:当然,和其它任何企业一样,当前的市场泡沫也让券商们头脑发热。)

15. You stir it up into a heady froth Tasty just like silk (翻译:You stir it up into a heady froth Tasty just like silk)



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