1. 定义和解释
Forest 表示“森林”,是指树木茂盛,氧气丰富,生态平衡良好的有大片树木的地带。缩写词 FORSET 可以表示不同的含义,比如“Formation of Research Scientists and Technologists”(科学家和技术人员的组织形成)、“Forecast System for Earthquake and Tsunami”(地震和海啸的预报系统)、“Foresight Assessment of Science and Technology”(科学技术前瞻性评估)等。
2. 词性和发音
Forest 是一个名词,[ˈfɔːrɪst] 发音。FORSET 是一个缩写词,可以根据具体的含义进行发音。
3. 词源和演变
Forest 这个单词起源于古法语的“forest”,意为“狩猎场、林地”,后来引申为“树林、森林”。FORSET 这个缩写词则是由各种专业术语组成的缩写,根据不同的含义,词源和演变也不尽相同。
4. 用法和搭配
Forest 这个单词通常用作名词,作为修饰语或者主语出现,比如:“the Amazon forest”(亚马逊雨林)、“a forest fire”(森林火灾)、“a forest walk”(森林漫步)等。FORSET 这个缩写词的用法则取决于具体的含义和上下文,可以作为专业名词、组织名称、项目缩写等。
5. 示例句子
下面是 5 个中英文例句,以展示 forest 和 FORSET 的用法和搭配:
1. The forest is home to many rare and endangered species. 这片森林是许多稀有和濒临灭绝物种的家园。
2. The forest fire was caused by a lightning strike. 森林火灾是由雷击引起的。
3. Let's take a walk in the forest and enjoy the fresh air. 让我们去森林散步,享受新鲜空气。
4. FORSET is dedicated to promoting research and innovation in science and technology. FORSET致力于促进科学技术研究和创新。
5. The forecast system for earthquake and tsunami can help people prepare for natural disasters. 地震和海啸预报系统可以帮助人们为自然灾害做好准备。
1. The forset is home to a wide variety of wildlife.(这片森林是许多野生动物的家园。)
2. We enjoyed a hike through the forset on a beautiful autumn day.(在一个美丽的秋天里我们享受了一次穿越森林的远足。)
3. The forset is being threatened by deforestation.(这片森林正面临砍伐的威胁。)
例句:# Set a sail, catch a breeze # (# Set a sail, catch a breeze #)
例句:Great set of pipes, but boring to watch. (Great set of pipes, but boring to watch.)
例句:I did it. I started the Apocalypse, and I set Lucifer free. (and i set lucifer free.)
例句:Actually, grand, grand, grand, grand, grandpa and I must go. (翻译:Before the sun is set. THIBAULT:)
1. I did it. I started the Apocalypse, and I set Lucifer free. (翻译:and i set lucifer free.)
2. Actually, grand, grand, grand, grand, grandpa and I must go. (翻译:Before the sun is set. THIBAULT:)
3. Chen, inform people of Macau to set out any time (翻译:inform people of Macau to set out any time)
4. - set forth by T.B.R. Code 7286? (翻译:- set forth by T. B. R.)
5. And all your kisses seem to set me free. (翻译:And all your kisses seem to set me free)
6. ♪ Oh, baby, you set my soul on fire (翻译:# 哦, baby, you set my soul on fire)
7. People like you set a fashion. (翻译:People like you set a fashion.)
8. I would have set up some lookouts. (翻译:I would have set up some lookouts.)
9. 'I contacted my brother, set the wheels in motion. (翻译:set the wheels in motion.)
10. If you love someone, you have to set them free. (翻译:you have to set them free.)
11. The OED has 33 different numbered definitions for set. (翻译:在 OED 里“set”共33种定义。)
12. Are you going to set this? (翻译:Quinn. Are you going to set this?)
13. No, not if we set our minds to it. (翻译:No, not if we set our minds to it.)
14. - Soon it will set us free (翻译:自由在即 - Soon it will set us free)
15. Seemed set on breaking in his new Aston Martin. (翻译:Seemed set on breaking in his new Aston Martin.)