短语:taboo subject/ taboo topic
1. 在某些文化中,谈论死亡是一件被视为禁忌的事情。
In some cultures, talking about death is a taboo subject.
2. 在这个社会中,儒家思想在很长一段时间内一直是被视为禁忌的。
In this society, Confucius’ ideas have been taboo for a long time.
3. 在这个部落中,男女之间的亲密接触是被视为禁忌的。
In this tribe, intimate contact between men and women is regarded as taboo.
4. 因为宗教原因,禁忌食品在巴基斯坦是非常常见的。
Taboo foods are very common in Pakistan because of religious reasons.
5. 在某些文化中,婚内性行为之外的一切都被视为禁忌。
In some cultures, everything outside of marital sex is considered taboo.
6. 我们应该尊重不同文化中的禁忌,避免做出无意识的冒犯。
We should respect taboos in different cultures and avoid making unintentional offenses.
7. 传统上,女性在多个文化中都被视为一个禁忌主题,但现代社会中这种情况开始改变。
Traditionally, women have been a taboo topic in many cultures, but this is starting to change in modern society.
1. In some cultures, discussing death is considered a taboo topic.
2. It is a taboo to eat pork in some religions.
3. Breaking a taboo can lead to social ostracism.
例句:It is undeniable that euphemisms are closely related with taboos. However, this does not mean that the euphemized subjects are only taboos. (不可否认委婉语与禁忌语密切相关,但这并不意味着委婉语的婉指对象一定是禁忌语。)
例句:"She's vulnerable, she's exposed, " she said of Kotak. "It's the most basic visceral experience that also has the most taboos. " (“她是脆弱的,她是暴露的,”她shuoKotak说:“这种最基本的体内活动也有很大的禁忌。”)
例句:Their story quickly spread, and before long the term "Donner Party" became synonymous with one of humanity's most ingrained taboos. (他们的故事很快就传开了,不久之后,“唐纳之队”便成了人人谈虎色变的禁忌。)
1. Their story quickly spread, and before long the term "Donner Party" became synonymous with one of humanity's most ingrained taboos. (翻译:他们的故事很快就传开了,不久之后,“唐纳之队”便成了人人谈虎色变的禁忌。)
2. Let's talk parenting taboos: Rufus Griscom + Alisa Volkman (翻译:鲁弗斯·格里斯科姆Rufus Griscom和阿利萨·沃尔克曼Alisa Volkman:让我们说说育儿的禁忌)
3. These religious taboos -- and faith in the priests' magical powers -- are slowly beginning to crumble. (翻译:这些宗教禁忌,以及对祭司们神奇力量的笃信,正在开始逐步瓦解。)
4. And it's not about the blood, as Freud would have you say, because if it were, there would be an ear, nose and throat surgeon up here right now, talking about the taboos of nose bleeds, right? (翻译:正如弗洛伊德所说的那样, 这和血液无关, 因为如果有关的话, 现在这里就会有 一群耳鼻喉外科医师 谈论着流鼻血的禁忌,对吧? )
5. But, above all, we have sufficient moral maturity... to understand what this new step means... for human evolution, to look at the future... and put an end to certain meaningless taboos... inherited from ancient religions... old and useless memories. (翻译:但 首先 我们要有成熟的道德观念 来理解人类进化中这种进步的意义)
6. It's a spiritual counselor that keeps the tribe from breaking your taboos. (翻译:这就如同你的精神导师 免得其他人触犯你的禁忌)
7. Primitive religion includes worship of natural, totem and ancestor, Manitou concept, witchery, taboos, religion festival and folk tales. (翻译:原始宗教包括自然崇拜、图腾崇拜、祖先崇拜、神灵观念、巫术、禁忌、宗教节日以及民间传说等。)
8. Perverse impulses seem to arise when people focus intensely on avoiding specific errors or taboos. (翻译:当人们非常紧张的试图避免犯某种错误或禁忌时,反常冲动似乎就出现了。)
9. It is undeniable that euphemisms are closely related with taboos. However, this does not mean that the euphemized subjects are only taboos. (翻译:不可否认委婉语与禁忌语密切相关,但这并不意味着委婉语的婉指对象一定是禁忌语。)
10. And in some way that I do not fully understand, it employs taboos and ancient superstitions to make its effect. (翻译:并且 我还没能完全理解的是 影片使用了禁忌元素和古代迷信的手法 来达到效果)
11. Paddy : Well you can but remember if you break taboos you will have to deal with the consequences of that. (翻译:帕迪:你能说到,但是记住如果你要打破这些忌讳,你要自行处理之后的后果。)
12. The other taboos may be considered crimes and sins against society. (翻译:其余性禁忌可能会被视为 违背社会道德的犯罪和违规)
13. While you cannot know the customs of every country you visit, you can be sensitive to basic cultural preferences and taboos. (翻译:虽然你不可能了解你所到访的每个国家的风俗习惯,但是你对基本的文化偏爱和禁忌要敏感。)
14. "Artists, like other intellectuals, question taboos, challenge norms, bring enlightenment, " he said. (翻译:他说道,“艺术家,就像其他知识分子一样,会对忌讳的话题提出质疑,向传统发起挑战,给人们以启蒙。”)
15. Mr Streiff promises to rethink such taboos and present the results of his inquiry early next year. (翻译:斯特·雷夫允诺将重新考虑外包策略,并将在其明年的调查结果中阐述这一问题。)