stuffy是什么意思 stuffy的中文翻译、读音、例句

stuffy是什么意思 stuffy的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. The feeling of suffocation or tightness

Stuffy可以形容某种使人感到憋闷或者压迫不透的感觉,通常是指空气或者房间空间有些不流通或者不通透。例如:“The room was so stuffy that I had to open the window to let some fresh air in.”(房间太闷了,我不得不开窗户让新鲜空气进来。)

2. Overly formal or conservative

Stuffy还可以形容某种保守或者过于正式的氛围或者人的行为方式。例如:“I don’t like going to that restaurant because it’s always so stuffy and uptight.”(我不喜欢去那家餐厅,因为那里总是感觉很拘谨。)

3. Full of useless or uninteresting information

Stuffy还可以形容过于琐碎或者没有意思的信息。例如:“I didn’t read that book because the writing was too stuffy and academic.”(我没读那本书,因为内容太过学术化而缺乏趣味性。)

4. Congestion or infection

Stuffy还可以形容鼻塞或者与感染有关的症状。例如:“I can’t breathe properly because I have a stuffy nose.”(我因为鼻塞无法正常呼吸。)


1. The library was stuffy and quiet, with an air of intense concentration.


2. The professor's stuffy lectures put most students to sleep within the first ten minutes.


3. She always wears stuffy, conservative clothes to work, even on casual Fridays.


4. My allergy to pollen always makes me feel stuffy and congested at this time of year.


5. The author's stuffy writing style made it difficult for me to stay interested in the book.


stuffy 的中文翻译:闷热的;窒息的;陈腐的。



1. The room was stuffy and airless.


2. I felt a bit stuffy in there, so I went outside for some fresh air.


3. He has a stuffy personality and doesn't know how to have fun.


4. She complained about the stuffy atmosphere in the office.





例句:Like... stuffy, uptight, professional? (碞钩琌... セタ竒 玂 尽穨癸?)


例句:All daytime long not is do a word is stuffy in the yard, not terrified seclude with a life time? (整天不是练字就是闷在院子里,不怕与世隔绝吗?)


例句:No stuffy ceremonies to attend. (户外运动 与皇家同龄人交际 不必参加正式典礼)


例句:ONE of life’s sadder statistics is that about 8% of people get sneezy and stuffy-headed after drinking wine. (翻译:这世上有一个统计数据令人伤心,那就是大约有8%的人在饮用红酒以后会产生打喷嚏和头昏脑涨的症状。)


stuffy一般作为形容词使用,如在hot and stuffy(闷热)、stuffy nose(曲差)、stuffy pain(闷痛)等常见短语中出现较多。

hot and stuffy闷热
stuffy nose曲差
stuffy pain闷痛
stuffy room不通气的室
relieving stuffy nose通鼻


1. No stuffy ceremonies to attend. (翻译:户外运动 与皇家同龄人交际 不必参加正式典礼)

2. ONE of life’s sadder statistics is that about 8% of people get sneezy and stuffy-headed after drinking wine. (翻译:这世上有一个统计数据令人伤心,那就是大约有8%的人在饮用红酒以后会产生打喷嚏和头昏脑涨的症状。)

3. Maybe they're tired of stuffy, serious conductors. (翻译:可能是因为 一直以来 那个乐团的指挥都是些保守低调的人的吧)

4. In particular, to the mouth of the meat but do not swallow it, the tone was really stuffy in the heart suffers. (翻译:尤其是到了嘴边的肉却咽不下去时,那口气闷在心里实在不好受。)

5. I walked slowly to mention in the river, the cool breeze began to blow down these days stuffy in the heart of the mind. (翻译:我缓缓地在河提走着,凉风吹起了这几天闷在心底的心事。)

6. You'd better get up and take a walk in the garden. It's better than lying mewed up all day in this stuffy sickroom. (翻译:你最好还是起来到花园里去散散步。这比整天把自己关起来躺在空气混浊的病房里要好些。)

7. Further exposure can lead to a permanently stuffy or 'bunged-up' nose and losing the sense of smell. (翻译:更进一步的暴露能导致永久性的不通气感或鼻塞感并且丧失嗅觉。)

8. Uttama-sloka handed him the card and he slowly made his way back to the stuffy economy section. (翻译:斯洛卡把登机牌递给他,他慢慢的向后面拥挤的经济舱走去了。)

9. You will probably experience the symptoms of sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, stuffy or runny noses and scratchy throats. (翻译:你很可能会经历像打喷嚏、眼睛瘙痒和流泪、鼻塞或流鼻涕以及喉咙刺痛等症状。)

10. People with stuffy or blocked noses often snore. (翻译:鼻塞的人经常打鼾。)

11. No stuffy cubicles here. (翻译:没有闷热的隔间。)

12. Forna to stuffy for a long time to restore the past: "Which do you?" (翻译:来福纳闷了好久,回复过去:“你哪位?” )

13. Now, frankly this Department has got to cut a great swathe through all this stuffy Whitehall bureaucracy. (翻译:好了 先生们 看来这个部门必须 Now, frankly this Department has got to cut 冲破紧绑的白厅官僚体制的束缚 a great swathe through all this stuffy Whitehall bureaucracy.)

14. It's gettin' stuffy in here. What if we don't make it? (翻译:这里越来越让人感到窒息 如果我们逃不出去呢?)

15. "So late, mutually public matter? " She stuffy track, smelt shallow svelte wine joss-stick in his body. (翻译:“这么晚了,相公有事吗?”她闷声道,闻到了他身上浅淡的酒香。)



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