词义:retake 通常表示“重新拍摄(电影、照片等)”、“重考(考试)”、“重新夺取(领土、城市等)”等意思。
词组搭配:retake an exam(重考考试)、retake a city(重新夺取一座城市)、retake a photo(重新拍摄一张照片)、retake a movie(重新拍摄一部电影)
1. They had to retake the scene because of the bad lighting.
2. I’m going to have to retake the test in order to get a passing grade.
3. The army had to retake the city after it was captured by the enemy.
4. The photographer asked the model to retake the photo from a different angle.
5. I failed my driving test the first time, so I’m hoping to retake it soon.
6. The movie studio had to retake a crucial scene because the sound was of poor quality.
7. The team was determined to retake the championship trophy this year.
1. I need to retake the exam because I didn't pass it the first time. (我需要重考这个考试。)
2. The director decided to retake one of the scenes because he wasn't happy with the actor's performance. (导演决定重新拍摄其中的一场戏,因为他对演员的表演不满意。)
3. The band had to retake the song several times before they got the perfect recording. (这支乐队不得不多次录这首歌曲,直到录音完美为止。)
4. The army has to retake the city from the enemy. (军队必须从敌人手中夺回这座城市。)
例句:Act as if they were scenes in a movie that you get to retake. (把他们看作电影中的场景,而你从中获得益处。)
例句:Joint Maritime, land and Air campaign to retake the Falkland Islands. (联合海上,陆地和空中的运动,以夺回福克兰群岛。)
例句:Unite the army's of the dwarves. Together you have the might and power to retake Erebor. (召集矮人军队,集合你所有的力量,收复伊鲁伯。)
例句:He can raise a few hundred men and retake Winterfell before the new moon. (翻译:他可以召集几百人马,这个月就能夺回临冬城)
1. Unite the army's of the dwarves. Together you have the might and power to retake Erebor. (翻译:召集矮人军队,集合你所有的力量,收复伊鲁伯。)
2. He can raise a few hundred men and retake Winterfell before the new moon. (翻译:他可以召集几百人马,这个月就能夺回临冬城)
3. Cels are more of a problem because they are more expensive to retake and take more time to produce. (翻译:赛璐璐胶片是个更大的问题,因为重做这东西更贵,也更花时间。)
4. And then we can retake control of the building. (翻译:-进而恢复对大楼的控制 -没错 - and then we can retake control of the building.)
5. The faster we retake the fort, the faster you'll be back on the water en route to the Urca with my men in your service. (翻译:我们越快夺回堡垒 你就能越快重回海上征途 在我船员的帮助下追寻厄卡号)
6. The rest of the world will have to retake effect to this millennial economic shift to Asia, and then the rising power of China. (翻译:在新千年,看着翻译。经济重心将向亚洲转移,中国将迅速兴起,世界其他地域将不得不对此做出反应。)
7. Our job is to retake the John A. Warden, rescue any and all survivors and exterminate any resistance we might find. (翻译:我们的任务是夺回John A. Warden号 抢救幸存者)
8. Agents, we need Warden Green and his C.O.s lucid if we're gonna retake this place. (翻译:特工 我们想夺回这里 就需要格林典狱长和他的狱警恢复神智)
9. The Allies were losing the war, and the invasion would be their attempt to retake the initiative. (翻译:盟军战败了,他们的入侵的目的则是企图夺回主动权。)
10. Your FBI girlfriend just put in a request for you to retake the detective's exam as a series of interviews. (翻译:你联邦干员女朋友替你要求 重新考局长 用面试的方式)
11. The retake campaign might've failed, meaning lots of people from Wall Rose could be evacuating here. (翻译:说不定夺还战已经失败 罗塞之墙的家伙们即将大量的逃窜进来)
12. Officers were going to retake sectors of the city. (翻译:军官们打算收回该市的一些军事管制区。)
13. You study for a year, well, you go to a zoo, you learn some French, and then you'll come back here and you'll retake the exam. (翻译:你在那里学习xx年 去几次动物园 学一点法语 之后再回到这里)
14. Fett and Dengar eventually parted ways during the resurrected Emperor's campaign to retake the galaxy. (翻译:最终,在复活的皇帝发动重夺银河系的战役期间,费特和登加分道扬镳。)
15. Another was to retake the town of Musa Qala, abandoned by the British in 2006 despite American protests. (翻译:另一个是夺回英军于xx年遗弃的穆萨卡拉镇,尽管当时美国人反对。)